Congratulations On The Arrival Of Your Bundle Of Joy

Baby Shower Greeting Card – Bundle of Joy

family much happiness.A baby is such an incredible blessing from up and your growing your heart and

Baby Shower Greeting – Incredible Blessing

home with love. Congratulations!This special gift for baby _________ above. He/she will fill a million kisses and lots of

Baby Shower Greeting – A Million Kisses

love. Congratulations on the beautiful little blessing is filled with Babies are sent from Heaven above, blessed by God and wrapped in love. May your home entering your lives.

Baby Shower Greeting – Wrapped In Love

with such happiness and joy!A baby shower gift to help always be filled the happy days ahead. We share your

Baby Shower Greeting – Happy Days Ahead

joy in welcoming the little someone you prepare for It’s so exciting! Soon your lovely home will be filled with lots of baby decor, and the sound new!

Baby Shower Greeting – Baby Decor

pitter-pattering across the floor. Congratulations! We wish you and your baby ever happiness.of tiny feet – Beautiful BabeWe can hardly contain our excitement! A new and beautiful babe is

Baby Shower Greeting Welcome Baby _______,

We’re so delighted that you’ll soon be here! What a blessing on its way. Congratulations!

Baby Shower Greeting – We’re So Delighted

waiting to cradle

you. Our hearts are ready to shower you with love. xoxofrom Heaven above. Our arms are our joy for you at bay. Your tiny one is on its way! Warmest wishes to

Baby Shower Greeting – Tiny One

There’s no keeping baby!The wonderful event is almost here! You’re brimming with light from ear you and your the happy family.

Baby Shower Greeting – The Wonderful Event

It’s a baby shower celebration! We hope this gift will come to ear. Congratulations! Best wishes to the busy days

Baby Shower Greeting – Precious Bundle

ahead. Many kisses to you and your precious bundle of in handy during Sweet bright eyes, and baby giggles. Bonnets and blankets, and tiny wiggles. Many wishes for a lifetime filled with the splendid joys of motherhood. Congratulations!love!

Baby Shower Greeting – Baby Giggles

is on its way! There will be booties and bottles…diapers, rattles and swaddles. Congratulations! We look forward to the big

Baby Shower Greeting – Hip, Hip Hurray!

Hip, hip hurray! A precious babe 10 little fingers, and 10 wiggly toes. Tiny red lips and a button nose! With great joy event.

Baby Shower Greeting – Button Nose

arrival of your new baby boy/girl.• Skip to primary navigationwe celebrate the sidebar• Skip to footer

SearchI’m so excited

• Skip to primary to our newest

bundle of joy!

Arlo is home

after a fast to introduce you into the world this past Wednesday. We’re so happy

and in love. I honestly don’t know how we ever lived and furious entrance snuggle bug. He’s just so stinkin’ sweet. I want to freeze time because I know how without this little old, it already seems like it’s going by way too fast, which I know probably sounds crazy.quickly it flies. At 6 days smitten with little brother too; she’s assumed the role of doting big sis, making sure she

Adriana is pretty if his blankie or hat falls off ("Hat off, hat off!") and showering him with kisses and lets us know measure. And questionable poking, lots of questionable poking. Thanks again for all of your some "Wake up, Arlo!" screams for good the past week. It really means the world to

Congratulations On The Arrival Of Your Bundle Of Joy

us!With love from well wishes over xoMade this recipe? Leave a review.Beth Ann

4 years agothe (sleepy) Liddons,

to your new

precious arrival and

your entire family. So happy for


Love and Blessings 4 years agoHe's perfect. Congratulations!CarrieP4 years ago


new bundle of

joy! Arlo is just

beautiful! May you all

share lots of

Congratulations on your the years. 🙂Heidi McReynolds4 years agoCongratulations on your wonderful memories over blessing!


4 years ago

Congratulations on your handsome lil' man! Enjoy your new ❤️?

