Happy Birthday First Son

Happy birthday, my boy! You’re 21 today! Or you would be. Do you celebrate birthdays in heaven? Do you even mark days, months, and years? I confess, I have only just begun to realize how little I know about the place you have gone to be. I’ve got many questions, but few answers. Then again, I could only get credible answers through the Bible and it seems to be far less concerned with describing lives in heaven than directing lives on earth. It’s better that way, I’m sure. I suppose I’ll have to wait and get my answers when I arrive.

Show Your Support

Speaking of which, I don’t really know what it looks like to arrive in heaven. I sure hope, though, that you’ll be right there when my time comes. I miss you so much. I miss your voice and smile and laugh. I miss your friendship and conversation and counsel. I miss your wisdom and patience and godliness. I miss being father to a son. Being your dad was truly one of the highest honors I could ever imagine, and outliving you is one of the deepest sorrows. I’m so happy that you’re there, of course, but so sad that you’re not here. There’s a void in my life now. It was a part of me that died that day, a part of myself, the best of myself. You were the best part of me. And I’m sure I won’t ever be whole again on this side of eternity.

I’m so proud of you, Nick. I’m proud of the life you lived and the legacy you left. Everyone who knew you has spoken well of you. Friends, neighbors, students, cousins, church members—all spoke of a man who was gentle and kind, godly and good. Your colleagues at the grocery store sent us a book of memories and so many of them spoke of a man who had been patient and friendly and who had talked to them about Jesus. There was no blame attached to your life, no scandal, no dishonor. We learned secrets about you, but they were all good secrets—about the people you quietly mentored, the prayer meetings only you attended, the people who were overlooked by others but loved by you. You lived with honor and integrity. You died a man of irreproachable character. You ran your short race well.

I probably ought to confess I went through your search history, but only to see if I might dig up some clues about how you died. Maybe you had been searching for symptoms of something. You hadn't, as it turns out, but even there I found not a single search and not a single site that was anything less than above reproach. It’s clear that the man you were in private matched the man you were in public, and that makes my heart swell with pride. I’ve often thought how much better it is to be the father of a departed joy than of a living sorrow. You brought me such joy in life and, despite all the tears, you’ve also brought me such joy in death.

I do some silly things now, things that would probably make you laugh, or maybe just roll your eyes. Like I sometimes brew a cup of coffee for you before I visit the cemetery on a Sunday afternoon. It’s absurd, I know, but it reminds me of the hundreds of times I made your coffee before you headed off to work or school. We bonded over coffee—over different flavors, different roasts, different methods of brewing—so I sometimes take you a cup and leave it there. It’s dumb, I guess, but who’s to judge? And really, one of the hardest parts of my loss is that all my feelings of love remain, but there’s no way to express them. For 20 years there was always something I could give you, something I could do for you, some way I could spoil you. But now you are beyond all doing, beyond all need, beyond all expressions of love. It’s hard on a dad.

I asked granddad to make a glass case for your Bible, the one I gave you when you decided to go to seminary. I’m going to lay it open to 1 Corinthians 15 (which Dr. Schreiner read so movingly at your memorial service) and keep it near me always. Then, whenever I need to, I’ll be able to look over and read the great promise that keeps me going: "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive." There’s such hope there. Such promise. Such joy to look forward to. We will be alive together.

You’d be so proud of mom. Even after 22 years of marriage I wouldn’t have been able to predict how she would respond to such heartbreak, but she’s done it with strength, with grace, with godliness. I think that of all of us she may have endured the hardest loss, for her heart is the most compassionate and was most knit to yours. Who can deny that the two of you shared a special bond? But she is holding fast to truth, preaching it to herself, and ministering it to the rest of us.

You’d be proud of your sisters, too. Michaela often cuddles up against me in the evening to cry a little, to express her sorrow but also her hope, acknowledging that this is God’s will, so it must be right and good. She looked up to you, she admired you, and she treasures the memory of every one of your kind words and good deeds. Abby has gone back to school and is doing well there. She adored you and regarded you as her closest friend and most trusted confidant. But she, too, has determined that she will trust God in her sorrows just as she has in all her joys. All of us have pledged together to stay true to Christ, true to his gospel, true to the end, so we can all be sure of a great reunion.

