1. For Us
Don’t want it to pass,
Don’t want to let it go.
Hope it will last till my last breath
And stay with me till the last moment.
My skin craves your touch.
The racing of heart and the calmness around,
Mellow voices of beating heart
What does it say?
Let the rest of the world fall apart.
Kiss me slow and stay still.
Look at me with eyes shut.
We are all we need.
Forces of the Universe
Call it magic or mystery of the universe.
But like the earth rotating around the sun,
My heart yearns for yours.
Like the very laws that guide, I’m writing down the words,
Guided by the forces of the universe.
– Unknown
3. In Her Eyes
In her eyes, I saw what a thousand future holds.
In her eyes, my day calls for joy.
In her eyes, the moon shines bright.
In her eyes, even the oceans make their wishes.
In her eyes, lies the desire for love.
In her eyes, I see two luminous stars.
– Unknown
Hold Your Head High
Don’t stop smiling,
Hide the tears in your eyes.
Don’t stop smiling,
Shine like a star in a gloomy sky.
Don’t stop smiling,
Hold your head high.
– Unknown
I Carry Your Heart With Me
I carry your heart with me (I carry it inmy heart)
I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is you’re doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you.
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(ere is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart ( I carry it in my heart)
– E. E. Cummings
A Red, Red Rose
O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune.
So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only luve!
And fare thee weel awhile!
And I will come again, my luve,
Though it were ten thousand mile.
– Robert Burns
Before You Came
Before you came,
Things were as they should be:
The sky was the dead-end of sight,
The road was just a road, wine merely wine.
Now everything is like my heart,
A color at the edge of blood:
The grey of your absence, the color of poison, of thorns,
The gold when we meet, the season ablaze,
The yellow of autumn, the red of flowers, of flames,
And the black when you cover the earth
With the coal of dead fires.
And the sky, the road, the glass of wine?
The sky is a shirt wet with tears,
The road a vein about to break,
And the glass of wine a mirror in which
The sky, the road, the world keep changing.
Don’t leave now that you’re here—
Stay. So the world may become like itself again:
So the sky may be the sky,
The road a road,
And the glass of wine not a mirror, just a glass of wine.
– Faiz Ahmed Faiz
When I Die I Want Your Hands On My Eyes
When I die I want your hands on my eyes:
I want the light and the wheat of your beloved hands
To pass their freshness over me one more time
To feel the smoothness that changed my destiny.
I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep,
I want for your ears to go on hearing the wind,
For you to smell the sea that we loved together
And for you to go on walking the sand where we walked.
I want for what I love to go on living
And as for you I loved you and sang you above everything,
For that, go on flowering, flowery one,
So that you reach all that my love orders for you,
So that my shadow passes through your hair,
So that they know by this the reason for my song.
– Pablo Neruda
Short Poems To Make Her Feel Special
Expressing true feelings of love in short rhymes is exciting. Don’t wait for Valentine’s Day. You can make her feel special by sharing these short poems at any time.
Her Smile
A smile is such a lovely thing, especially upon your face;
Hiding all the sorrows or simply taking their place.
A kindly spoken word means so much when from you,
It comforts my weary heart or when I’m feeling blue.
A song can make our hearts dance in pretty fast-paced clips
When we hear the melody of our loves’ unconquerable grips.
Words could lift my spirits and sweet compassion find;
Put your hand in mine alone, and peace will fill my mind.
A smile, a word, a song, a look – seem small little things
But when love sparks an action, what blessings they bring!
– Michael Rodney Attoh
One Day I Wrote Her Name Upon the Strand
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away:
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.
"Vain man," said she, "that dost in vain assay,
A mortal thing so to immortalize;
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eke my name be wiped out likewise."
"Not so," (quod I) "let baser things devise
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame:
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write your glorious name
Where when as death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew.
– Edmund Spenser
Another Valentine
Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another Valentine.
We know the rules, and we are both pedantic.
Today’s the day we have to be romantic.
Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.
You know I’m yours, and I know you are mine.
And saying that has made me feel romantic,
– Wendy Cope
I Loved You
I loved you, and I probably still do,
And for a while, the feeling may remain.
But let my love no longer trouble you,
I do not wish to cause you any pain.
I loved you, and the hopelessness I knew,
The jealousy, the shyness – though in vain –
Made up a love so tender and so true
As may God grant you to be loved again.
– Alexander Pushkin
For Her
Thoughts of you surround me.
You’re the beating of my heart.
The love you give defines me.
My life is no longer dark.
You give your hand so sweetly.
