Having a daughter is one of the greatest joys you can have in life, but knowing exactly what to get her for her birthday can be incredibly difficult. At least figuring out what to write for her birthday message doesn’t have to be as hard, because we have 100 birthday wishes for daughters!
If you are looking for some inspiration for how to tell your daughter just how much she means to you, then look no further. Here are some birthday messages that will hopefully resonate with you for your daughter’s special day.
Birthday Wishes for Daughters List
1. Happy birthday to my darling daughter! You are unbelievably precious to me, and I hope you realize that you are my everything. May your birthday be filled with splendor and love.
2. You are such a positive, charming, and absolutely adorable daughter. I am so proud that I get to call you my daughter because no other person could ever hope to compare to you. Happy birthday to my perfect little girl!
3. A daughter as sweet and loving as you is hard to come by, and I am so fortunate that I was blessed with a wonderful daughter like you. May your birthday be filled with lots of presents and cake.
4. The day you were born was the greatest moment of my life. I am so grateful that I have a daughter as honest, beautiful, and intelligent as you. Happy birthday to my baby girl!
5. There are many things I wish for you in life: success, good health, and fortune are just a few. But there is one thing I wish for you above all others, to know the joy of having a daughter to smoother in love.
6. Daughter, you have grown into such an amazing woman. You must have gotten that from me! Thank you for making it so easy to be proud of you. Happy birthday, my angel!
7. You renew my faith in the world because any world that has as incredible a person as you in it is one that can only be good. You are such an inspiration to me, and I hope you feel surrounded by love and warmth on your birthday.
8. Daughter, time seems to have flown by. Just the other day you could barely stand, and now I get to watch you run the world! Watching you grow up has been such a joy, and I know that only greatness lies ahead for you. May your birthday be just as spectacular as you are.
9. I never knew I could love something so tiny so much, but the day you came into my life I was overwhelmed by all the love I had for you. Thank you for showing me how wonderful being a parent is. Happy birthday to my darling daughter!
10. Of all the presents I have ever been given in my lifetime you were the most beautiful gift I have ever received. Your presence in my life has added nothing but value and joy to it.
11. I hope you know that you will never be too old to come home and be pampered like a princess. Too embarrassed, yes, but never too old! May your birthday be filled with lots of indulging in goodies this year.
12. Daughter, you remind me of your birthday cake; you are full of sweetness and sprinkle my life with love. I hope your special day is just as sweet as you are. Happy birthday!
13. From the day you first came home from the hospital, you ruled our house like a tiny little tyrant. Now, on your birthday, we get to treat you like the queen you are. Happy birthday from your loyal subjects a.k.a. your parents!
14. Happy birthday to my beloved daughter who deserves only the very best on her special day. I promise you that I will devote the rest of my life to providing you with unlimited love and affection.
15. Daughter, if you are lost in life just take a step back and remember your teenage years. Think back to 98 Degrees and just "Be True To Your Heart." Yes, that was a cheesy 90’s reference, but don’t pretend like you didn’t love them! (I remember that poster.)
16. I still remember all the nights we spent just staying up talking and eating ice cream. If you ever need an ear to listen just turn to me, because you will never be too old for girl’s night with your mom.
17. When you were little, you were never afraid to give me tons of kisses, but now you seem so embarrassed! As a parent, it is my duty to embarrass you as much as possible, so this year I plan to smother you with hugs and kisses in front of all your friends. You are so welcome.
18. There were times when I thought I would never get over the struggle of raising a teenage daughter, but luckily we both survived! The moments of angst were worth it though, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
19. Whenever I am feeling down in life, I just think of you, because your smile lights up my life. Happy birthday to my vivacious daughter!
20. Daughter, you’ve achieved so much in life, and I’m nothing but proud of the woman you’ve become. May your year be filled with continued success and never-ending love. I’ve got that love part covered!
21. I don’t know how such a small little girl can generate so much energy, but I do know how she creates so much happiness in my life, by being the most adorable, lovely, and amazing daughter ever!