You’d also be proud of your precious Ryn. Her grief as a fiancée falls into a difficult category. She had decided to live the rest of her life with you, to align her dreams with yours, but had not yet made it official through marriage. So her grief is much like a widow’s, but without the level of support and understanding that widows get. But she is strong and godly and enduring her pain. You’d be happy to know that she and mom have become fast friends and talk every day. She is bound to our family now and we hope she will always remain part of it.

I suppose you’d also be glad to know we are all together today. The borders are tighter than ever, the rules more rigid, the restrictions more onerous, but we waded through them to spend a couple of days with Abby and Ryn. We’ll spend the day together, cry a little, laugh a little, and then mom will make the usual Friday evening pizza. We are also going to spend time with some of your friends, who, by the way, are all wearing Blue Jays hats in your honor. You’d be so embarrassed! On Sunday we’ll head home to start yet another 14-day quarantine. And, then, I guess life will carry on.

And life has to carry on, doesn’t it? What choice do I have but to shoulder this burden, to carry this cross, to press on toward heaven, to press on toward you. God has used your death to help pry my fingers off this world, to make me long for heaven in a whole new way. But he has also used it to give me new directions for life, to make me want to make the most of my time on earth. My longing for heaven is now inseparable from my longing to see you. I can barely wait.

Oh, my Nick. I miss you so much. It has been 203 days since I hugged you goodbye, 124 days since I spoke with you, 122 days since you went to heaven. It all feels so long. But also so short. And I expect the same will be true of the time that elapses between today and the day we’re back together. The Sage says life is a vapor, a breath, a puff, a whisper. I’m more mindful of that than ever, that each day is precious, each day is a gift to be used for the good of others and the glory of God. So I prayerfully discern each day’s duty, then carry it out as best I can. Then, when night comes, I fall asleep thinking, "When I wake up I’ll be one day closer to Nick, and if I don’t wake up I’ll finally be with Nick." And, to be honest, I’m okay either way.

I’ll see you soon, my sweet boy.

Love forever, Dad.

1 Theodore Cuyler wrote various versions of this phrase in his books and sermons.

A son is one of the sweetest gifts that life can bring, but it can be hard to figure out what to write him on his birthday. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 120 birthday wishes for your son. It’s important to show your son how much you value his presence in your life, and one of the best ways to do so is with a thoughtful birthday message. While there are many different ways to convey your feelings, the best messages have one thing in common, they show him just how much he means to you.

List of Birthdays Wishes for your Son

1. I hope that you always look ahead in life with a smile on your face and look back with fondness in your heart. I wish you endless joy in life on your birthday, and may it be filled with wonder and delight this year.

2. I am grateful every day that you came into my world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart. You have brought nothing but happiness into my life. Happy birthday, son!

3. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love. You fill my days with warmth, wonder, and joy. I hope your birthday is filled with the same.

4. When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul, and I’m so grateful that I have a son as precious as you.

5. When you were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much you’d come to mean to me. You are my everything. May your special day be filled with untold splendor. Happy birthday!

6. I hope that this year your birthday is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey that will lead you to an even more amazing future. Remember always to continue to wish and dream.

Happy Birthday First Son

7. If I look back at everything I’ve done in life, you’re easily the best thing I’ve ever created. It’s honestly a miracle that I was able to have a son as delightful and genuine as you.

8. I have such sweet memories of you as a child, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. I hope your cake is half as sweet as you are. Happy birthday, son!

9. This year on your birthday I am so grateful that you’ve grown into such a bright and capable young man. It is such a comfort to know that whatever life throws your way you will always be able to handle it.

10. On your birthday I wish that I could stop time. Not only to keep you with me forever but so that I can stop feeling so old! Happy birthday to my son who at least makes me feel young at heart.