I am lost if you’re away.
You have me so completely.
I cherish you night and day.
Without your breath, I cannot live.
I need your lips on mine.
Nothing at all I wouldn’t give.
I’ll take nothing and be fine.
– Jamie Emm
Love Sonnet
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
Your hands the color of a savage harvest,
Hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.
I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
The sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,
And I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
Hunting for you, for your hot heart,
Like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.
– Pablo Neruda
• Yours
I am yours as the summer air at evening is
Possessed by the scent of linden blossoms,
As the snowcap gleams with light
Lent it by the brimming moon.
Without you I’d be an unleafed tree
Blasted in a bleakness with no Spring.
Your love is the weather of my being.
What is an island without the sea?
– Daniel Hoffman
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Shivank Joshi
Shivank is an experienced professional with a passion for writing, editing, and research. With a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication, he previously worked as a production editor. Shivank transitioned into a writer/editor, contributing to various publications as a freelancer. He writes literature, including quotes, poems and wishes, for MomJunction. He has a special interest in music and relationships. During his... more
Short Poems About a Beautiful Girl: A beautiful girl is inspiring, kind and has a beauty that is unmatched by anyone else. A cute girl can make you feel good about yourself and make you want to do good things. A beautiful girl will make your heart flutter whenever you see her. She’ll change your life for the better and make you look at the world differently. There’s no limit to how much a beautiful girl can improve your life. Her bubbly personality will be appreciated by everyone she comes in contact with.
Short Poems About a Beautiful Girl
1. Hey beautiful girl, I’m writing this just to say that you’re the prettiest girl I have ever seen. The way you look at me is just so cute, it makes my heart skip a beat almost every time and it makes me feel like a million bucks. You’re the first thing that I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last before I go to sleep. You’re always on my mind in between. Thanks for all the
2. I love the way you smile, I love the way you laugh, and I love the way you think. There is no other girl that I’d rather be with. Thank you for everything and for being there through all my joys and trials. I can’t wait to share all of my future adventures with you by my side forever.
3. I was just thinking about how much I love you. I don’t know what it is about you, but every time I see your smile something special happens inside me. You are beautiful inside and out, and I just can’t help wanting to be with you all the time.
4. I love you. You’re a dream. A wonderful, beautiful dream that came true! I’m so happy you came back into my life!
5. I would be honored to be your role-model, I do not want to change your life, I just want to go with you anywhere.
6. A beautiful girl, like a colorful flower. One day you will be my wife. A beautiful girl, like the stars up in the sky. I love her now and always will.
7. Hi, you are so pretty. I saw you from afar, and thought you were so beautiful. The moment I saw your face, my heart was filled with happiness. It is our little secret from everyone else in the world. This will be our own little world… together… for ever.
8. You are the most wonderful girl. You’re so beautiful, inside and out. Your smile lights up the room like a summer sunrise, and your eyes shine like the night sky in December. I’m so lucky to have you…
9. You are the prettiest girl I know, both on the inside and out. I love it when you run your fingers through my hair when we’re in bed. It’s like a perfect moment in time that can never be replaced. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don’t ever want to let you go!
10. My beautiful girl, the one who took control of my world with simple words. My days were empty until you came along. I love you and am glad to call you mine!
11. I’ll always love you, no matter what. You are great and special, and I know that we have something rare: a friendship that has grown into something beautiful. When I think about you I get a warm feeling in my heart – when we’re together my face is shining, and when we’re apart I can’t help thinking about you.
12. I’m not rich enough to buy your love…yet. I’m not famous enough to get you to fall. But together I know we can work it out…without a cent, without a title and without the fame. I’ll impress you with my honesty and be the best man I can be. You are going through a storm right now and I want to be beside you till we are old. You are intelligent, confident and beautiful but some lies in this world
13. You are the sunshine in my day, the dream that keeps me sleepin’. You are my angel here on earth, the one I hold so dearly. You are my lifeline, my saving grace is you. And I just want you to know
More From I Love Messages
14. You are like a sweet little sugar cube, a priceless gem of great price, so precious and rare. I can’t put into words how truly wonderful you are. Thank you for being a part of my life.
16. How do I tell you that you are the one girl in the world for me? I was searching my whole life for you. When we walk down the street together I feel so happy that I have finally found someone who loves me unconditionally.
17. I fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you. I didn’t know it then, but I did. It was like something inside me shifted and I knew, deep in my heart, that one day you’d be mine. Nothing compares to the amazing feeling of being with you. You brought new meaning to my life and soul, and every day I can’t help but get lost in your beautiful eyes and smile.