22. The depth of your kindness and love influences, not only my life but the lives of everyone you meet. You are such a compassionate and caring person, and I am so grateful I have such a splendid daughter.
23. Daughter, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome in life. You are driven and determined, and there is absolutely nothing you cannot do once you set your mind to it. Words cannot express how unbelievably proud I am you.
24. I am so proud that I have the privilege of calling myself your parent. You are truly a delight as a daughter. Happy birthday to my perfect angel!
25. Daughter, always remember to just be yourself, because there is no one more awesome than you! Thank you for filling my life with love, laughter, and countless adorable moments.
26. I am nothing short of delighted to have such a funny, sweet, and caring daughter. You enrich my life in too many ways to count, and I hope your birthday is just as special as you are.
27. When I first held you in my arms, I knew in that moment that I would love you forever. You are such a beloved part of our family, and I hope your birthday is filled with happiness and love.
28. You are a lot like a diamond: brilliant, amazing, and flawless. You differ in that you are worth far more than any stone. You are such a treasure, not only to me but to our whole family. Happy birthday to our precious gem of a daughter!
29. I hope you know that it doesn’t matter how old you get; you will always be daddy’s little girl. You can still come to me, and I will love and support you no matter what. Happy birthday, sweetie!
30. I hope that one day you are blessed with a daughter of your own because nothing can compare to the love a daughter brings into your life. I also hope she brings angst so that you can feel grateful I managed not to kill you in your teenage years! Just kidding, but maybe not.
31. There are not enough words in the English language to express all that I feel towards you, daughter. If I had to, I would go with "I love you so much." Happy birthday to my truly loved daughter!
32. When you are sad, I am sad; and when you are happy, I feel untold joy. Every parent wishes their child to know only peace and happiness in their life, and I am no exception. May your birthday herald a year of great health and happiness.
33. I know that you are so excited to be getting older, but I promise that if you just wait a bunch more years that feeling will pass! Enjoy every moment of your childhood, because it is a truly special time in your life. Happy birthday, munchkin!
34. Daughter, know that when I was strict with you, it was because I loved you. It is in that spirit that this year for your birthday I have decided you may never, EVER date. This is done with love! Happy birthday to my future spinster!
35. When you were a little girl, you enchanted me with your antics, but as a woman, I am stunned by your grace and love. I am so fortunate that I brought such a truly wonderful person into this world.
36. Your curiosity inspires me, your daring emboldens me, and your love warms me. Happy birthday to a truly superb daughter. May your birthday be filled with everything nice in the world.
37. Daughter, this may have been a rough year, but I know that only happy things are coming because a daughter as splendid as you deserves every joy in life. May your birthday mark the start of a wondrous year for you.
38. Every time that I think that you couldn’t possibly get any better as a daughter, you do. Thanks for always amazing me with your brilliance and love. Happy birthday to my perfect daughter!
39. Daughter, I wish only the best for you in life. May you overcome every problem life throws your way, and may you always be confident in the face of adversity. Happy birthday!
40. Your very existence has brought beauty and grace into my life. I hope you know that when you were born my soul was touched in a way, I never thought possible. May your birthday be half as marvelous as you are.
41. If you always strive to do your best, I know that nothing will ever hold you back in life. You are passionate and caring, and I know that you are destined for a life filled with glee and love.
42. One of the best moments of my life was when you said you were proud to call me Dad. Those words shot straight to my heart and melted it. I hope you know I love you so much and wish you eternal bliss in life.
43. You are such a positive and loving person, daughter. You must have gotten that from your mother! Just kidding, but please know that I am so delighted to have such a magnificent daughter.
44. Daughter, you are like a tiny little flower: small, beautiful, and with so much potential. There is nothing I look forward to in life than watching you blossom into a phenomenal person. Happy birthday to my little rose!
45. You are the kind of person who radiates kindness and warmth. You light up the world around you, and you continually dazzle me with your love. May your birthday sparkle just as much as you do.
46. Your birthday is the perfect time to celebrate how truly phenomenal you are. You are classy, beautiful, and intelligent. How I produced you, I do not know, but I am so thankful!
