Nice Poems For Moms

I wanted to share some poems that have touched my heart that truly celebrate what it means to experience motherhood, to be inspired by our mothers, and to appreciate motherhood in all of its forms.
The water of her womb, your first home.
The body she pulled apart to welcome you to the world.
The spirit in you she helped grow with all she knew.
The heart that she gave you when yours fell apart.
You are her soft miracle.
So she gave you her eyes to see the best in the worst.
You carry your mother in your eyes.
Make her proud of all she watches you do.
She touched her scars
Reminding herself how beautiful they are
Gracing her body like the stars
Across an endless sky
Aligning perfectly in time
Eternally sacred lines
Following the map they provide
The stories of her children
Our greatest blessings
Brought to life
Love has found me many
times during this lifetime.
Hopelessly besotted and
rocked to the core…
But the love I have for
my children is the only
love that split my soul
with each birth, and still
miraculously multiplies
with each year I am
their mother
I love the imagery in this poem. Mothers come in all forms, and I love that this poem also touches on the soul level of being a mother. Much like childbirth, motherhood can split your soul and forever change you in ways you could never imagine. In this process of breaking open, you can create space for love that will overflow and continue to grow for years to come.
i struggle so deeply
to understand
how someone can
pour their entire soul
blood and energy
into someone
without wanting
anything in
Mothers often sacrifice themselves without ever expecting anything in return. They seek to fill their children with love. They seek to nurture and to protect and to provide, no matter how much it takes from them physically or mentally. Love like this is in its purest form and should always be celebrated.
A mother wraps
her love around
the heart of her
daughter, keeping
each beat steady
through the rhythm of life, until
wings take shape
I love this poem because it describes the relationship mothers have with their children as they grow older. Mothers prepare their children for the world. They ensure that no matter what happens, their children remember that they are loved and capable beyond measure; they can keep this love with them always as they walk through life, knowing that their mother will always be there, whether physically or in spirit, to watch them soar.
is never her own.
Bits of it are sown
into the souls
of her daughters
and her sons

Best 10 of the Mother’s Day Poems! Beautiful Poems for Your Mother

Our mothers start giving everything they can when we are born. They give their time, their love, their care, their money and whatever they have. That is why we should thank them in the best way possible, not just on Mother's Day, we should thank them every day. In this list you will see the best poems that you can read to your mother and make her happy. These are the best 10 Mother’s Day Poems.

Beautiful Poems for Your Mother

I can’t thank you enough my sweet mother,
You are an amazing person; you are a mom.
You’re always there at the second I need you,
You listen to me and understand me, and you show that you care.

A short poem this is,
Going straight to your big heart,
I love you more than a single day.
Happy Mother’s Day

Thank you very much mother,
For all you have done for me,
But I’m still amazed,
Because I still don’t understand,
How can a person do so much for me.

You have done so many things for me,
That is why take this poem as a thank you from me.

Whenever I felt ashamed,
Or I felt alone,
Whenever I saw a scary monster in my room,
You were there for me.
No other heart in the world can contain as much love as I contain for you.

You told me to be a great man,
Now I am,
You told me to be a kind man,
Now I am,
But I couldn’t be kind if I didn’t saw it from you,
I couldn’t be great if I didn’t know that you were great.
Thank you for helping me in my journey of life.

Mom you are the best person I have ever seen,
You are kind, caring and special.
You are the queen of my heart.

Even when I’m away
I’m always thinking of my home’s way,
The way to meet and hug you.

When I was a baby I cried and cried and cried,
But I knew you were there for me,
And relax me.

You always told me I was special,
But actually you are special.
Happy Mother’s day.

“Only One Mother” by George Cooper

“Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.”

This is a simple and short mom poem that your children can quickly learn. It is a perfect Mother's Day poem that tells how the world is so big and embellished with beautiful things. But there is only one mother in the world who will always be there for you–no matter what happens. 

“Everything Mom” by Joanna Fuchs

“How did you find the energy, Mom

To do all the things you did,

To be a teacher, nurse, and counselor

To me, when I was a kid.

How did you do it all, Mom

Be a chauffeur, cook, and friend?”