18. You are the light in my dark, the laughter I need in my life, the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every day you show me how amazing you are. I would die if I lost you. Thank you for coming into my life and changing it for the better!
19. There are a million things I want to say to you, but I don’t know where to start. You are everything to me and I can’t live without you. You fill my heart with joy every day, and I hope we can be together forever. You are my soul mate and the love of my life. You deserve everything in the world and I want to be able to give it to you.
20. I wanted to say that you are amazing and it’s so hard to believe that I found someone as wonderful as you. You are so kind, beautiful and caring. I cannot wait to go home every day knowing that you will be there waiting for me. I don’t want to waste another moment without you.
21. The sun is gone! But I feel your heart next to mine. Your name is like music on my lips. I love you more than you know, it’s what I’ll always do.
22. I wanted to express my love for you in words. But, how do you describe the way you feel without it sounding cheesy or cliché? How do you put your feelings into words and make them sound real?
23. There is someone I’ve come to care so much about. She is the most wonderful, beautiful, and generous person I know.
24. You are my friend and my sister, we have laughed and cried, we have danced and sung, together through life’s uphill climb, you always have time to talk and lend an ear, the kids adore you and your beautiful face, you are the best of all my friends!
25. A friend’s love is sweet and precious,
26. Dear beautiful girl,
27. You are the girl of my dreams. I see your face in my mind every day and never tire from it. You are my soul mate and I love you.
28. You make me feel like I could conquer anything, and yet makes me feel like you have to do everything for me. You don’t. Everything that’s wrong with my life is my fault, not yours. But I wish you wouldn’t let that get to you. You deserve better than this relationship, better than me. I want you to be happy, no matter how far away from here you go. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met and I
29. Love is a word easy to use, but difficult to understand. It’s something that comes in many forms, shapes and shades.I feel I should reserve this love in my heart for someone who deserves it completely.You may not be the most beautiful or perfect girl I have ever known, but you certainly stir emotions within me that no one else ever has. And although most people assume I’m looking for perfection when it comes time to fall in love, I know better than that
30. You are the love of my life, and the light in my eyes. Forever will we love one another and for eternity we will wait for each other and never leave each others side.
31. My love for you is wonderful, Enchanting and strange. Each day I realize that I need you, more than ever before. I want to melt in your arms, And feel the warmth of your embrace. I want to sleep in your arms, Keeping me safe from all harm.
32. This poem is about how I feel about a girl. It’s not perfect and it’s my first time trying to be creative with words but I hope you enjoy it.
33. You are more than just a friend, I love that you are always there for me, I hope we can be like this forever. You make me so happy.
34. I can’t help but smile when I look into your beautiful eyes. When I hear your sweet voice it makes me happy to know you are mine. I love you so much and can’t wait till the day that I call you my wife.
35. Hi Girlfriend, It was a rainy day,a lot of people on the way.I saw a girl, I crossed a street to meet her.I said,"Hi, what’s your name?"And she said "My name is XXX."
36. Life would be dull without you. I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you. You’ve always been there for me, through all my good times, sad times, hope and despair. I love your friendship more than I could ever put into words, so here it is in song. May all your dreams come true.
37. Hey there beautiful girl, I just wanted to tell you that you are fantastic. You have such a great smile and gorgeous eyes. I sometimes can’t help but stare at you.I wished I could be next to you every day and I would be the happiest girl in the world. Wishing you happiness from me …..
38. I love every little thing about you,your smile, your eyes, your hair, your body and your voice.I have felt from the very beginning that our souls were made for each other and I can’t wait to spend my forever with you.
39. you are so cute, I like your eyes and hair, you have a beautiful smile. You have been a good friend I think about you all the time. I wish that you were mine.
40. You are so beautiful, inside in out. You make my heart skips a beat. I really like you. If a person has a heart, you could be their heart too.
41. Your beauty knows no bounds, your persona is so full of life and loves to keep the people around you happy. Your kindness knows no limits and I hope one day when the world sees how amazing you are they will stand in awe and salute your beauty.
42. There is no way to fit into words how you make me feel. I don’t even know where to start… Maybe with a simple "I love you" and then me moving on to describing the way your smile takes over your entire face when you laugh, or how you always make me want to be a better person. The way I can’t look away from your eyes, only makes my feelings stronger every time our eyes meet. You are amazing, and so much more
43. I love you with all of my heart. I know that sometimes I am hard to get along with, and I do not try to be. You make me smile and warm my soul. I hope that our time together is never short because I could never handle the loss of you.