47. Daughter, you are just like a Disney movie: you fill my life with magic, wonder, and delight. I hope you never stop wishing and dreaming because you deserve every happiness in life. Happy birthday to my little princess!
48. You always amaze me with your ability to give unconditionally. If there is one thing that I have to give you unconditionally, it would be my undying love. To the ends of my days, you will always be truly loved and treasured.
49. When you were little I was your Superman; you thought I was so strong and could do no wrong. Now that you are grown, you have become my Wonder Woman; you are strong, brave, and capable of amazing feats. Happy birthday to my superhero!
50. It’s not that I forgot your birthday, it’s just that mentally I was resisting you getting older! I love you tons, and I wish I could keep you forever as my baby girl. Happy belated (but just as sincere) birthday to my timeless daughter!
51. Even though life seems difficult right now, just know that good times are around the corner. Just like your birthday, all things must come and go; and just like your birthday, they will bring about better things to come.
52. I wish you unlimited happiness and joy in your life because whenever you are unhappy, it just breaks my heart. Know that I am always here if you need me. Happy birthday!
53. Before you were born, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but now I know exactly what to expect: to give more than I ever have, to care more than I ever did, and to love more than I have ever thought possible.
54. Daughter, every day you continue to amaze me. You are such a confident, cute, and caring daughter. May your birthday bring untold bliss and happiness this year.
55. You are just like a rare unicorn: majestic, magical, and colorful. Okay, so maybe not magical or majestic, but you definitely have a colorful way with words! Happy birthday!
56. Daughter, I was trying to think of the perfect gift to get you this year, and then it hit me: I will watch all five Twilight films and not make fun of Edward even once. You’re totally welcome.
58. I wish you only the best of luck in all you choose to do in life. Since you are strong, capable, and hard-working, I am sure nothing will be too much of a challenge for you though!
60. When my world feels dark, you are a ray of sunshine. Thank you for always being such a bright and shining person. May your special day be just as brilliant as you are.
61. People always say I spoiled you to death when you were little. Clearly, they had no idea of how bad I was going to be when you were grown! In my book, daughters should always be spoiled rotten and lavished with affection.
62. Many people have daughters, but only a few people are fortunate enough to have daughters that are indisputably perfect. It must be hard to be that perfect, but you make it look so easy. Happy birthday to the world’s best daughter!
63. At first, I wasn’t sure how to be a parent to a daughter, but now I can’t imagine a life that doesn’t include you. You fill my heart and soul with peace and love. May your birthday herald the beginning of an astounding life for you.
64. Daughter, watching you grow up has been many things, joyful, impactful, and even stressful. Above all though, it has been the most meaningful part of my life. Happy birthday!
65. Knowing that I am loved by you is one of the best feelings in the world. You are such an exceptional daughter, and I hope your birthday brings you everything you could ever wish for.
67. Daughter, life is an incredible journey. While I hope you never falter on your path, if you do, know that you can turn to me. I will always be there to show you unending support and love. Happy birthday!
68. Dads are a lot like beacons, and daughters are a lot like ships; my job is to light your way home. Especially, when you are dating. I hope it comforts you to know that if it is past curfew, you can always count on me to show you the way home!
69. May you always stay as gleeful and bold as you are now, my daughter. I hope that you carry your zest for life and adventure into adulthood and that your days are filled with love.
70. The relationship between a mother and daughter is an exceptional one; it’s the kind of bond that lasts a lifetime. No matter your age, you can come to me with any worry, hope, or dream. I will always be there with a kind word and a warm hug.
71. Daughters as amazing as you are one-in-a-million. How I lucked out I will never know, but I plan on spending the rest of my life being so grateful that I have you in my life.
72. Every moment spent with you has been an absolute joy. You fill my days with laughter and my thoughts with love. May your birthday be as unforgettable as you are.
73. I thought I knew what love was, and then I had a daughter. It turns out I had no clue how much my capacity for love could grow. I am so fortunate that I have had all these years to get to watch you grow into the lady you are today.