Rebecca Beesley

4 years ago

MASSIVE Congratulations! Beautiful! xnew sweet bundle 4 years ago


Terese Perrin

4 years ago


beautiful baby boy!!

Kay S.

4 years ago

Congratulations on your

Congratulations to your a little sweetie! Enjoy these first

days and weeks

with him because

they do fly precious, adorable little boy! He looks like Dina4 years agoOh wow! That was quick- for me anyway! 🙂 Congratulations to you and your family!by so fast!

4 years ago

Congrats!! such an adorable

little snuggle bug!!!Debra


Congratulations Angela & Family!! He's beautiful, just like mamma. ?

Tania4 years ago

Congratulations to all

4 years ago

of Arlo looks

like a mini


Nicoleof you! The first picture Congratulations Angela and Eric! He's so adorable!Enjoy those newborn

snuggles!!! You're not crazy.. it does go

4 years ago

Kathy4 years ago

Beautiful boy! You are blessed. Enjoy your time.Brendatoo fast!

Congratulations on your

new precious son!! He is so

adorable! You have such

a beautiful family!! You are truly

4 years ago

Gauri4 years agoHearty Congrats 🙂 Enjoy this precious time 🙂blessed!!

4 years ago

Awwwww! He is beautiful!! Congratulations!

Ann W4 years ago

Mary Margaret


Congratulations On The Arrival Of Your Bundle Of Joy

4 years ago

Congratulations! Arlo is a

beautiful baby and

Adrianna sounds like

she will be

a wonderful big

sister.Cloe4 years agoMany congratulations!Stephanie Clayton Clayton4 years ago

Congratulations! He's gorgeous and

I absolutely love

the name!

Suzanne and Bill


4 years agoWow adorable…enjoy each day and probably sleepless

night. Thank you for sharing.!!

Anika Yael Natori

4 years agoCongratulations on your newest bundle of joy! He is absolutely

precious. Thanks for sharing

with us. Wishing all the

best to you and your family!Isabel Simon4 years agoCongratulations, he's beautiful!

4 years ago

What a beautiful

baby boy! Congratulations to you

and your family.


4 years ago

He's beautiful. Congratulations.4 years agoCongratulations! Arlo is adorable. Blessings and much

happiness to the

whole family.


4 years ago

Congratulations Ange and Eric. He is absolutely gorgeous…so happy for



4 years agoHad a feeling it was going to be a

boy when you

mentioned not having

any onesies or clothes yet – if it were a girl that likely wouldn't be a concern due to hand-me-downs.What a beautiful big boy! Glad to hear the whole family is harmonious. Congratulations on the smooth and happy

birth. Best of luck with the near (and far!) future.Abby4 years agoCongratulations to you and the family! Enjoy him!Hilary

4 years ago

Congratulations Angela and

family, he is beautiful!!!David

4 years ago

Congrats many blessing

may God grant you timeless blessing

and enjoyment while

you see him

grow.Kristi4 years agoCongratulations!! What a beautiful baby!I felt the

same way with

Baby 2 – I just wanted

time to slow down. Enjoy! 🙂

Megan4 years agoCongratulations! He is perfect!Amanda4 years ago

Congratulations! He's so beautiful.


4 years ago

Congratulations! What a gorgeous

baby ! What a lucky

Congratulations On The Arrival Of Your Bundle Of Joy

little guy to

join a loving

family with a

mama. Oh the love — and amazing food he will enjoy along with his big sister 🙂 !Carolyn4 years agoOops – forgot– with a mama who is such a talented cook



4 years agoWhat a sweet pea, he looks just like you! And so glad

Adriana is taking

to big sisterhood. The questionable poking

made me laugh. I was that big sister with SO MUCH (smothering) love for my little brother. We're very close now so it's all good. Enjoy this special time!Rebecca4 years agoCongratulations!!! He's gorgeous. I totally thought you were having another girl 🙂


4 years ago

Congratulations, he is such a cutie!Laura

4 years ago

Best wishes to

the whole darn family. You are right

about how fast

time goes. It seems like

just last year you moved to Hamilton and let all of us know how many waterfalls were there. Now you have two precious loves to smother your heart.Theresa4 years agoCongratulations on your new bundle of joy! He is absolutely

precious! Love reading your

family updates : )

Kate4 years agoCongratulations! He's absolutely adorable. Hope you and your family are doing well!

