Father’s Day Wording From Daughter

Father's Day is a time when you get to look back on your dad's jokes and think to yourself, "How can I make him laugh?" For years he's been in the business of delivering quality puns and hilarious impressions, so it's only right that you return the favor. Sure, you could wait for the perfect moment to mention one of his iconic jokes during your family barbecue or brunch. But if you add one of these funny Father's Day quotes from a daughter to your Insta post, then you'll give him a reason to smile first-thing and forever.

Your dad may be sitting in bed, scrolling through his phone when your post turns up in his notifications. Before he can even pour a cup of coffee in his "Best Dad Ever" mug, he'll likely giggle and think, "Wow, I'm so lucky to be a dad." If you live in a different city, he may give you a call and compliment your sense of humor, to which you'll be able to say, "Well, I learned from the best!" Together, you may reminisce on his past jokes, including the ones that made you and your siblings' eyes roll.

To say the least, adding a funny Father's Day quote to your post on IG or another social media platform is a no-brainer. Especially if you add a quote that's listed below, your dad will surely laugh and enjoy this special holiday. If you can make them more personal, absolutely do so. After all, a dad is likely always aware of his audience and delivers such good jokes because of it.

"You are the luckiest dad in the world. I'd love to have me as a daughter."

"Five-star dad. Would definitely listen to his dad jokes again."

"Dad, I can never repay you. Literally."

"Ask him about the day he taught me how to drive."

"Hey, I love you like a father."

"If at first you don't succeed, call your dad."

"Without me, this day wouldn't mean much. You're welcome."

"Dad, I will always be your favorite kid."

"One day, you're going to put the 'grand' in grandpa!"

"I wouldn't want to roll my eyes at anyone else's jokes."

"I promise to always read your texts, even when they don't make sense."

"He do be looking like my dad, though."

"Whenever I'm in a pickle, I don't flip out because I have you."

"When in doubt, I'll text my dad."


"I'll always be your little girl, even though I'm taller than you now."

"He's awesome. But you know what they say, 'Like father, like daughter.'"

"Thanks for all the unconditional love and stuff."

"He's always down to order pizza. It's no surprise where I get it from."

"Finding another dad who can grill like you is totally medium-rare."

"I love you more than our dog. Just kidding. Almost."

"Happy Father's Day to my favorite Uber driver."

"Thanks for chillin' and grillin' with me, Dad."

"Orange you glad you have me as your daughter?"

"You're always there to catch loose spiders. And honestly, that's what I'm grateful for the most."

"I asked Tan France and he said a dad like you will never go out of style."

"Sorry for the times I stressed you out when I was in high school."

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Top Inspiring Father’s Day Quotes

Father’s Day falls on June 19th this year, but that shouldn’t stop you from showing love to good ol’ dad 365 days out of the year.

We all are the product of our parents’ influence.

It’s important to take a look at the ways father’s impact their children. The quotes below from thinkers, poets, pastors, athletes and other achievers exemplify just how crucial it is to have the influence of a positive male role model.

If you’re a father or father-to-be, let these quotes inspire and guide you to be the best man that you can be for your family. The love and protection of a father is foundational to the family structure, so resolve to put these quotes to use.

Otherwise, let these quotes provide food for thought, so that once Father’s Day rolls around, you’re ready to do something special for your dad.

"It is a wise father that knows his own child."

-William Shakespeare

"I would say my greatest achievement in life right now - my greatest achievement period is - and I'm still trying to achieve it - is to be a wonderful father to my kids."

-Bo Jackson

"To be as good as our fathers we must be better, imitation is not discipleship."

-Wendell Phillips

"I imagine God to be like my father. My father was always the voice of certainty in my life. Certainty in the wisdom, certainty in the path, certainty always in God. For me God is certainty in everything. Certainty that everything is good and everything is God."

-Yehuda Berg

"I've said it before, but it's absolutely true: My mother gave me my drive, but my father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future."