11. My joy in having you as my son is something that can’t be measured. It can only be felt through lots of hugs, kisses, and adoration. I’m so happy I was blessed with a son as astounding as you.

12. Since the day you were born you have brought nothing but meaning and joy into my life. You are a fantastic son, and I feel so fortunate to be your parent. Happy birthday!

13. Know that whatever you choose to do in life I will forever be proud of you. I am especially proud this year on your birthday that you are becoming a smart, kind, and thoughtful young man.

14. Being a parent is never an easy task, but loving a son as precious as you are is never difficult. You bring endless wonder and love into my life. Happy birthday my son!

15. Know that when I scold you, it’s only because I care, and when I hug you, it’s always because I love you to pieces. I wish for only the best in life for you, and may your birthday be filled with lots of presents and laughter.

16. I hope you always head in the direction of success, my son, and whether it be in life or love, I hope that all your dreams and ambitions come true. Happy birthday!

17. When you were conceived, I couldn’t imagine how on earth I would manage being a parent. Now I can’t imagine not being one. It’s all because I have a son as remarkable as you.

19. It’s a fantastic feeling to have a son as excellent as you. Nothing brings me more joy than to be able to smother you with love, but the best feeling in the world is when you return that love.

20. Every single day since the day you came into my life you’ve done nothing but amaze me. I’m so glad that I have a son who is not only charming but perfection as well.

21. This year I want you to know that my world is better with you in it. I could never have known how wonderful it would be to be a parent. A son like you is what every parent dreams of.

22. My love for you has always been free, but it’s my pride and trust that you’ve really earned over the years. I am unbelievably proud of the young man you’ve turned into.

24. When you were a baby, you screamed at me, when you were a teen you hardly spoke, but now that you’re a grown man your words are so very priceless to me. Here are some words for your birthday that I sincerely mean: I love you.

25. Even when you are too old for a room in our house, there will always be room for you in our hearts. You will never be too old for our love and support. Happy birthday to our outstanding son!

26. If your birthday is only half as great as you, it will be the greatest celebration of the year. No one deserves it more than you. May your special day be filled with tons of cake and presents.

27. No matter what direction you take in life, I will always send you the best of wishes. I hope that this year your birthday is filled with everything you could possibly want. Happy birthday, son!

28. Always remember that whenever life gets too difficult for you that you can still turn to your parents. Hugs and advice will always be free from us. They might be the only things that are!

29. I hope that all your future birthdays are just as memorable as you are, my son. They should be because your loving parents intend on being there for every single one of them.

30. I look back with so much fondness and joy on all the time I’ve been blessed with you in my life. I can only hope that when you’re older, you’ll do the same. Happy birthday to my precious son!

Happy Birthday First Son

31. I hope all your tomorrows will be filled with everything good life has to offer because having a son as wonderful and charming as you has enriched my life in so many ways.

32. You have such a rare gift in life: you make it so easy to love you. Happy birthday to my mischievous, darling, and absolutely adorable son. May you be healthy and happy on your special day.

33. As a parent, it’s my job to cherish all the special moments I get to share with you. Having a son as marvelous as you just makes it so easy. Happy birthday!

34. When you were little, I used to be your hero, but now you’ve become mine. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown in the last few years. You’ve become an intelligent, strong, and brave young man whom I look up to.

35. Every year your birthday is a pleasant reminder of how happy we were when you were born. You have brought so much happiness into our lives, and we are eternally thankful. No parents could be more proud of their son than we are of you.

36. I used to be the one training you to use the potty, but now you are the one training me to be a better parent. Just so you know I am completely fine with this reversal!

37. Whenever you feel cold and alone in life, just call me, and my hugs will keep you warm. May you feel nothing but everlasting affection and endless support on your birthday.

38. I may not always have a lot of free time in my life, but I will always make time for you. You are the most significant gift I have ever been given in life. Happy birthday, son!

39. I may have taught you how to be a good man, but you taught me how to be a great parent. Your expectations always made me try harder to be the kind of person you would be proud of.

