Cny Sayings



Chinese New Year Greetings and Sayings

​廿五/25​金榜题名 jīnbǎng tímíng - Success in the ​prosperous.​, ​十五/15​廿四/24​study​事业兴旺 shìyè xīngwàng - Wish your business ​websites: ​十四/14​廿三/23​学习进步 xuéxí jìnbù - make progress in ​good career.​Information obtained from ​十三/13​Sa​in learning​事业发达 shìyè fādá – Wish you a ​

​Auspicious Times​十二/12​Fr​or have achievements ​生意兴隆 shēngyì xīnglóng - Prosperous business​Inauspicious​十壹/11​Th​学业有成 xuéyè yǒuchéng- successful in study ​年年有余 niánnián yǒuyú - Surplus year-after-year​Auspicious​初十/10​We​rise in career!​to you!​Lunar Date​初九/9​Tu​飞黄腾达 fēihuáng téngdá - Have a meteoric ​find their way ​廿八/28​初八/8​Mo​

Two Words You Should Say before the Greeting Phrases

​get rich.​财运亨通 cáiyùn hēngtōng - May many fortunes ​廿七/27​初七/7​Su​升官发财 shēngguān fācái- Win promotion and ​roll in.​廿六/26​


​October November December​

Greetings for 2022

​step​财源滚滚 cáiyuán gǔngǔn – Money luck to ​廿五/25​

​初五/5​July August September ​步步高升 bùbù gāoshēng - Promotions at every ​


Wish Someone a Happy Chinese New Year in Chinese

​April May June ​

​promotion in career.​

​财源广进 cáiyuán guǎngjìn- Monkey opportunities to ​



​January February March ​rise or a ​money and prosperous.​

Greetings and Sayings for Good Luck

​廿二/22​初二/2​your close friends.)​

​平步青云 píngbù qīngyún - Have a meteoric ​a lot of ​

​廿壹/21​七月 (Jul)初壹/1​

​say this to ​马到成功 mǎ dào chénggōng- Win success immediately.​

​恭喜发财 gōngxǐ fācái - Wishing you make ​二十/20​

​廿九/29​red packet!(You can only ​

Greetings and Sayings for Health


​and sweet life.​十九/19​

​廿八/28​fortune!Give me a ​

​事业有成 shìyè yǒuchéng – Success for your ​幸福美满 xìngfú měimǎn - Wish a happy ​十八/18​

​廿七/27​恭喜发财,红包拿来 Gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo ná lái - Wish you a ​go smoothly.​

​whole family​十七/17​

Greetings and Sayings for the Family

​廿六/26​important examination​

​工作顺利 gōngzuò shùnlì - May your work ​whole family​

​全家幸福 quánjiā xìngfú - Happiness for the ​岁岁平安 suìsuì píng ān - Wish peach year ​

​energetic as dragon ​健康长寿 jiànkāng chángshòu - Wish a good ​

Greetings for Business and Wealth

​大吉大利 dàjí dàlì - Lots of luck ​wishes come true.​come!​

​新年快乐 xīnnián kuàilè - Happy New Year​牛年行大运 niú nián xíng dà yùn - Wish you good ​

​the year of ​person younger than ​

​person or someone ​and most popular ​to others for ​

​to show off ​

​relatives or friends ​

​Interesting Greeting​the Family Greetings ​

​Greetings and Sayings ​the Greeting Phrases ​

Greetings for Work

​阖家幸福 héjiā xìngfú - Happiness for the ​or happy.​

​龙马精神 lóng mǎ jīngshén – Wish you as ​身体健康 shēntǐ jiànkāng - Enjoy good health.​

​on you.​

​心想事成 xīnxiǎng shì chéng - May all your ​the year to ​过年好 guònián hǎo -Happy New Year​

​Ox year​牛年如意 niú nián rú yì - Good luck for ​

​greeting a young ​Greeting an older ​

​characters. Following are basic ​your great wish ​

Greetings and Sayings for Students

​restaurant and want ​to visit your ​Sayings for Students ​

​and Sayings for ​Year in Chinese ​

​Should Say before ​whole family​

Interesting Greeting

​be always laughing ​proper.​well.​吉星高照 jíxīng gāozhào - Fortune will smile ​wish.​

Chinese Calendar

​恭贺新禧 gōng hè xīn xǐ - Best wishes for ​新年好 xīnnián hǎo - Happy New Year​luck for this ​祝你……Zhu nǐ ... - Wish you (younger or informal)...​

​in Chinese from ​


​of four Chinese ​

​sayings to express ​

​to a local ​

​coming, everyone is prepared ​

​Work Greetings and ​

​for Health Greetings ​

​Happy Chinese New ​

​Two Words You ​

​阖家欢乐 héjiā huānlè - Felicity of the ​

​笑口常开 xiàokǒu chángkāi - Wish someone will ​

​多福多寿 duōfú duōshòu - Live long and ​

​一帆风顺 yīfān fēngshùn - Hope everything goes ​

​wishes be fulfilled.​

​happiness as you ​

​春节快乐 chūnjié kuàilè - Happy Spring Festival​

​year of Ox.​

​牛年大吉 niú nián dà jí - Lots of good ​

​祝您……Zhu nín... - Wish you (older or respected)...​

​a little different ​

​and Chinese with ​

​phrases are composed ​

​other greetings and ​

​Year wishes. Or you go ​

​New Year is ​

​Wealth Greetings for ​

​Greetings and Sayings ​

​Wish Someone a ​

​• Greetings and Sayings​

​after year.​

​and horse!​

​health and longevity.​

​and profits​

​万事如意 wànshì rúyì - May all your ​

​吉祥如意 jíxiáng rúyì - Good luck and ​

​新春快乐 xīnchūn kuàilè - Happy 'New Spring'​

​luck in the ​



​you respect is ​

​greetings in English ​

​the new year. In Chinese, most of the ​

​{{lmonth}} {{lday}}, {{syear}} ({{zodiac}}) Year ({{lyear}})​
​{{sday}} Day, {{smonth}} Month​

​Clash {{clash}} | Evil {{evil}}​

​little. Besides “xīnnián kuàilè! (Happy New Year)”, there are many ​


​• {{.}}​


​to send New ​


​• {{.}}​


​When the Chinese ​


​• {{.}}​


​for Business and ​for Good Luck ​
​Greetings for 2022 ​