-Liza Minnelli

"I mean, I look at my dad. He was twenty when he started having a family, and he was always the coolest dad. He did everything for his kids, and he never made us feel like he was pressured. I know that it must be a great feeling to be a guy like that."

-Adam Sandler

"Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance."

-Ruth E. Renkel

"Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song."

-Pam Brown

"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."

-Sigmund Freud

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Fathers Day Messages From Daughter – Dad Quotes, Wishes


Happy Fathers Day Messages From Daughter: The bond between father and daughter is the most beautiful association. It is the sweetest relationship which is nothing less than a blessing from God. It is a fusion of unconditional love, care and affection for each other. Third Sunday in the month of June is celebrated as Father’s Day. In 2022, Father’s Day will fall on 21st June

Happy Fathers Day Messages From Daughter

1). Papa, no words are enough to express my feelings for you….. All that I can say is that you are the most wonderful dad a daughter can have and I am the lucky one to have you….. With love, wishing you Happy Father’s Day.

2). You taught me to walk, you taught me to live life….. The credit of all my success goes to just one person and that is you daddy…. Happy Father’s Day to you…. I pray for the best of your health and happiness.

3). When I was happy and when I was sad….. When I was successful and when I had failed…. At each and every point, you were there for me…. Sharing my moments of joy and dullness……. Cheers to the best dad…. Happy Father’s Day to you papa!!!

4). No love in this world can replace your love because it is so pure and unconditional…. I am the luckiest girl to have the most wonderful father who has always supported and understood me…. With all my heart, I wish you Happy Father’s Day.

5). Daddy, you are my biggest strength, you are the reason for my smiles, you are my motivation and you are my hero…. Life of your daughter is incomplete without your love and blessings…. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day papa.

6). I am a princess because you are my father. I thank God every morning for making you my dad. Thanks for everything you have given me from your time to your love. Happy Father’s Day.

Fathers Day Messages From Daughter

7). Dear papa, I am a strong, confident and independent girl because you have been the best father to me. I am a reflection of your beautiful heart. Wishing you Happy Father’s Day. Love you lots!!

8). Life is full of challenges but with a heroic father, I have nothing to worry. Daddy, you are the best father in the world as you make me feel the best daughter. Happy Father’s Day to you.

9). The one person who is my friend, my guide, my teacher, my protector and my life is you. Dearest dad, thanks for believing in me and giving me all the freedom. Happy Father’s Day.

10). On the occasion of Father’s Day, I want to tell you that you mean the world to me because you have always trusted me and allowed me to make mistakes. You are the best dad papa

11). Lucky are the girls who are born to caring and loving dads. And I am so happy to say that I feel the luckiest girl on the planet as you make a wonderful daddy. Warm wishes on Father’s Day to you.

Fathers Day Wishes from Daughter

"Warm wishes on Father’s Day to the best papa from the best daughter. Together we make the best father-daughter duo. Love you forever."

"Wishing all the smiles and happiness to the dad who has been the source of inspiration and unconditional love for me. Happy Father’s Day."

"When you are there, I know there is just nothing to worry because you are the hero who can solve any problem of my life. Wishing you Happy Father’s Day."

"I promise to always be a daughter you can be proud of. I promise to always walk the path you have shown me. Happy Father’s Day 2022."

Fathers Day Quotes in English from Daughter

"Thanks for all the smiles. Thanks for all the love. Thanks for all the happiness. I will fall short of thank you but not of reasons to thank you. Happy Father’s Day dad.


"Your presence in my life is like an umbrella which protects me from all the difficulties in life. Wishing a very Happy Father’s Day to you dad."

"You are the source of inspiration for me. You are the source of my energy. You are the dad who I can call my best friend. Happy Father’s Day papa."

"You have guided me through my tough times and believed in me when I failed. You are truly the best. Love you papa and wish you Happy Father’s Day."

“The princess is wishing her DAD a very Happy Father’s Day…. Thanks for treating me like a princess and giving me this beautiful life.”

“Dearest dad, you are the one who has always taught me everything I know. Without you, I am nothing. Happy Father’s Day to you.”