40. Don’t worry that just because you’re getting older, we won’t still get you gifts. This year we decided to get you a gift that revolved around money since you always seem to like those best: the gift of paying all your own bills. Happy birthday you grown up you!

41. My son, you are a perfect example of everything that has gone right in my life. May your birthday be filled with an explosion of fun, laughter, and presents.

42. I can’t even comprehend how you went from being barely able to clutch my fingers to tightly holding my hand. Time has flown by so quickly over the years, but one thing will always remain constant: my limitless love for you. Happy birthday!

43. As parents, there are many things we wish for you in life: love, happiness, and wealth are just a few. I hope that you always remember to stay true to yourself and remember all that we’ve tried to teach you.

44. Your love is like a candle that will forever glow in my heart. You have brought nothing but light and joy into my life, and I can only hope that over the years I can be there for you like you have been there for me.

45. Whenever you are having hard times and feeling down just think of the love of your parents because regardless of your struggles in life we will always have your back.

46. You always manage to fill my heart with love and positivity. I wish I could be there on your birthday to give you a hug in person, but know that my thoughts are always with you.

47. When you were young, I tried to teach you everything, but now that you’re older you seem to think you know it all already! I love you anyway. Happy birthday, son!

48. Your hugs give me the will to keep going when I’m down and out. Thanks for being such a comfort in my life. If you are ever struggling just come to me, and I will always be glad to return the favor.

49. I know you can’t wait to be the king of your own castle, but I hope you know that you’ll always be a little prince to me. May your birthday be filled boundless humor and joy.

50. I hope your birthday marks the beginning of an incredible period of your life. Know that I couldn’t be more proud of the amazing gentleman you’ve become. Happy birthday, son!

51. You may have given me some trouble when you were growing up, but that’s because the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. When I look at you now though I see a version of me that also happens to be more kind, honest, and hardworking. I am overjoyed that you have turned into the kind of man I am proud to call my son.

52. On this day many years ago I had my greatest achievement: having a son like you. I would give you the world if I could, but this year you will just have to settle for this chocolate cake instead.

Happy Birthday First Son

53. Words cannot begin to express how awesome it is to have a son as amazing as you. If I had to try though I would go with: I love you more than life itself.

54. You may be a father now too, but you will always be my baby boy in my heart. I am so glad that now you also get to experience incredible joy and worry as I did. Happy birthday, son!

55. This year for your birthday I would like it if you would blow out your candles, cut your cake, and be bathed in your parents’ love and adoration! May your birthday be full of splendor and joy.

56. There have been many times in life where you have brought me so much worry and angst, but you have also brought me so much joy. I would still love it if this year if you could try and stay out of trouble though!

57. You were absolutely adorable as a child, you are utterly charming right now, and I have a feeling that you will be incredibly spectacular in the future. Happy birthday from the proudest parent in the world.

58. You give me so many reasons to be proud of you: you’re smart, funny, and courageous. May your birthday be filled with every delight you could possibly imagine this year.

59. Son, I want you to know I love you so very much. You mean the absolute world to me, and I hope your deepest hopes and dreams come true this year. May your year be filled with endless magic and wonder.

60. Always live life to the fullest, because you never want to look back with regret in life. One thing I definitely don’t regret is having a son as wonderful as you. Happy birthday!

61. Happy birthday just isn’t enough to express how great I hope your special day is. I wish I could infuse your day with all the warmth, love, and affection I have for you. May your day be as magnificent as you are son.

62. I hope that you have a lot of fun this year on your birthday but not too much. I promise that you’ll want to be able to remember it at least when you’re older. Happy birthday!

63. You are a shining example of all that is bright and good in my world. I’m not sure what I did in life to deserve a son as marvelous as you, but I’m grateful for whatever it was.

64. You deserve many things in life: endless attention, constant pampering, and unlimited support are just a few. This year on your birthday I plan on providing you with the most important one of all: never-ending love.

65. I am so grateful that I have a son as splendid as you. You are my joy and inspiration in so many ways. I hope that this year you get everything you want from life.

66. You have enriched my life with your wit and humor, but nothing has warmed my heart as much as your kind and caring ways. I’m not sure how I had a son as wonderful you, but I am so glad I did.