Do you want to show your child how mothers are superhuman and step into several roles in your life? Then, this is the perfect mom poem to pay your tribute to all the mothers who are everything to their children.

“To My Mother” by Edgar Allan Poe

“Because I feel that, in the Heavens above,

The angels, whispering to one another,

Can find, among their burning terms of love,

None so devotional as that of ‘Mother.'”

This poem might not be one of the most famous poems of the poet. But, it is still the most heartwarming and expressive poem that you can find from Poe. He has written this beautiful poem for her mother-in-law to pay tribute to all the hardships she has gone through to raise his lovely wife.

“Rock Me to Sleep” by Elizabeth Akers Allen

“Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight,

Make me a child again just for tonight!

Nice Poems For Moms

Mother, come back from the echoless shore,

Take me again to your heart as of yore.”

Rock Me to Sleep will take you to the nostalgic memory of your child when your mother used to sing lullabies and rock you to sleep. This mom poem narrates a beautiful message that a mother can embrace all the harshness of this world to protect her child from everything. You can sing this poem to your child and remember your sweet childhood memories.

“What Mother Means” by Karl Fuchs

“Mother” is such a simple word,

But to me, there's meaning seldom heard.

For everything I am today,

My mother's love showed me the way.”

This mom poem has simple vocabulary and sentences. Therefore, you can easily teach this poem to your young children and tell them how a mother contributes everything to build good characteristics in her child.

Paying Respect to Mom

Do you want to introduce a feeling of empathy among your child for orphans? Then, you can recite some emotional mom poems to them about people who don't have the privilege of having a mother. This will make your child realize how blessed they are to have a mom.

“To My Mother” by Christina Rossetti

“To-day's your natal day;

Sweet flowers I bring:

Mother, accept, I pray, My offering.

And may you happy live,

And long us bless;

Receiving as you give Great happiness.”

This is an emotional poem by a famous 80's English poet. She has beautifully narrated how she prayed for her mother and felt blessed to receive great happiness from her. If you have a baby girl, you should teach her this poem. 

“Tribute to Mother” by John Greenleaf Whittier

“A picture memory brings to me;

I look across the years and see

Myself beside my mother's knee.

I feel her gentle hand restrain

My selfish moods, and know again

A child's blind sense of wrong and pain.”

This is a lyrical tribute that you can give to your mother. The poet remembers his childhood days and his mother's undying love in the poem. You can sing this poem with your child and pay homage to all the lovely mothers.

Show Love to Your Mom 

We all love our moms. But we often forget to say to our mothers how much we love them. So, let's change that by using the beautiful language of poetry.

“You Let Me Know You Love Me” by Joanna Fuchs

“You let me know you love me

In so many different ways.

You make me feel important.

Nice Poems For Moms

With encouragement and praise.”

Mothers never let go of an opportunity to tell their children how much they love them. And this mom poem is all about how a mother uses different ways to love and praise her child. With this meaningful mom poem, you can make your child realize how much you love them.

“A Mother” by Christy Ann Martine

“A mother wraps her love

around the heart of her child,

keeping each beat steady

through the rhythm of life

until wings take shape

and it's time for the soul

to take flight.”

It is a beautiful creation that expresses how a mother nurtures and loves her child until one day it's time to make the little one fly. The poet has used modern English and simple sentences, so you can easily teach this poem to your preschoolers. 

“My Heart” by Sharlynn N. Manning

“She's always been there for me.

Just talking to her can make me happy.

She tells me of the hard times she's been through

In hopes that I won't go through them, too.”

If your mother also lives in your heart, this enticing mom poem will help you express your emotions perfectly. The verse is so catchy and easy that your kid will learn it in no time. 

“Dear Mother” by Herman Vymislicky

“I'm writing to you to tell you that I love you

Something I hardly ever do.

I never tell you enough how much I love you and

It's something I must do.”

It is a simple love letter to mom. If you don't say I Love You often to your mother, you can teach this poem to your child, and together, you both can say love to your mother. 

Parting Remarks

Poems are the best way to spark creativity and love for literature among your children. And when a poem is about mothers, it can make your child understand all the sacrifices that a mother makes for her children. In addition, mom poems develop emotions like empathy and love among children.