44. I couldn’t imagine going a day without seeing you. At the thought, I lose my breath, a pang hits my heart. I’m so content every time we are together. I wish I could be with you all the time cause that’s where I thrive. Your smile is contagious, it puts me at ease. Our love is a beautiful thing, I just can’t seem to get enough!
45. Your eyes are beautiful like the ocean, Cheeks like apples, lips as sweet as wine.
46. I love you like fire, hot and familiar. I love you like water, cool and calming. I love you like wind, ever-present. I love you more than any word, phrase or rhyme. I’d wait all year for one moment with you
47. I have a past. A dark and haunted past. I don’t want to talk about it. I might end up hurting you and that’s the last thing I want to do. Let me be your light, let me be your protector. Let me hold you when sleepless nights you have had, be your rock to help ground your feet to earth, give you strength and make sure you stay happy. Whatever it is you are going through, know that I care for you
48. To a beautiful girl on this cold winter day, if you are reading this I just want to say in my eyes you’re the most amazing thing. You’re the most beautiful girl I ever saw, you’re so beautiful, without words that I could articulate.
49. I know you are too shy to say it but I think you’re beautiful, so beautiful that words can not describe. Love from [your name here].
50. I’m sure that you’ve figured it out by now, but I love you with all my heart. Yes, pretty as a picture, and your smile lights my day. When we are together I feel so lucky. You are truly one of a kind! You complete me in a way no one else ever has or ever will. Good morning to the girl of my dreams! I love you, sweetie!
51. You are the most super girl in the world. My heart beats so fast, I have to run away from you.
52. You mean so much to me and words cannot express how much I love you. I can’t wait to be your arm candy for years to come. I love you, babe!
53. Hey you, I just wanted to tell you, how much I appreciated our friendship. You are the sweetest friend I ever had! I am glad our paths crossed, and hope that we will be friends for a long time.
54. I may not be perfect and I may not be as pretty as some, but I can guarantee that a day doesn’t go by without me thinking of you.
55. I love you more than any single word can say, more than every action I take, and more than every beat of my heart.
56. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have been blessed with your love. Every time I think about you my heart skips a beat. I could go on for hours describing the beauty and sweetness that lies within your soul. Today is a brand new day, so let’s celebrate it by being together.
57. I respect you, I like you and I care about you
58. A friend is one who knows us and loves us just the same. You’re like a sister to me, a best friend and a daughter. We have so much fun together, we laugh and cry together, there’s nothing we can’t do.
59. Beautiful girl, I am so lucky to have you. You mean the world to me. I love you more than I can express.
60. You mean the world to me. Always remember that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I love you. Even when we’re worlds apart, you’re in my heart, with everything I do and everywhere I go.
61. To my dearest Girlfriend, I’m so glad you came into my life. We’re the perfect match and I love that we always have so much fun together. I hope our friendship will last for years to come!
62. The first time I saw you, I knew we were made for each other. You were the one who gave my heart a home, and in return, I will always make sure that you’re safe and loved. You are the most beautiful girl to ever walk this earth. You are no longer just my girlfriend, you are now my wife, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
63. Your hair is like a sunset. Your face is an angel. When I look into your eyes, I see paradise. When we kiss, I feel fireworks. You are the reason life makes sense.
64. I love you because you’re beautiful Like an angel who walked right through my door I love you because you thought of me In a romantic sense in a very special way That is why I love you
65. I think about you more than is healthy. I dream about you when I sleep. I can’t even count the smiles we have shared. My favorite places are everywhere with you, sharing in laughter and a good story.
66. Your eyes are like the starry sky at night, your back is like a fragile bird, your lips are like a cherry, your hair is pretty as a fan. I am so in love with you!
67. When I see a woman I think is beautiful, I don’t have to guess what she will look like when I walk up to her. Her beauty makes my heart skip a beat before we even talk…beautiful girl!
68. You are my everything, you make me smile, you let me be me. You love me for me despite all the scars, flaws and imperfections.
69. You are a blessing in my life. God knew exactly what I was missing. I didn’t have it, until he touched me with your love. You are everything to me, the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. You truly bring joy to my life. On this day of Valentines, I just want to say…I LOVE YOU!
70. I don’t hate you ! I don’t !
71. hey! I want to talk a little about you – as my friend, my sister, but in addition I’d like to share that I adore you for your delicate beauty. You are fundamentally the most beautiful girl. I’d like to see that with your smile on the sun and in your eyes, leaving behind the warmest words, the most precious and implicit feelings.