74. Here’s wishing that your life has so many more moments of happiness than those of sorrow. We can start with this moment: the moment I tell you "I love you." Happy birthday, my love!
75. As you’ve grown, you have taught me so many things in life. Over the years you’ve taught me to have endless patience, unlimited affection, and eternal love. Happy birthday!
76. Daughter, I want you to feel invincible on your birthday because you are. There is no hardship you cannot endure, no hurdle you cannot jump, and no barrier you cannot break. Happy birthday to my little champion!
77. When I first heard I was having a daughter I was scared, but after all this time I am so very grateful. There is no moment I would ever discard because every moment spent with you is as unforgettable as it is valued.
78. I have so many wonderful memories of you playing house, dressing dolls, reading books, and learning how to dance. As you grow older, I comfort myself that there are so many more wonderful memories to come.
79. The day you were born you stole my heart, and you haven’t given it back since. You mean the world to me, and I hope your birthday is filled with joy and love. Happy birthday to my little thief!
80. The day you came into this world was the day I was blessed with a bundle of happiness and joy. You have brought more tenderness and purpose into my life than I ever thought possible.
81. Daughter, you are better than fame, money, and even sliced bread! You are truly a phenomenal human being, and I plan on telling you so every single day until the end of time. I hope your year is as stupendous as you are.
82. From father-daughter dances to walking you down the aisle, my time with you has gone by too quickly. You are a truly cherished daughter who will forever remain a little girl in my heart.
83. You have so many roles in life: friend, confidante, and muse. None as important as being my beloved daughter. If you ever feel overwhelmed by life’s demands just turn to me, and I will carry your burdens just like I carried you as a child.
84. You bring fun, laughter, and joy into my life. The day you were born was the day that lit up my world. I hope that on your birthday you can feel just a measure of how much happiness you have brought into my life.
85. I love celebrating your birthday every year because it is such an excellent reminder of how grateful I am that you were born. I cannot imagine a better daughter than you, and I am glad I don’t have to.
86. I hope that when you are older, you have a daughter so you can feel the depth of my love for you. Also, the depth of my stress, anxiety, and worry! I look forward to the glorious payback of watching you struggle through parenthood. Of course, always with love!
87. I know that at the end of my lifetime I am going to look back and think: my daughter is the greatest thing I have ever created. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing person in my life.
88. Daughter, you seem to have grown up magnificently. I definitely will take all the credit for that! Just kidding, but I am so very proud of you. I hope your special day is filled with tons of presents, cake, and lots of laughter.
89. I look back at all of our mother-daughter moments with such fondness. From painting our nails, doing our hair, talking about boys, to watching you become a mother yourself, I have never been more proud of you.
90. I really wish I could be there for your birthday. Know that no amount of distance could ever dull my love for you. I am sending happy thoughts and lots of love your way for your birthday.
91. Daughter, you’ve got it all: talent, spirit, and drive. Heck, if you weren’t my daughter I might hate you just a bit! Luckily, you are my daughter, so I love you to bits and pieces!
92. When you were a child you wanted a pony for your birthday, when you were a teen you wanted Johnny Depp, and now that you are an adult you only want love and affection. Finally, something I can actually provide! Happy birthday to my daughter who is all grown up!
93. I hope your birthday is filled with balloons, presents, and cake. More importantly, I hope it is filled with love, joy, and warmth. May your every wish come true this year. Happy birthday!
94. This year for your birthday I plan on indulging your every whim, and when I say whim, I really mean bribing your affection with chocolate! Here’s a good life lesson, there’s nothing chocolate can’t fix.
95. As you’ve grown over the years you’ve changed in so many ways; all of which were for the better. I couldn’t be more proud of the person you’ve become. Happy birthday to my exemplary daughter!
96. Daughter, I hope you cherish every moment of your childhood. I know that I do. This time we have together now is so dear to me. Even when you are older, you will always have a special place in my heart.
97. I hope your birthday is filled with great things: a great party, great food, and great people. You deserve it all because you are a great daughter. Happy birthday!