67. Having a son as genuine as you makes my life complete. May your future be just as bright as you are, and may you experience nothing but happiness on your special day.

68. I wish you a happy birthday followed by an even more joyous future. I know that you can achieve anything you want to in life because you are a genuinely phenomenal son.

69. You are my greatest blessing, but you will also probably be my biggest downfall. This year I would love it if you could restrain yourself from causing too much trouble. If you can’t manage it then at least try to do it with some style!

70. I am so fortunate to have a son as fantastic as you. One who embodies honesty, strength, and greatness. I hope you have an incredible birthday filled with lots of wonderful surprises.

71. You are an extraordinary son and a wonderful man. May your birthday be as sweet as the joy you bring everyone. Happy birthday, son!

72. You will never be too old for hugs and kisses from your adoring parents on your birthday. Extremely embarrassed but never too old at least! We hope this year brings you nothing but happiness.

73. Time has flown by this year, and I look forward to spending so much more of it with my truly cherished son. May your birthday be filled with lots of treats and presents. Happy birthday!

74. You are my favorite son in the whole world. You also happen to be my only son, but all the more reason to spoil you rotten as much as I can. I hope you have a wonderful birthday filled with loads of compassion and love.

Happy Birthday First Son

75. Son, you’re getting wiser every year, and soon you’ll be half as smart as me. This is a good thing because it’s really important to have goals in life!

76. Thank you for stealing my heart the day you were born. May your special day be filled with light, laughter, and unending joy this year. Happy birthday, son!

77. I remember when you were little I used to be your role model. I don’t know when or how it happened, but now you’re mine. Thank you for always being the kind of man I could look up to.

78. You always know how to bring sunshine into my life and laughter into my heart. You will always be my bundle of joy, but I’ll try hard to treat you as the man you’ve become.

79. I am the happiest person in the world because I have a son as wonderful as you. I wish you the very best until the end of your days. May everything you wish to accomplish come to pass.

80. No matter how many birthdays come and go, you’ll forever be my pride and joy. No other could ever take your place in my heart. You bring me everlasting joy and affection. Happy birthday to the apple of my eye.

81. You have made fatherhood the best experience of my life. I am truly blessed to have a son like you who enriches my life with his endless love and affection. I hope you know that you are truly treasured.

82. My love for you is far greater than my heart could possibly hold. I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful son and that you always manage to make me look like a good parent!

83. You are a beloved son and a cherished father. I know that you are as proud of your son as I am of mine. Try to make sure that you keep the family tradition of pampering your son on his birthday alive in the years to come.

84. You are more than my pride and joy; you are the reason I strive to be the best that I can be. I want to work hard and set a good example for you so that you are as proud of me as I am of you.

85. I know you probably think that my main mission in life is to ruin yours, but I promise that I only want the best for you. May you have unlimited successes and untold happiness this year.

86. You have made my life more meaningful and poignant, my son. May your birthday be filled with lots of gifts, candies, and ice cream. Happy birthday!

87. You are one of the most beautiful things to ever happen to me, and I am so grateful that I am blessed with you in my life. May every dream you have be fulfilled this year.

88. When you were born, you were a little bundle of our future hopes and dreams. Now that you’re older you’ve surpassed everything we could have ever hoped for. Happy birthday to our overachieving son!

89. You are my greatest treasure, my son, and I know I don’t tell you often enough how much you mean to me. That’s because it’s hard to sum up the feelings a parent has for their child, but I’m going to go with: I love you.

90. Your love always brings a smile to my face and glee to my soul. May your birthday be just as special as you are, my son. Happy birthday!

91. This year you seem to be exhibiting some signs of actually growing up. It’s a miracle! I’m just kidding, and I hope that your year is filled with all sorts of splendidly childish things that captivate you in every way.

92. I wish I could slow down time and keep you with me forever. Since I can’t do that, I will just have to settle for cherishing every moment spent with you. Happy birthday!

