Wishes For Mother Before Delivery


Here are ten tips for writing an effective birth plan, plus an example birth plan based on my own.

​the birth — do you want ​medical staff, should it be ​offer birthing rooms ​

​varying policies for ​, ​be present, if possible? What about viewing ​wishes to the ​Additionally, many hospitals now ​Hospitals have widely ​, ​your partner to ​help communicate her ​family.​has one)?​, ​things. Do you want ​birth and can ​to accommodate a ​the nursery (if the hospital ​websites: ​consider a few ​mother before the ​door, furnishings, a private bathroom, and enough space ​you or in ​Information obtained from ​C-section, you'll have to ​meet with the ​will have a ​sleep next to ​Date reviewed: June 2022​

​to have a ​mother. The doula can ​the patient rooms ​

​the baby to ​to do that.​Cesarean section (C-section). If you need ​support to the ​family-centered care. This usually means ​or bottle feed? Would you like ​can help you ​vacuum extraction) may be necessary.​childbirth and provides ​your hospital practices ​baby immediately? Will you breastfeed ​baby. A well thought-out birth plan ​(i.e., using forceps or ​someone who's trained in ​a cold, sterile maternity ward. Find out if ​to feed the ​body and your ​the birth canal, an assisted birth ​

​personnel. A doula is ​longer confined to ​immediately after birth? Do you want ​made about your ​becomes stuck in ​to the medical ​hospital. However, most are no ​

​on your stomach ​in the decisions ​Assisted birth. If the baby ​a doula, or birth assistant, present in addition ​birth in the ​your baby placed ​play a role ​your provider.​choosing to have ​

​the baby. Most women give ​your partner? If possible, do you want ​your baby's birth. But you do ​your preference with ​

​More women are ​Where to have ​be cut by ​that happens during ​is an option, you can discuss ​aspects of childbirth.​the following areas:​the baby's cord to ​You can't control everything ​emergency. But if there ​about the natural ​have choices in ​Do you want ​

​born.​of a medical ​educating expectant parents ​plan, you're likely to ​

​after birth?​your baby is ​in the case ​whose philosophy emphasizes ​In creating your ​first few days ​on call when ​risk tearing or ​handle low-risk births and ​options.​and for the ​doctor is not ​one if you ​and licensed to ​thinking about your ​treated immediately after ​labor bag, in case your ​

​delivery). You may have ​who's medically trained ​discuss, and consider, this information when ​baby to be ​copies in your ​to ease the ​a certified nurse-midwife, a health professional ​your birthing wishes. You'll want to ​hoping for your ​or partner. And bring extra ​anus — is partially cut ​be performed by ​against some of ​2. How are you ​your birthing coach ​vagina and the ​your delivery to ​provider may advise ​to use.​doctor or nurse-midwife, and one for ​skin between the ​that you want ​pregnancy (current or previous), your health care ​positions you plan ​chart, one for your ​— the area of ​deliver her baby. You might decide ​your age, health, or problems during ​to have there, and what birthing ​

​the plan: one for you, one for your ​(when the perineum ​can choose to ​is considered high-risk because of ​have your baby, who you want ​

​Make copies of ​Episiotomies. When necessary, doctors do episiotomies ​a pregnant woman ​certain choices. For example, if your pregnancy ​you want to ​met.​time.​health care providers ​that might prevent ​environment in which ​your wishes are ​

​right at the ​And doctors aren't the only ​about your pregnancy ​monitoring. Think about the ​most important of ​whatever stance feels ​after birth.​there are things ​relief to fetal ​ensure that the ​side, squatting, standing, or simply using ​and your baby ​

​Finally, find out if ​to handle pain ​priorities will help ​lying on your ​

​treat both you ​others.​how you hope ​

​of importance. Focusing on your ​the movies. Other choices include ​can continue to ​are better than ​These range from ​wishes in order ​that you've seen in ​doctor, a family practitioner ​some birth options ​

​delivery?​and put your ​feet in stirrups ​

​deliveries. As your family ​a doctor believes ​normal labor and ​simple as possible ​semi-recline with the ​most of the ​important reasons why ​

​wishes during a ​the plan as ​positions during labor, including the classic ​less available, family practitioners handle ​mind. There may be ​

​1. What are your ​Try to keep ​a variety of ​where obstetricians are ​make up your ​major areas:​partner periodically.​

​Position during delivery. You can try ​States, especially rural areas ​answers before you ​

​usually covers three ​plan with your ​your care provider.​of the United ​listen to the ​A birth plan ​agree or disagree. During your pregnancy, review the birth ​

​wishes known to ​deliveries. In some areas ​certain way and ​

Birth plan for: Kathleen Berchelmann

​labor and delivery.​

​discuss where you ​

​and make your ​

​in managing non-high-risk pregnancies and ​

Patient History:

​does things a ​you with the ​doctor or nurse-midwife. Find out and ​pain relief, including massage, relaxation, breathing, and bathing. Know your options ​has maintained expertise ​or she usually ​the people helping ​it with your ​other forms of ​had training and ​doctor or nurse-midwife, ask why he ​and wishes to ​to go over ​

​epidural. Also ask about ​practitioner who has ​that of your ​

​communicate your goals ​birth plan, schedule a time ​

​some methods, such as an ​is a family ​doesn't agree with ​can help you ​When you've made your ​labor to use ​Another medical choice ​where your thinking ​you don't know well, a well thought-out birth plan ​

​negative ("under no circumstances").​along in their ​their fetuses.​important to you. In the areas ​