98. Now that you’ve grown up, you may be too cool to come home for your birthday. That’s okay because we’ve decided this year to come visit you! Seeing you: check. Loving you: check. Opportunity to shame you in public: priceless.
99. Happy birthday to my favorite daughter! Yes, you are my only daughter, but that’s just because you were so perfect I didn’t need to have another one. Great job on being awesome.
100. A big part of who I am today is because of you. You continually inspire me to try harder, challenge me to be a better parent, and always love me unconditionally. Thank you for always bringing bliss into my life. Happy birthday!
Do we have other birthday wishes? You bet!
Birthday wishes for your son – Have a son and a daughter? Come back when it’s your son’s birthday and find a great birthday wish. Or adapt a son birthday wish for your daughter!
Happy Birthday Wishes for Daughter
Cute Birthday Wishes for Daughter
My lovely daughter, you have grown up to be a fine young woman! Spread your magical energy everywhere and may your days be filled with love! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my dear girl! You have made me the parent of my dreams and I could have never asked for a better kid! I wish you nothing but bliss and happiness!
The day you came into this world will forever be my favorite day ever! Happy birthday, darling, you will forever be my little girl!
A parent’s dream for his daughter is to provide her with enough love to make her strong, and enough wisdom to make her brave! Happy birthday, doll, you deserve it all!
You give me hope in the lifetime of uncertainty. Your willpower and inner beauty know no limits. I love you forever, my girl! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the baby girl who made me the proudest parent on Earth! May your journey through life be smooth and filled with exciting adventures! I love you!
It is safe to say that you, my daughter, have completely changed my life and taught me to love eternally! On this day we celebrate your cheerful spirit! Happy B-Day!
I have been given presents in my lifetime, but none as valuable and as precious as my lovely daughter! I enjoy watching you transform into a pure ray of sunshine! Happy birthday!
May this year bring you plenty of reasons to smile, and endless opportunities to make you happier! My girl, you were born to be a star! Happy birthday!
If there is one thing I’m sure of, it is that your light has helped me through the darkest of times, and for that, I am forever grateful! I love you, my daughter, and happy birthday!
There will never be one like you! You are my star child, my inspiration, and my life’s thrive! Nothing truly compares to the love you have for your daughter! Happy birthday, baby, you deserve the best!
You think of yourself as a strong person, and then your heart melts with the arrival of your baby girl! What a spectacular young lady you have become! Happy birthday, may life’s joy always find its way to you!
Happy birthday, my beautiful girl! You are the stars of my moon and the sun to my sky! I couldn’t imagine life without you! I love you for eternity!
Hey, baby girl, it’s your birthday! I wish you live life knowing you are loved, protected and, honestly, one of my favorite people in this world! Happy B-Day, honey!
To see your daughter grow up to be the most perfect person ever, is the biggest accomplishment a parent could ask for! I am beyond proud of you and wish you every luck in this world! Happy birthday!
Your birthday is up, my beautiful daughter, and all I cannot find words to express how much you have me inspired me as a parent, and as a person! May your light continue to shine forever! Happy B-day, munchkin!
A parent can only wish his daughter a lifetime of happiness, and a handful of exhilarating adventures ahead! Happy birthday, my princess, I love you so much!
It seems as yesterday that I held you in my arms, wishing you’d forever stay my baby! Now, I realize you will never be anyone else but your beautiful self! Keep the happy vibe girlie, happy birthday!
In the world of copycats, be yourself. In a lifetime of fails, find a silver lining. You are a force to be reckoned with, and I am beyond proud to call you my daughter! Happy birthday, sweetie!
May this lifetime be fulfilled with happy memories, plenty of dreams and a lasting zest for life! Happy birthday, my darling daughter, words cannot explain my love for you!
To my gorgeous girl, I’m so happy you entered my life. I’m so much happier with you in my world. Happy birthday! I love you so much.
To my lovely daughter, you mean the world to me. I couldn’t have asked for a better girl to call my daughter. Enjoy your birthday, love.