So, you can start with the classic 11 mom poems and let your child express their undying love for you through words. 

How is poetry helpful for a child's intellectual growth?

Poetry is extremely helpful for a child's mental development. It helps your child to understand patterns and sequences. This facilitates the brain to process and return information faster. Also, poetry is a simple way to learn new words, thought processes, and even a new language.

Why is poetry important at the early childhood and primary level?

The early introduction of poetry can help children learn new languages and sentence formation. It also teaches children to express their thoughts using rhythmic words and phrases. Poetry is the best for language training, creativity enhancement, and improving communication skills.

What "Mother" Means

"Mother" is such a simple word,
But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.
For everything I am today,
My mother’s love showed me the way.

I’ll love my mother all my days,
For enriching my life in so many ways.
She set me straight and then set me free,
And that’s what the word "mother" means to me.

Thanks for being a wonderful mother, Mom!

— Karl Fuchs

My Miracle Mother

Mom, I look at you
and see a walking miracle.
Your unfailing love without limit,
your ability to soothe my every hurt,
the way you are on duty, unselfishly,
every hour, every day,
makes me so grateful
that I am yours, and you are mine.
With open arms and open heart,
with enduring patience and inner strength,
you gave so much for me,
sometimes at your expense.
You are my teacher,
my comforter, my encourager,
appreciating all, forgiving all.
Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom,
but I don’t now, and I never will again.
I know that everything I am today
relates to you and your loving care.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch you being you—
my miracle, my mother.

—Joanna Fuchs

Other Half

A daughter is someone,
you may always depend,
With a beautiful heart,
She’s your very close friend.
About anything, you may,
open and talk,
Seek helpful advice,
during a refreshing nice walk.
She will comfort you,
when you’re just feeling down,
Understands you so well,
every expression and frown.
A daughter is someone,
you may joke with and laugh,
She is clearly,
your other half.


I Love My Daughter

I love my daughter,
with my heart and soul,
Having her in my life,
makes me peaceful and whole.
She brings me joy,
and happiness so sweet,
When she feels pain,
my heart skips a beat.
I love my daughter,
She’s gentle and kind,
She’s so thoughtful,
and has a beautiful mind.
She’s one of those people,
that instinctively cares,
Her time and knowledge,
with others she shares.
I love my daughter,
since her birth, I have won,
She knows how to laugh,
and loves to have fun.
Since she was a child,
She’d routinely amaze,
I’ll love my daughter,
beyond the end of my days.


Nobody’s Like You, Mom

Nobody’s quite like you, Mom.
You’re special in every way.
You cheer me up, you fill my cup
With tenderness, come what may.

Nice Poems For Moms

Nobody loves me like you, Mom.
No matter what I do,
Good or bad, happy or sad,
You support me; You always come through.

Nobody’s equal to you, Mom.
With you in my life, I’m blessed.
I love you so, and I want you to know
I think you’re the very best!

—Joanna Fuchs

Precious Rose

From the day that you were born,
and I held you very close,
I knew in my joyful heart,
that you’re my very precious rose.

My life changed for the better,
I felt it in my heart,
I just knew, for the rest of my life,
We’d never be apart.

Months and years have passed,
and I watched you mature and grow,
I promised myself, forever,
my love for you, I’ll show.

I wish you a beautiful life,
filled with joy and infinite bliss,
I’ll always be your mother,
and my precious rose I kiss.


I Am Much Too Alone in This World, Yet Not Alone

I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone
to truly consecrate the hour.
I am much too small in this world, yet not small
to be to you just object and thing,
dark and smart.
I want my free will and want it accompanying
the path which leads to action;
and wants during times that beg questions,
where something is up,
to be among those in the know,
or else be alone.

I want to mirror your image to its fullest perfection,
never be blind or too old
to uphold your weighty wavering reflection.
I want to unfold.
Nowhere I wish to stay crooked, bent;
for there I would be dishonest, untrue.
I want my conscience to be
true before you;
want to describe myself like a picture I observed
for a long time, one close up,
like a new word I learned and embraced,
like the everyday jug,
like my mother’s face,
like a ship that carried me along
through the deadliest storm.