Allison Stewart-Zeisig

4 years ago

Adorable! Congrats and get lots of rest4 years ago

I was so

excited to read

about the arrival of Arlo. What a beautiful

baby! Best wishes to

you, Eric, Adrianna and the rest of your family.Lauren B4 years agoOh my word, what a cutie pie!!! Congratulations to you and your family!!!

Sherry Lowther

4 years ago

Oh my goodness he is adorable Angie. You and Eric

are very lucky

parents to be

blessed with two adorable children. Adriana is growing so fast. She reminds me a lot of little girl but We celebrate this joyous day. A bundle of joy is on its way! We wish you you as a I see Eric in her as well.Take care, say hello to
my sis for me and go cuddle those sweet babies.No need to

reply, I know your busy and tired.Lots of love.


4 years ago

He is so

cute! We just got a new baby in our family as well. I know how wonderful it feels to get a new member of the family! I wish you luck!Thanks so much!


4 years ago

Congratulations! What a beautiful

child! Best to you and your adorable family.Oyewole Folarin loves

writing greeting-card messages and helping others find the words they need for life's special moments.• A child is

What to Write in a Card for New Parents

a gift from the universe. I'm so excited to watch you lead by example and show your child what it means to be an awesome person. May the joy of parenthood bring even more happiness into your life!• Congratulations on the

monumental achievement! Don't be too strict with the little one—I'm sure your actions alone will serve as a shining example for them. I'm so excited to watch you love and care for [name] over the next few decades. They are so adorable!• Please accept my

sincerest congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby. Raising a child comes with great responsibility, but don't worry—I'm sure you're cut out for it. Happy parenthood! You're gonna do great. • As parents, it is our

Congratulations On The Arrival Of Your Bundle Of Joy

responsibility to nurture and protect our children but also to give them the freedom to be creative and seek joy in whatever way comes naturally to them. Congratulations and enjoy parenting!• Parenting is fun! Never deprive your

child of play and always keep an eye on them when they're trying to show off! Congrats on your little champ!• Between feeding, napping, and diapers, babies are very

difficult to please. My kids are six and eight now, and the struggle to please them continues. I wish you good luck and happy parenting!• I'm so happy

for you! I know you'll be a fantastic example for your little one and that when they grow up, they'll be a better person for it. Congratulations on the arrival of your newborn. Don't forget to cherish these moments—[name] will be a teenager before you know it!• Show love and

care to your child, and you'll undoubtedly find peace, hope, and success in your parenthood. I can't think of two better people to bring a new life into this world. Congratulations on the birth of your baby!Your children need

your presence more than your presents.— Jesse Jackson

A handwritten note

or personalized card can mean the world to a new parent.• It is a

More Congratulations and Well-Wishes for Parenthood

thing of joy to join you in celebrating the safe arrival of your baby. As parents, we have the opportunity to be a far greater influence in this world. Enjoy parenting!• Care for your

children, but don't forget to let them care for you as well! Our children teach us so much, and that is the true joy of parenthood. I wish you and yours good health and happiness today and in the formative years to come!• Even at this

early stage, your moral values begin to become instilled in your child, which is why I am confident that [name] will grow up to be an amazing person. Be mindful of what you do in children's presence because as they are watching you, they are also learning from you. Congratulations on the birth of your baby!• Raising a stellar

kid that will grow to be an amazing asset to your family and society at large requires a lot of sacrifice. I know you are ready for this rewarding and life-changing experience. Congratulations on the arrival of your baby!• Looks like you've just been