Happy birthday beautiful girl. You have brought me and so many others so much joy and happiness. Enjoy your special day. Happy birthday!
What a lovely day to celebrate the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you so much, happy birthday!
To my gorgeous daughter, thank you for being so loving and kind. You mean so much to me and on this day I couldn’t be prouder you’re in my life. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my wonderful child. You are so dear to me, and our bond can never be broken. I love you with all my heart.
My wonderful daughter, where would I be without you? I hope you spend your birthday laughing and smiling because you deserve it.
Send Happy Birthday Messages to Your Daughter
Here’s one thing that parents will rarely ever forget – their children’s birthdays. Whether it’s a daughter or a son, parents will prepare gifts and presents for their child’s special day. Each birthday marks another year that their child has brought joy and laughter into the parents’ lives, so it’s definitely an occasion to be celebrated!
Nothing is quite like the bond between mother and daughter. We have shared so much over the years, and our journey is just beginning. Happy birthday.
The sun isn’t as bright as your smile or eyes. You bring me so much joy, so much life, and I don’t know what I would do without you. Happy birthday, love.
I loved you the moment I held you in my arms, and from that day on, I have loved you more and more each day. Happy birthday daddy's girl!
I have spent so many wonderful years watching you grow up. Look at you now… A strong, lovely, kind woman with independence. I’m so proud to say you’re mine. Happy birthday!
I hope today has brought you everything you asked for, and I hope all the next birthdays bring you joy and peace. Happy birthday to a lovely daughter.
Honey, I don’t know how to put into words how proud I am of you. You’ve come so far and have learned so much. Happy birthday!
To my angel that fell from heaven, I love you so much. I will always keep you close to my heart because you are my heart. Happy birthday.
I cannot imagine my life without you, my wonderful daughter. My life would be so empty without seeing your stunning face. Enjoy your birthday my angel!
Enjoy this day, you deserve it. My lovely daughter, you have brought me so much joy over the years, don’t know where to thank you. Happy birthday!
I wouldn’t give you up for the world. You’re my lovely, kid, stunning daughter, and there’s no one on this planet quite like you.
When I see your face I smile instantly, that’s how much joy you bring me. I can’t help but grin ear to ear when I think of my daughter’s lovely face. Thank you for being there for me. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the best daughter ever. Every year is better than the last. Every year you bring so much happiness and love. I can’t thank you enough. Happy birthday!
I could write a book about how much I love you, but it would take me the rest of my life. Instead, I’ll keep it short and sweet. Darling daughter, you mean the world to me, and I want anything but to see you smile and be happy. Happy birthday!
You get older with each passing day, but in my eyes, you will always be my sweet baby girl who deserves to be loved and is entitled to happiness! May this birthday be the best one yet! Love you!
Take your time and look back on your life! Through your eyes, my sweet baby girl, I have seen colors I never knew existed and I wish nothing less for you! The happiest of birthday, my princess!
You are wise beyond your years and you never take a day for granted! You are forever my baby girl and I will always be by your side! Happy birthday, I love you!
I can see happiness reflect in your eyes with each given day, and I cannot help but feel grateful for having such an amazing daughter! Today we celebrate you! Happy birthday!
My daughter, may you have the most blessed of birthdays! You are a free spirit that makes the world a better place to live! Happy birthday to you, my girl, may all of your dreams come true!
You are slowly growing into the woman I knew you’d become – loving, fierce, and ready to tackle and enjoy life’s surprises! May your journey be easygoing and thrilling! Happy birthday!
Today, I wish that you find your path and you feel the love coming your way! May this year bless you with nothing but smiles, peace, and good health! To the best daughter ever, happy birthday!
Never be afraid to look life into the eyes and give it a wink! Happy birthday, my precious daughter, I wish you all happiness this world has to offer!
To my dear daughter: Happy birthday, kiddo, you have exceeded my every expectation! I am so proud of you and I wish you nothing short of deliriously happy memories!
Happy birthday to my daughter, who loves life like no other, and who shares the love with everyone she meets! You are my greatest achievement! Love you so much!