— Rainer Maria Rilke

God’s Special Creation

The hand that rocks the cradle
also makes the house a home.
It is the prayers of the mother
that keeps the family strong.

Mother rises early in the morning
and bathes her day in prayer.
She talks to God about her family
and places them in His care.

Mother communicates her love
in a thousand different ways.
When there’s a need, she is there,
whether it is night or day.

Mother seasons life with love
and gives so much of herself.
God placed in her the best He had
and made her unlike anyone else.

When challenges come our way
and when trials block our view,
Mother kneels down beside her bed
and prays the family through.

Mother is God’s special creation.
She is a light shining in the dark,
illuminating the path for her family
and pointing them toward God.

– Lenora McWhorter

To Be a Great Mother

A great mother loves without reason
Through winter, summer, spring, and fall
Her love is unalterable, despite the season.
A great mother knows when to talk
And just how to listen.
She knows when to walk away
And save the battle for another day.
Even when she’s angry
She never takes it out on others.
That’s why only a few women
Can indeed be called great mothers.
Only one woman can be the Best mother,
And Mom, That’s You.

Wise Mother

You didn’t talk a lot, Mom;
"I love you" was pretty rare,
But when I needed mothering,
You were always there.

I could always count on you, Mom
To do what’s good and right.
I’d see your wisdom and the truth,
So we’d rarely have to fight.

You were strong enough, yet gentle enough
To be the perfect mother;
If I could search the whole wide world,
I wouldn’t pick any other.

— Joanna Fuchs

A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s love is something
that no one can explain,
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain,

It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may,
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away,

It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking,

It believes beyond believing
when the world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty
of the rarest, brightest gems,

It is far beyond defining,
it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret
like the mysteries of creation,

A many splendored miracle
man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
of God’s tender guiding hand.

— Helen Steiner Rice


Your love was like moonlight
turning harsh things to beauty,
so that little wry souls
reflecting each other obliquely
as in cracked mirrors …beheld in your luminous spirit
their own reflection,
transfigured as in a shining stream,
and loved you for what they are not.

You are less an image in my mind
than a luster
I see you in gleams
pale as star-light on a grey wall …
evanescent as the reflection of a white swan
shimmering in broken water.

— Lola Ridge

I Can Count On You

Mom, whenever I feel weak,
I can count on you.
Your deep strength seems endless.

You let me draw on it,
you freely give it,
and I recover.

Mom whenever I stray from the path,
I can count on you.
You’re here for me.

You help me find my way back
to what’s right
and honest and worthwhile.

Mom whenever I get
too wrapped up in me, me, me,
I can count on you.

You quickly bring me back to earth,
reminding me of the importance
of love and service to others.

Everyone should have
a role model like you, Mom.
I love you,

and I want you to know:
you can count on me.

— Joanna Fuchs

A Thank You Note

You have told me
All the things
I need to hear
Before I knew
I needed to hear them
To be unafraid
Of all the things
I used to fear,
Before I knew
I shouldn’t fear them.

— Lang Leav

Daughter of My Heart

You turned out even better
Than I often dreamed you’d be;
You’re more than I had hoped for;
You’re a sweet reward to me.

You grew up to be a mother
Full of wisdom, warmth and love,
A good and fine role model,
A blessing from above.

I couldn’t be any prouder
Than I am today of you;
You’re my daughter and my friend,
And a wonderful person, too.

You have my love forever;
I adored you from the start;
It’s a privilege to be your mother,
Dear daughter of my heart.

— Joanna Fuchs

First Fall

I’m your guide here. In the evening-dark
morning streets, I point and name.
Look, the sycamores, their mottled,
paint-by-number bark. Look, the leaves
rusting and crisping at the edges.
I walk through Schiller Park with you
on my chest. Stars smolder well
into daylight. Look, the pond, the ducks,
the dogs paddling after their prized sticks.
Fall is when the only things you know
because I’ve named them
begin to end. Soon I’ll have another
season to offer you: frost soft
on the window and a porthole
sighed there, ice sleeving the bare
gray branches. The first time you see
something die, you won’t know it might
come back. I’m desperate for you
to love the world because I brought you here.