72. I have never seen a more beautiful girl in my life. You have such striking eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts and you have the cutest smile that melts mine. I am so glad you are my girlfriend!
73. Beautiful girl! I am missing you so much right now, my dear friend
74. you’re such a jewel and there are not enough words to express how grateful i am that you are mine. your love is pure, thoughtful, unconditional and strong; that’s why I’m in love with you. cheers to many more years of love and happiness. my sweetheart.
75. Your smile, my heart, a perfect fit. Your eyes, my peace, with silver-gleam. Your touch, my reason, I’m closer to heaven. Your kiss, my beginning.
76. Everytime I see your beautiful smile, a warmth fills my heart. You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I love you so much
77. You are beautiful, funny intelligent and a joy to be around. Your smile lights up my entire day!
78. You are my friend and I love you. I like you better than any other girl because you’re sweet and always helping me out in a mess.
79. Your face is a work of art. The most beautiful in the world. Your kindness is greater than all other’s combined. The best part of you is that you care. I am so lucky to have you here in my life, Thank You for being my friend!
80. When I am having a bad day, you erase my frown with just one smile. Thank you for bringing happiness into my life. I love you today and forever xoxoxoxo
81. Short Poems About a Beautiful Girl Your smile can light up a room. Your eyes could steal my heart. I love your laugh; it’s music to my ears. But above all, your beautiful heart is what makes you most attractive.
82. You are a beautiful girl with it all. Pretty and sexy, smart, funny and so much more. I wake up beside you each day and can’t believe I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you!
83. Beautiful girl, you are the most beautiful person I know. You bring the most joy and happiness to my life. I feel truly blessed to have you in my life. Enjoy your day darling!
84. To the girl who has changed me in every way. The happiness I feel with you is so strong that it eclipses all negativity, hatred and evil. When I’m not with you I miss everything about you, your smell, your touch, the sound of your voice, your singing and even cooking for me. The thought of ever losing you tears a hole through my heart and chills me to the bone. You are my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without you.
85. You are the spark that lights my life. Your beautiful eyes set my heart on fire. You make me feel so special and respected. I love you with all my heart!
86. Oh baby! You are so beautiful, you are perfect. I am so happy to own your heart. Hope you will be happy with me forever and ever. I can’t stop thinking about the future and all the plans we have ahead of us.
87. The warmth of your smile,The brightness of your eyes,The softness of your skin,The sweetness of your lips,Your cute little laugh,Your fun loving style,I love everything you do.
88. my love for you is like water and the sun, eternal and true. my love for you is like a garden with all of its flowers; colorful and full of life, nurtured by the sun, watered with care to grow. my love for you is like fresh cool water on a hot summer’s day; quenching ones thirst effortlessly, letting one enjoy every bit of the moment from start to finish. my love for you is moving like a river in an undisturbed forest
89. A girl has been sent from above. She’s an angel that comes and goes, from the sky to God’s fold. From she loves me to I love her too. She’s my baby girl and soon to be my wife!
90. I want you to know how special you are to everyone in your life. The amazing things about you are too many to list, so I’ll bypass the facts and get straight to the heart of the matter – thank you for being there for us.
91. There are many beautiful girls in the world. But I never met one like you that makes my heart smile. My love for you is bigger than anything in the sea, and it will be with you forever!
92. I cant stop thinking about you. You are on my mind more than you can possibly imagine. You are my bestest friend, and I want to be with you forever. I love your personality, your laugh and your style. You are truly the perfect girl for me.
93. I want to be with you until I die. I want to kiss your face, hug your body and never let you go. you are the most amazing girl in the world!
94. My beautiful girl, I love when you laugh, the sparkle in your eye, and all the happiness you bring. Thank you, my beautiful girl.
95. You always seem to know my heart and always know what to say. You are one of a kind and I love your smile. I will hold you close in my arms tonight and remember the times we have shared.
96. You are my shining star, the light that guides me. You are the music to my melody, the one thing I can’t live without. My beautiful princess, you fill my life with love and kindness.
97. Everytime I look in your eyes, I see your love for me. Every time you smile, my heart melts. Every time you hold my hand, I feel complete. You mean the world to me. I love you more than ever!
98. You, in my heart. Forever you, in my mind. Thoughts of you fill my head everyday. I love the way we fit together so perfectly. I want to share my life with you, as your husband and lover.
99. I may not bring a rose or sing a song, But I’m serious and honest when I tell you, I love you.
100. You should be my shining light. My compass in this ocean of life. Instead of you being my North Star, I am here, lost as a blind man in the fog.