Push through life’s obstacles like you’ve done so far, and make sure you always keep a smile on your face! I pray the universe sends you nothing but happiness, my daughter, happy birthday!
The happiest of birthdays to my daughter, who knows the real value of things and who had life figured out before any of us did! I love you forever and always!
A daughter will always make you smile, bring hopefulness into your heart, and have your dream of a better world, where love wins! These are some of the reasons why I love my girl so much!
To have daughter means to have a friend at all times, and to have someone to always look forward to coming home! I love you more than words can say, happy birthday, darling girl!
I hope life always treats you fairly and it gives you everything you’ve been asking for! Happy birthday to you, my daughter, you have forever stolen my heart!
You are the best daughter anyone could have! Your energy is infectious and your lust for life is incredible! May you always carry a smile on your face! I love you and happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the most divine and angelic daughter a parent can wish for! You are my light at the end of the tunnel and I wish this life gives you ask the happiness you seek! Happy birthday, baby girl!
Happy birthday, my precious girl! You are one of a kind and I would never ask for a more perfect child! May the odds be ever in your favor and may life treat you gently!
From the day you were born, I knew my life would never be the same! You have filled my heart with love and I hope you find your happy place in this world! Happy birthday, my daughter!
You are my forever princess, my forever baby girl, and my forever first love! Happy birthday, my daughter, I wish life gives you everything you’ve dreamt of!
Where would I be without you, my amazing daughter? You made me the woman I am today. You made me so strong and wise and most importantly, made me feel loved. Happy birthday!
To my lovely daughter, I can’t imagine going a day without thinking about you! You make me so happy and just picturing your face brings me joy and comfort. Happy birthday my angel!
Happy birthday to the greatest girl in the world! I hope all your wishes come true today and the rest of your life!
If they gave out awards for best daughter, you would come first. You’ve been so great to me over the years and without a doubt would win that award in a second. Happy birthday!
It doesn’t matter if you’re right next to me or on the other side of the country, our hearts will always be connected. Mothers and daughters will always have that bond. I love you. Happy birthday, angel.
You bring me and so many others complete and total bliss. You are so caring, so kind, and I hope you see the same on your special day. Happy birthday!
My princess, here is to another wonderful year. I’m sure you’ll accomplish so much, my smart girl. Happy birthday my lovely daughter!
Celebrate this wonderful day, dear daughter! Celebrate and be merry, and enjoy all your presents and kinds messages! You deserve it. Happy birthday!
I hope all the happiness, love, kindness, and wonder in this universe finds out on your birthday. I love you, dear daughter, and bless you on this amazing day.
All those years ago you came into this world as a tiny little baby. Now you’re grown up and living your own life, but you’ll always be my little girl. You’ll always be my baby. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, I hope your birthday brings you so much! Every wish and every dream you’ve ever imagine should come your way today, you deserve it! Love you and happy birthday!
To call you my daughter is such an honor. Not many mothers can say they are as proud as I am, but you have been such a blessing. I love you. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, thank you being the reason I smile so much. You bring me so much happiness, my angel. Everyday is a gift for me to have you. Happy birthday.
What a wonderful day! Today is the day we celebrate the day you came into this world and brought so much light and love. Happy birthday!
A mother and daughter will always have a special bond. We will always be close and share a string that keeps our hearts together. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, as you grow older, I hope that you can face all challenges with ease. I know you can, because you’re strong and smart and have always been able to take care of yourself. I love you. Happy birthday.
My daughter, you have wisdom beyond your years. I should be coming to you for advice, but I often find myself asking you questions. You’re my smart, lovely girl. Happy birthday!
I hope your future years bring you adventures you’ll never forget. I hope you get to go places you’ve always wanted to go and meet people you’ve always wanted to meet. I know you can make your dreams come true, my lovely daughter. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my lovely girl. You shine so bright, even on my darkest days. Your light shines through and guides me when I’m having doubts. Happy birthday, daddy's girl!
My daughter, I love you more than anything else in this world! On this day, you were born, and now you have become the person I am most proud of! Happy birthday, I wish you all the best!