— Maggie Smith

The Daughter

We said she was a negative image of me because of her lightness.
She’s light and also passage, the glory in my cortex.
Daughter, where did you get all that goddess?
Her eyes are Neruda’s two dark pools at twilight.
Sometimes she’s a stranger in my home because I hadn’t imagined her.
Who will her daughter be?
She and I are the gradual ebb of my mother’s darkness.
I unfurl the ribbon of her life, and it’s a smooth long hallway, doors flung open.
Her surface is a deflection is why.
Harm on her, harm on us all.
Inside her, my grit and timbre, my reckless.

—Carmen Giménez Smith

You are the daughter
Parents dream to get
Everyone out there
Is jealous of me I bet
You are the princess
Every mum and dad would love
You are our little angel
Sent from the heavens above

Just Like You

So from now to the time
You are grey just like me
Darling, sing to your babes
As I sang to thee;
They shall grow to be kind,
To be honest and true;
They shall grow to be wonderful,
Just like you.


My wonderful daughter, delight of my heart,
I hope that you know you’re both lovely and smart.
I cherish you dearly for the person you are,
You have passion and caring that will carry you far.

Wherever you go you’ll be watched by my love,
And we’ll always be close like a hand in a glove.
May the years treat you kindly, may laughter hold sway,
And I’m here for you always if your blue skies turn gray.

—Amanda R

See What I See

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
You’d definitely love you, too.
You would hold your head up high,
For you possess beauty that no one can deny.

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
There’s no way you’d be so down and blue.
You wouldn’t be able to contain your smiles,
For your charm goes on for miles and miles.

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
You’d know there’s nothing you can’t do.
You’d do things without fear you’ll fail,
For you’ve got many talents yet to unveil.

Nice Poems For Moms

Please try to see what I see when I look at you.
You will feel refreshed and new.
All the anger, shame, and insecurities will just go.
I promise BABY GIRL, you are too good to ever hang your head low.

— Selena Odom

An Angel Left Her Wings

I have this little angel. For me she left her wings.
She has no idea how much happiness she truly brings.
She brightens up my days with her smiles and her laughs.
She helps me to remember all the blessings that I have.

Her face, it is so perfect, she’s sweet and soft and pure.
Sometimes she can be willful and sometimes she is demure.
She tries her very hardest to please and do what’s right.
She gives the greatest hugs from morning until night.

Every person that has known her sees this light within her soul
I know that in this whole great world, she has a special role.
She’s helpful and considerate to everyone she knows
This light in her shines brighter as my angel grows.

When she sees someone is sad, it opens up her heart.
She wants to do all that she can; she wants to do her part.
She’ll squeeze away the sorrow and make me forget about my pain.
She shows me where the sun is when we’re hiding from the rain.

I know that God must love me, He showed me with His Grace
I knew just how completely when I saw my angel’s face.
And in that very moment when she came into my world,
I knew that she was so much more than just my baby girl.

She would be my sunshine, with a sweetness that won’t end.
And when she grows up one day she would be my closest friend.
She would be the reason I would always try my best.
For my little angel baby girl would be my greatest test.

When God entrusts to you an angel, who has left her wings for you.
Encircle her with love with everything you do.
Let her know God made her, and that He trusts you with her care.
Be sure to make time for special moments with her to share.

And when at night she finally says her prayers and goes to sleep
I Thank Him for my angel, and ask for him to always keep
A watchful eye and hand to protect her from this world.
Protect my little angel; protect my baby girl.

— Tina M. Marascia

Love For My Daughters

My beautiful daughters, I was blessed with two of you…
You will never know how proud I am of all the things you do.

You came into my world, so tiny and so small…
And I was in awe at the wonder of it all.

Then you placed your little hand in mine…
There was no denying, my heart was yours ‘til the end of time.

I have watched you both throughout the years laugh, cry, and grow…
And it is difficult to know that someday I will have to let you go.

I just can’t imagine a day of my life without you…
Because you’re a part of me and my love for you is true.

So just remember, no matter how old you are or where you may be…
Theres someone who needs you and loves you, and that someone is me!