93. You bring everlasting light into my world. I hope always to be able to provide you with unlimited comfort and love. Happy birthday to my son who deserves that and so much more in life.

94. When you were little I was full of instructions for you: do this not that! Now that you’re older I have one more that’s really important: have a wonderful birthday!

95. There are so many things I would like to give you for your birthday: balloons, toys, and cake are just a few. At the top of the list would have to be my limitless love.

96. Whenever I need a reason to smile, I just think of you because you make everything in my life more beautiful. May your special day be truly extravagant. Happy birthday, son!

Happy Birthday First Son

97. There is no limit to how much I love you, and I plan on spending the rest of my days showering you with love and attention. May your birthday be filled with fondness and fun this year.

98. Son, every year I see more and more of myself in you. I want you to know that I am equally sorry and proud of that fact! Happy birthday to my mini-me.

99. Having a son as astounding as you has been one of the greatest delights of my life. You are everything a parent could hope for, and I wish you every success and gladness this year.

101. This birthday is the perfect reminder for you always to strive to climb every mountain set before you. Someone as dedicated as you can always do what they set their mind to. This year may you conquer every fear and win every battle.

102. Know that no matter what happens in life I will always be there to cheer you on and support you. There is no endeavor that you could undertake that I wouldn’t be proud of.

103. My heart has been so full of love and joy ever since you were born that sometimes I think it will burst. It’s hard to contain all the feelings I have for you son, and on your birthday I hope you feel even a margin of how much I love you.

104. As you welcome another chapter of your life, I hope you embrace it with passion and determination. A son as marvelous as you definitely has great things ahead.

105. When I think of you, the first thing that comes to mind is the immense love and pride I have for you. It knows no bounds and has no equal. You are everything to me, my son.

106. You fill my day with lots of happy moments and incredibly precious memories. I look back on my time with you with nothing but absolute satisfaction and delight. Happy birthday, son!

107. Nothing has been the same since you came into my life, and I want you to know I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so grateful that you have changed my life for the better.

108. This year for your birthday it seems our roles are reversed. Instead of giving you a present it seems you have gifted us with one, the gift of a perfect son. Happy birthday!

109. Today is your big day, and I hope it is filled with awe and grandeur. I think the world of you, and I want your birthday to be as perfect as you are.

110. I hope you face the world with positivity and courage, my son. May everything you want in life come to you this year. Happy birthday!

111. I hope you know that I will always love you no matter what the future holds. Even if you crush all my hopes and dreams like you crushed my car, I will still love you. I might just love you a little less though. Just kidding!

112. Sending the most loving wishes to our phenomenal son this year. May your birthday be filled with good times spent with even better friends. Happy birthday, son!

113. I thought I had the perfect life and then you came along. Then I realized I had no idea what perfect was until I was blessed with a son as beautiful as you.

114. I hope you are half as proud to be my son as I am to be your parent. Know that I am your biggest fan and your greatest protector in life. Happy birthday!

115. When you were little, I vowed always to protect, care for, and love you. Somehow over the years, our positions have been reversed. Now you protect and care for me, but I will still always love you.

116. Our relationship may not have always been the smoothest one, but it’s always contained love and respect so we will get there in the end. Happy birthday to my son who tries my nerves but always earns my respect.

117. You continue to amaze me with your ability to spread kindness and generosity to everyone you meet. To be honest, I’m not sure where you got those qualities, but I am so thrilled you have them!

118. May your birthday herald great successes for the rest of your life. I want you to know that you are my biggest joy and greatest pride. Happy birthday, son!

119. If you need a shoulder to lean on or a place to rest your burdens know that you can always turn to me. The job of being a parent will always include providing you with a place to call home.

120. May your birthday remain forever in your heart as you do in mine. A son as precious and wonderful as you is a true gift in life. Happy birthday to the world’s greatest son!

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So you got to the end of our birthday wishes for your son list, but don’t leave yet, we’ve got plenty of other birthday wishes to choose from!

Happy Birthday Cousin Wishes – There’s a good chance you have cousins, and if you do, they have birthdays. Give them a great birthday wish!

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