Happy birthday, my fabulous daughter! Your joy for life is beyond words can explain and I wish you continue to grow into an even more astonishing person! I love you!
Life is not meant to be easy, but it is meant to be enjoyed! Happy birthday, my baby girl, I wish you never take life for granted! I love you so much!
My girl, I hope I taught you to love with all your heart and to never be afraid of life’s opportunities! Happy birthday, sweetie, I hope your road to happiness is paved with good energy and memorable experiences!
Happy birthday my beloved girl! I hope life opens the doors to excellence and success, and I hope you seize every chance to be happy! Love you!
I have to thank you on your birthday, darling daughter. Thank you for being so kind, so gracious, so full of love. Thank you for being so understanding and generous. Love you. Happy birthday!
I love you to the moon and back, dear daughter. My heart is filled with so much joy when I realize what you’ve given me over the years. Happiness, kisses, love, and gratitude. I’m so lucky to call you mine. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, the first day I ever held you in my arms, I felt like I was flying. My heart soared when you opened your little eyes and looked back at me. I fell in love with you at that moment, and that love has not died. It never will. Happy birthday!
To my lovely daughter, you will always be my special little girl. You might be older now, but there was once a time where I could just hold you in my arms. I miss those times, but I’m so proud to see you living your life. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, sweet girl! You have grown up to be such a lovely woman. So smart, so strong, and so skilled. I love you so much!
There is nothing m I ore special than the friendship shared between a mother and daughter. We have spent so many amazing together, and I’ll never forget them. Happy birthday.
I can’t think of a favorite memory I have with you. There’s just too many to pick from. That just means we have to make more and happier memories! Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, happy birthday to you. You are my heart, my soul, my best friend. Nothing will come between us. This I promise you. Happy birthday.
My wonderful daughter, I don’t care how old and big you are, you are still a baby, and a mother always takes care of her baby. I love you, darling, and I’ll always be here for you. Happy birthday!
You are my miracle. You are my gift sent from God himself. You were brought me, and I fell so in love with you, and I’m forever thankful you’re in my life. Love you so much and happy birthday!
Happy birthday lovely daughter! I would have made your cake, but just like when you were a kid, you seem to like the batter more! The bowl is waiting for you in the kitchen!
Short Birthday Messages for Daughter
Happy birthday to my lovely daughter! Now everyone will think you’re my sister!
Happy birthday, darling. I didn’t get you a present this year, I mean you're related to me, what more could you want?
Dear daughter. Birthdays mean you should remember 2 things. Forget about the past, you can never change it, oh, and forget about the present… I didn’t get you one. Just kidding!
Happy birthday and enjoy your day, and remember that age is just a number! (It’s a big one in your case!)
Dear daughter, I hope you have a day that’s as lovely as me! That’ll be hard, but good luck trying!
Happy birthday my love! Don’t fret too much about your age. Just like all the chocolate you eat, it shouldn’t be counted!
Happy birthday my love. A lot of people say that they mature with age, but I think you missed out on that one!
Dear daughter, another year gone, another year past, but you’re still as immature as last year. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter. Sorry, you’re another year older! Enjoy it anyway. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, love! Chin up, at least you’re younger than you will be next birthday!
Happy birthday to my second favorite child! Just kidding, love you lots.
Dear daughter, happy birthday! You’ll have senior citizen discounts now!
I hope your birthday is as crazy and wild as your outfit choices during your teenage years. Love you!
Happy birthday, little princess! If anybody calls you old, just throw your walking stick at them!
Happy birthday. Don’t count the candles, we’ll be here all night. Just kidding. Love you!
Love you and happy birthday. Even though you’re getting old, I still love you anyway.
Despite your grey hair, you’re still my little girl. Happy birthday!
You’re already here searching for the best happy birthday wishes for your daughter, so we’d like to extend our birthday wishes for her as well. Aside from all the quotes that you have found in these articles, we hope that your daughter will be able to celebrate her birthday with a blast enjoy a fruitful, joyous year ahead of her. Happy Birthday!