— Debra L. Cash

You Are An Angel

You are an angel my dear, an angel you’re to us,
An angel who has been sent from heaven on earth.
You were wrapped in silver paper and placed in a beautiful basket,
You looked like this lovely jewel or a diamond placed in a casket.
God sent you to us and we promised him we’ll treat you right,
‘coz you were a gift sent to us under the stars in moonlight.
We love you little daughter, ‘coz you’re an angel from heaven.

Looking At My Child

I look at my child as she looks at me,
And into her eyes I look and I see
The innocence that fills her unspoiled soul.
These moments I wish I could treasure and hold.

But my baby is growing, and influences are strong.
I hope she remembers the right from the wrong.
I’ve tried hard to instill these virtues inside,
But regardless, she still fills me with happiness and pride.

The job of a Mother can be very hard.
With tears full and plenty, your heart can feel scared.
When you look at your baby filled with happiness and glee,
No better reward for a Mother can be.

As hard as it is or as it can be,
I’d never trade this experience for anything, you see.
The innocence she holds she has passed on to me,
And a much better person she’s helped me to be.

— Dee McDonald

Mother, A cradle to hold me

It is true
I was created in you.
It is also true
That you were created for me.
I owned your voice.
It was shaped and tuned to soothe me.
Your arms were molded
Into a cradle to hold me, to rock me.
The scent of your body was the air
Perfumed for me to breathe.

During those early, dearest days
I did not dream that you had
A large life which included me,
For I had a life
Which was only you.

Time passed steadily and drew us apart.
I was unwilling.
I feared if I let you go
You would leave me eternally.
You smiled at my fears, saying
I could not stay in your lap forever.
That one day you would have to stand
And where would I be?
You smiled again.
I did not.
Without warning you left me,
But you returned immediately.
You left again and returned,
I admit, quickly,
But relief did not rest with me easily.
You left again, but again returned.
You left again, but again returned.
Each time you reentered my world
You brought assurance.
Slowly I gained confidence.

You thought you know me,
But I did know you,
You thought you were watching me,
But I did hold you securely in my sight,
Recording every moment,
Memorizing your smiles, tracing your frowns.
In your absence
I rehearsed you,
The way you had of singing
On a breeze,
While a sob lay
At the root of your song.

The way you posed your head
So that the light could caress your face
When you put your fingers on my hand
And your hand on my arm,
I was blessed with a sense of health,
Of strength and very good fortune.

You were always
the heart of happiness to me,
Bringing nougats of glee,
Sweets of open laughter.

Nice Poems For Moms

I loved you even during the years
When you knew nothing
And I knew everything, I loved you still.
Condescendingly of course,
From my high perch
Of teenage wisdom.
I spoke sharply of you, often
Because you were slow to understand.
I grew older and
Was stunned to find
How much knowledge you had gleaned.
And so quickly.

Mother, I have learned enough now
To know I have learned nearly nothing.
On this day
When mothers are being honored,
Let me thank you
That my selfishness, ignorance, and mockery
Did not bring you to
Discard me like a broken doll
Which had lost its favor.
I thank you that
You still find something in me
To cherish, to admire and to love.

I thank you, Mother.
I love you.

—Maya Angelou

Short Mother-Daughter Poems

You don’t need to write a thousand words to tell your mother or daughter how much they mean to you. Here are a few short and sweet poems that express what a mother- daughter relationship is all about.

A Newborn Girl at Passover

Consider one apricot in a basket of them.
It is very much like all the other apricots–
an individual already, skin and seed.

Now think of this day. One you will probably forget.
The next breath you take, a long drink of air.
Holiday or not, it doesn’t matter.

A child is born and doesn’t know what day it is.
The particular joy in my heart she cannot imagine.
The taste of apricots is in store for her.

— Nan Cohen

Loved By All

High as the sky
Deep as the sea
Is how much you are
Loved by the family
Wide as the desert
Long as the eucalyptus
Is how much you are
Loved by all of us.


My mother
Was my first country,
The first place I ever lived.

— Nayyirah Waheed

To My Mother

Today’s your natal day;
Sweet flowers I bring:
Mother, accept, I pray
My offering.
And may you happy live,
And long us bless:
Receiving as you give

— Christina Rossetti

A Friend

Your arms were always open when I needed a hug.
Your heart understood when I needed a friend.
Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson.
Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.