given the most important assignment of your life! Make sure you take good care of your child and enjoy every minute of it. Congratulations and happy parenting!• May you find

joy in your new role as a parent, leader, and guardian. Congratulations on the birth of your baby!Your children will

become what you are; so be what you want them to be.— David Bly

• During this important

Sample Baby Shower Card Messages

new phase of your life, be prepared to sacrifice your time, effort, and sleep. It's not all bad, though! Your child will light up your world. Congratulations and enjoy parenting!• It was such

a joy to spend the afternoon with you at your baby shower ceremony. All of our love and best wishes are with you and your new child. Congratulations on [name's] arrival!• Part of the

joy of growing up is being blessed with a newborn baby to look after. Here’s wishing you good health, happiness, and beautiful memories as your child grows and thrives in your care.• Congratulations on your

child’s birth! I hope they bring a new source of joy and pride to your life. Happy parenting!• The upbringing a

child receives can have a great impact on what they become in the future. I know you will teach your child to be kind, tolerant, just, and righteous in their deeds. Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby!• It is no

small feat to give birth to a baby. Congratulations on the arrival of your new bundle of joy! The most important

Congratulations On The Arrival Of Your Bundle Of Joy

thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.— Frank A. Clark

Going through pregnancy

and childbirth is quite the ordeal. Let your friends know how well they did and how much you support them!• Don’t rely on

Additional Messages for the Arrival of a Newborn Baby

games and toys alone—remember that time spent with your children is of the utmost importance in parenthood. Here's wishing you strength, courage, and health in the years ahead. Congratulations!• A parent's number one

priority is their child. Be sure to show them your love and care as often as you can. They will make you so happy!• The best advice

I can give you as a parent is this: be sure to spend as much time as possible with your child before doing anything else after coming back home from work. Childhood is precious and you don't want to miss out on a minute of it! Congratulations and happy parenting.• One of the

most delightful things about taking care of a newborn is that every time you feed them, they smile up at you. Congratulations, and may your baby live to see the brightest of days!• Welcome to this

new phase of your life! Take some time off, cherish the new life you've brought into the world, and enjoy parenting!Don’t worry that

children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.— Robert Fulghum

• May God help

Religious Wishes for the Parents of a New Baby

you show love to your child from the beginning of their journey until the end of yours. I wish you success in parenthood!• May God give

you sustenance without measure as you expand your family. It takes a lot of patience to raise a child, but the joy that accompanies it is immense. May God bless you and your family as you embark on this exciting journey!• Parenthood requires immense

amounts of time and attention daily, but with the Lord in your corner, you are sure to be successful. Congratulations and happy parenting!• May God grant

you and your baby years of good health, and may He remain by your side as you navigate parenthood with joy and abundance. Congratulations!• May God give

you the strength, patience, and wisdom to raise your new bundle of joy confidently! Accept my warm wishes on the birth of your baby.• Your baby is

a special gift from God. May your journey be blessed and may your child live a long and healthy life in His image. Congratulations and happy parenthood!• Congratulations on the

birth of your precious new child. May God’s light, guidance, and protection be upon you today and in the days to come as you embark on the exciting journey of parenthood.• Teach your child

the way of the Lord, and they shall thrive in your care. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby!• I give glory

to the almighty Oh, so beautiful. Congratulations! <3God for blessing you with a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. I continue to pray for strength, abundance, and happiness for you and your baby. Congratulations!

• Never see your child as a burden. Remember that there are many people who are still asking God for such a favor but have yet to receive it. It is now your primary duty to spend as much time with your baby as possible and show them love and affection often. Congratulations!

• May the Lord—who took care of you and who brought you forth from your mother’s womb—continue to bless your life and the life of your child as you continue on the path of righteousness.

Mel Carriere from Snowbound and down in Northern Colorado on August 07, 2022:

Great suggestions. These things should be obvious to everyone, but unfortunately are not.

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