“Every year Father’s Day reminds me that how fortunate I am to have you in my life. Wishing a blessed and Happy Father’s Day to you.”

Happy Fathers Day Wishes From Daughter

“I am a happy and successful daughter because I have an encouraging and supportive father behind me. With lots of love, Happy Father’s Day to you dad.”

Funny Fathers Day Messages from Daughter in Law

“Warm wishes on Father’s Day to you dad…. You are the most supportive, caring and loving father in law that a daughter in law can wish to have.”

“Dearest Dad, I may not be there to wish you on Father’s Day but I will always live in your heart and will always love you for being the best dad ever.”

"Dearest dad, I have filled my heart with your memories and your blessings so that the void of your absence doesn’t hurt me anymore. Happy Father’s Day."

"Wishing a very Happy Father’s Day to you dad. There are no words me to tell you that how much I love you and how much you are missed every day."

"On Father’s Day, I want to look up to the sky and wish you Happy Father’s Day because I know you are somewhere up there blessing me."

"It is so depressing to know that I cannot hug you and wish you Happy Father’s Day in person. I wish I could fly and come to you to celebrate this day with you dad."

"The only thing that I don’t like about this life is that you are so far away from you. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day dad."

"I wish for your good health and happiness each and every day. I wish that I get to meet you very soon. A very Happy Father’s Day papa."

"Warm wishes on Father’s Day to you papa. This is one day when I miss you more than regular days as you are not here with me."

"I don’t remember pampering you even on Father’s Day but I remember you pampering me each and every day. To my dearest dad, I wish a very Happy Father’s Day."

"Happy Father’s Day to you dad. May the memories that I have of you in my heart never fade away as they give me strength and inspire me to become like you."

Fathers Day Greetings From Daughter, Dad Quotes From Daughter


"To my dearest dad, I wish you a very Happy Father’s Day. You are my first friend, my first teacher and my hero for life.

"I may not wish you Happy Father’s Day this year but I want to tell you that I love you the most in this world. Happy Father’s Day papa."

"Happy Father’s Day to the world’s most amazing dad. I am happy to be your princess and blessed to have a wonderful father like you."

"You have walked into my life like an angel and I cannot thank God for sending you into my life. Happy Father’s Day to you dad."

"Though I am your adopted daughter but never ever I have felt like one as you have filled my life with your love. Warm wishes on Father’s Day to you."

"To the dad who has brought all the love, happiness and smiles into my life. I am so fortunate to find a dad like you. A very Happy Father’s Day to you."

"A very Happy Father’s Day to you dad. This day I would want to ask you start treating me like a teenager despite the fact that I am your princess."

"Wishing a very Happy Father’s Day to the dad who has always been my hero. Thanks for inspiring me papa."

"I have always found a friend in you. I have always found a mentor in you because you make the best dad in the world. Happy Father’s Day to you."

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Dear Fatherless Daughters,

Father’s day is slowly approaching and I know how hard this time of year can be for you. Everywhere you turn you are bombarded with reminders to celebrate your father. Suddenly walking down the stationary aisle in Wal-Mart triggers childhood feelings of not being like the other kids who had dads. You find yourself in that familiar place of being on the outside looking in.

None of the messages scrawled in the Hallmark cards resonate with you. You are not forever thankful for the lessons daddy taught you. He was never there. He doesn’t mean the world to you. You have the same reverence for him that you do for a complete stranger.

Even still, there is a longing. Deep in your most vulnerable places, tucked away under the woman you are, is a little girl that longs to matter to her daddy. She yearns for him to pick her up, swing her around, and express his unconditional love.

No matter how old you get, the hole in your heart created by your father’s absence still aches. Especially on Father’s Day.

As you struggle to make sense of why your father chose to limit his role in your life to sperm donor, here’s what I want you to know:

You are not alone. It might feel as if no one understands you and what you are going through. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are countless fatherless daughters who share in your struggle. We understand you. We are here for you, and on Father’s Day, we will cry with you.