— Sarah Malin

I Will Have to Wait ‘Till I’m Mother

I struggle so deeply
to understand
how someone can
pour their entire soul
blood and energy
into someone
without wanting
anything in
I will have to wait till I’m a mother

– Rupi Kaur

A Mother

When you’re a child, she walks before you
To set an example.
When you’re a teenager, she walks behind you
To be there should you need her.
When you’re an adult, she walks beside you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together.

– Unknown


My Mother, my friend so dear,
Throughout my life you’re always near.
A tender smile to guide my way,
You’re the sunshine to light my day.


There is no blessing
Quite so dear…
As a mom like you
To love year after year.

Shortest Mother’s Day Poem

You’re my mother,
I would have no other!

— Forest Houtenschil

Little Wishes

Little wishes on great big stars.
Daughter, I make a wishes for you.
Keep on growing and keep on smiling.
And I’ll keep loving all that you do.

Little dreamers wishing big things.
The world is your stage to display.
You can sing and you can dance.
Enjoy all that comes your way.

Little hopes in a great big world.
Nothing can stop your free spirit.
Make some noise, play a beat.
It’s beautiful music when I hear it.

Little kisses from my now big girl,
You’re growing up so fast it seems.
Pretty soon you’ll leave the nest
And fly after all of your dreams.

Little girl I love you,
And I love you even more.
Because I made a wish once,
And you’re what I wished for

• Casarah Nance

My Daughter

My daughter means the world to me!
So much out there for her to see!
I’d like to take her in my arms
And show her the world and all of its charms.
As she grows a little day by day,
God lights the path to guide her on her way.
As she blooms out like a precious flower,
She will always know God’s wonderful power.

— Victoria Levesque

You Are God’s Glorious Gift!

D azzling is your smile; it lights up my way
A s I go about my mundane chores every day.
U nfailingly, I look forward to our daily chat.
G enuine and deep is our bond, I believe that.
H ow can I not bask in your warm, tight hug?
T hat’s the cocoon where my worries I unplug.
E very precious moment, I thank Him up there,
R ealizing I have a blessing rich and rare!

— Lalitha A. Mishra

Funny Mother-Daughter Poems

What better way to bring a smile to your beloved mother’s or daughter’s face than by sharing a funny poem with them? Here are a few gems that we have picked out for you.

Month of May

For all the diapers
that you changed,
For all the playdates
you arranged.

For all the trips
back and forth to school,
For cleaning all the spit up
and the drool.

Why is there only
one Mother’s Day?
You should have at least gotten
the ENTIRE month of May.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

Please and Thanks

You taught me how to wash my face
And how to use the potty.
You made me eat up all my greens
And wiped my nose when snotty.

You taught me to say Please and Thanks,
Because politeness is the way,
So ‘Please’ can I borrow some money?

Just kidding. Happy Mother’s Day!

For the Mom Who Has Everything

Mum, I know I owe you the world
And you deserve no less
But circumstances have unfurled;
I’m in a financial mess.
For your Mother’s Day party
I write for you this ditty.
My poetry skills are hearty
And cheap, but oh so witty!

You Love My Art

Dear Mum…
I love that you loved all my "art",
You told me it was beautiful,
You told me it was smart,

You loved my pottery and painting,
And my popsicle stick bridge,
But don’t you think it’s long enough ago now,
To take it off the fridge?

— Holly Giffers


Roses are red,
violets are blue.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom!
Sorry you didn’t give birth to a poet who could rhyme!

Sweetest Girl

I’ve let it out in the atmosphere
I’ve said it again and again
And I will say it once more
My daughter is the sweetest girl
That any parent ever bore
I love you

A sincere message of love, an emotional missive that shows how much you care, or a fun poem to make her smile—take your pick from these pieces of poetry and light up the soul of the most important person in your life. You can also jot down one of these poems on a gift card or send it to her as a message to show what they mean to you.

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Sravani Rebbapragada

Sravani holds a post-graduate degree in Biotechnology. Being an avid reader, she keeps herself up to date with research. Her interest lies in teaching new things to children in creative ways. For MomJunction, she covers literature and information/ facts articles for kids. Sravani likes to unwind by teaching to her son, spending time with her family, binge-watching TV series and... more

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