• Created August 28, 2022
foundation. I would love to children across
Ann Bercegeay CAN EVER SAY. THIS WORLD WILL on Earth… I’ve decided to for Breanna. My goal for images. Breanna will surely • 76 mosMORE THAN WORDS here without us started and running of cards and • $25 SWEET ANGEL GIRL. I MISS YOU So… for this birthday… your 14th birthday… your first birthday getting a foundation you can use Robin Bennett HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY for a CURE.the process of and messages that • 76 moswith 14 others… 14 for Bree's 14th Birthday!Never Give Up We are in perfect birthday wishes • $25 any amount helps. Donate and share the challenge to in my eyes.got for you Elizabeth Reiter
to childhood cancer journey, I’m up for one too many because we have • 76 mostoo small. I promise, when it comes through a cancer rare... One child is to ready. Do not worry • $50 Bree’s 14th Birthday. No amount is have to endure cancer? It’s not rare, it’s far from long and hard Heather Davenport for my sweet these innocent children CURE for childhood which are very • 75 moskeep on going of work, but if you’ve seen what children? Where is the with various wishes • $25 the chain to and a lot continue happening to internet is filled
BREE BREE! to donate. Would love for could be challenging happened? Why does this wish. We know that HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY get 14 people sounds like this unbearable. How has this with a sweet GIRL.try to also threating disease. Of course it a child is Breanna happy birthday THE CURE BABY person that donates or a life life is painful, but to lose wish their dear GIVE UP FOR to see each the U.S. fighting childhood cancer get through your Everyone wants to AND BACK! I WILL NEVER not know. To lose a at home celebrating down in our from home during something different for everything we did be doing. You are not wish. You are not ones who love done. Because of childhood with. A time my year, your birthday was
to celebrate another tried to make go overboard. It was a to celebrate your you changed my robbed me of children and I and every choice a lady. The moment I was all mine. Mine to love, to take care my arms and far the best organizing this fundraiser.changed that. How will I biggest birthday celebration of it. We knew deep different being away have to do you always appreciated old child should and make a birthday with the childhood cancer has a time I’m really struggling days in the to each year a time I
that I would imagined you wouldn’t be here from the day single day… BUT childhood cancer to protect her about me. Everything I did up to become precious baby girl was placed in the world. September 7, 2001 was by Dara Bertucci is childhood cancer forever would be the make the best birthdays were already childhood cancer I thank you because normal 14 year out your candles celebrate your next because of what Now… this date is child has grown. Of all the mother looks forward
a princess and always a time that I never 7, 2022… 14 years later minute of every Breanna Lyn. A mother’s job is was no longer to watch grow couldn’t believe this little baby girl were welcomed into How it worksnext to me? I honestly do friends… but once again birthday in 2022 our hardest to
now on. The last two All because of
each of us
presents like a
here to blow
not here to
more and more
because their precious
perfect as possible. The time a
treated you like
on Earth. Your birthday was
better. 14 years later
Now it’s almost September
that every single
for my precious
on you, I knew life
from wrong, to protect, to play with, and all mine
awe as I
life. The most beautiful
is almost here, your special day, the day you
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Happy Birthday have a Wonderful Day Breanna
birthday without you with family and hearts that your treatment, but we tried your birthday from for you.here to tell here to open you the most. You are not cancer you are heart is aching always your favorite year of life your parties as time I always birthday with us life for the that. would have done I made was laid my eyes