You don’t have to deny the pain you feel because your father left. It hurts. It hurts when you were a little girl waiting for him to show up and it hurts even when you are a grown woman who knows he will never show up. Cry all you want. If you need to snuggle up with your favorite pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and throw yourself a pity party, do it. You are entitled to feel your hurt. Just don’t let it consume you.

No other man will ever fill the void that your daddy left behind. You will be tempted to soothe the pain of being discarded by finding a surrogate to replace your father. This never works and you will always be disappointed. Just as no woman wants to play mommy to a man she loves, no man wants to spend forever with a woman who is using him to sort through her daddy issues.

Don’t define who you are based on your father’s decision to walk away. Just because your father couldn’t live up to his responsibilities does not mean that something is inherently wrong with you. He might not be able to see the gift that you are, but there is no need for you to be blind to your worth too.

Don’t hoard your love because you fear being abandoned again. It doesn’t matter how proudly you wave your ‘I don’t need anyone flag’, you were meant for love and refusing to share yourself with others hurts you most.

It might not seem like it, but there will come a time when you muster up the courage and forgive your father. This doesn’t mean that you have to forge an awkward relationship with him where you pretend that nothing ever happened. It simply means that you let go of your hurt and stop living life as a wounded child.

There are people who will tell you that you should let go of your hurt and get over it. It’s OK to tell them to back off. They mean well. They just don’t understand that even after you forgive your father, every now and again, like say Father’s Day, your wounds will re-open a little bit. No need to panic. Just give it room to breathe until it re-heals.

You don’t need your father to feel complete. I know right now you feel life dealt you a crappy hand by giving you a dead beat dad. Ditch that thought. Whatever you feel the world is withholding from you, look deep inside and you will find it in yourself. If you are looking for love, then love yourself. If you are looking for acceptance, then accept yourself.

Don’t spend your time focusing on how your father abandoned you. Instead, remind yourself of how you were able to make it in spite of his absence. He might be gone, but you know what, you’re still here.

Another Fatherless Daughter

This would apply for fatherless sons also as I grew up without knowing mine, but as the father of a daughter myself I completely understand a point of view coming from a daughter. Why any man would shuck his parenting duties pisses me off and makes divorced dad's have to fight that much harder to be in their child's life.

It sure does apply to fatherless son's as well. Although I know I could never truly capture what it's like to be a fatherless son. The absentee dads certainly give other dad's a bad rap. The few bad apples make it worse for those dads out there who are doing their best to be the best father they can be to their children. It really is a shame.

These are beautiful and wise words for fatherless daughters. It must be hard to watch everyone else celebrate a day that holds painful memories for you. It's great that you choose to reach out to others and share what you've learned.

What sage and inspiring advice for so many fatherless daughters Yanique. Your words are right on for so many of my sister-friends and I'll be sure to share this with them in the hopes that they can move forward and live and love more joyously.

Thank you and I appreciate you sharing 🙂

You're so wise, Yanique. As a fatherless daughter this resonates so much with me. For so many of us who've been hurt by parents, I think the greatest lesson we can all learn is that we are really not alone.

well written… good insight… congrats.

Thank you for this, Yanique. I'm a 40-something fatherless daughter and still struggle with this day. I'm relatively self-aware and emotionally grounded, yet still have nightmares and other grief responses when dealing with processing this day. It's a little bit reassuring to read something like this and remember “you are not alone”.
Big hugs to you.

Thank you so much for this beautiful letter. It found its way to me when I needed to read it. I'm sorry you've had to endure this hardship, I'm sorry any of us have to. Thank you, again, so very much. God bless your beautiful heart.

And lastly, if you want to buy a Father's Day card, do it. Then give it to your mom, because she probably did a damn fine job filling both roles.

Thank you. It made me cry and its just what I needed to hear.

Sometimes it helps knowing that you're not alone. Sending gentle hugs xoxo

thank you from a mother who still struggles with the pain that comes from divorcing a man who blames me and my daughters for his abandonment of them.

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