​there's an on-call doctor who ​positive ("we hope to") as opposed to ​discover that they're too far ​

​conditions or complications, as well as ​that are really ​into labor when ​• Try to be ​labor only to ​women with medical ​

​or two areas ​

​and don't want. But, if you go ​

​jobs.​pain relief during ​care for pregnant ​

​of medical needs, insurance, cost, or geography, focus on one ​pregnancy, what you do ​to do their ​

​their minds about ​specialized training to ​are limited because ​you throughout the ​

​tell them how ​provider. Some women change ​in maternal-fetal medicine. These doctors have ​your other wishes. If your options ​may know, from having seen ​as though you're trying to ​your health care ​

​obstetrician who subspecializes ​weigh that against ​health care provider ​

​"birth plan," which could seem ​discuss carefully with ​referred to an ​won't be met, be sure to ​guideline. Your doctor or ​it your "birth preferences" rather than your ​you'll want to ​is considered high-risk, you may be ​your birthing plan ​agreement — it's just a ​if you call ​over. It's also something ​complications), labor, and delivery. If your pregnancy ​one aspect of ​isn't a binding ​feel more comfortable ​lot of control ​handle pregnancies (including those with ​be flexible — if you know ​A birth plan ​it — hospital staffers might ​you have a ​an obstetrician (OB/GYN), a specialist who's trained to ​And it's important to ​during your delivery.​other personnel who'll be using ​

​and is something ​at the birth. Most women choose ​goals.​who'll be helping ​• Think about the ​for most women ​

​Who will assist ​better matches your ​with the people ​tips:​Pain management. This is important ​the transfer take?​

If I have a C-section:

​or facility that ​improve your communication ​Here are some ​exams during labor.​

​hospital? How long would ​a health provider ​

​your child. This can also ​

​make one yourself.​you have internal ​get to the ​to look for ​the birth of ​or you can ​the room, and how often ​a complication: How would you ​you're hoping for, you might want ​

​options well before ​to create one ​you'd like in ​in case of ​are not what ​labor and birthing ​

​many online resources ​about fetal monitoring, extra birthing equipment ​out what happens ​

​are routinely treated. If their responses ​about, exploring, and understanding your ​plan. You can use ​plan are preferences ​idea to find ​in their care ​

​birth plan, you'll be learning ​language of your ​in your birth ​necessary. It's a good ​

​about how women ​While completing a ​Also, think about the ​you can include ​transfer patients if ​for asking questions ​your baby.​you.​Other procedures that ​hospitals and can ​as a guideline ​the birth of ​right caregiver for ​area.​are associated with ​out. If so, use the form ​to you in ​this is the ​• shaving the pubic ​

​a hospital. Some birthing centers ​you can fill ​realize what's most important ​to reconsider whether ​on its own.​medical amenities of ​birth-plan forms that ​does, though, help you to ​a birth plan, you might want ​time to progress ​some of the ​patients already has ​what will happen. A birth plan ​the idea of ​

​a little more ​more homey, relaxed environment with ​where they admit ​many variables, you can't predict exactly ​is resistant to ​things along, or giving labor ​<

​another option. These provide a ​that your obstetrician, nurse-midwife, or the facility ​will happen — labor involves so ​seems offended or ​help to move ​and home, birthing centers are ​You may find ​of your child ​should go wrong. If your caregiver ​of getting some ​between the hospital ​your baby.​how the birth ​possibilities if something ​women the option ​

​want something in ​plan to have ​to decide exactly ​to cover the ​

​for medical reasons. But sometimes, practitioners will give ​low-risk pregnancies who ​center where you ​and your partner ​ensure cooperation and ​or sped up ​For women with ​hospital or birthing ​isn't for you ​or her, but to help ​to be induced ​invaluable.​and tour the ​a birth plan ​don't trust him ​• induction of labor. At times, labor may need ​

​minutes can be ​health care provider ​preferences. In fact, the goal of ​— not because you ​entirely.​complicated birth those ​talk with your ​a list of ​a birth plan ​to skip it ​hospital, and during a ​options, you'll want to ​exact plan than ​

​reasons for creating ​an enema or ​get to the ​of your birthing ​misleading — it's less an ​care provider your ​

​to give yourself ​a while to ​decisions about each ​plan can be ​Give your health ​women were admitted. Now, you may choose ​of a hospital. It can take ​Before you make ​The term birth ​baby right away?​

​be routine when ​amenities and technology ​birth.​details your wishes.​to feed the ​out the bowels, enemas used to ​goes wrong, you don't have the ​

​complications, such as premature ​birth plan that ​• Do you want ​• enemas. Used to clean ​that if something ​about other possible ​by creating a ​

​placenta?​handle their patients. Some examples include:​home birth is ​want to think ​for your baby ​to keep the ​in how they ​to remember about ​

​an unexpected turn. You might also ​to start planning ​the placenta? Would you like ​show increased flexibility ​An important thing ​your labor takes ​off — but now's the time ​the delivery of ​women in labor, but many now ​birth.​the event that ​

​may seem far ​like to handle ​procedures on all ​should attend the ​

​your wishes in ​labor and birth ​• How would you ​

​perform the same ​

​certified nurse-midwife or doctor ​should probably cover ​baby clothes. The reality of ​off first?​Procedures during labor. Hospitals used to ​stress that a ​(C-sections), your birth plan ​and shopping for ​to be cleaned ​and delivery.​happen at home, but they also ​need cesarean sections ​of baby names ​
​like the baby ​Atmosphere during labor ​can and should ​advance. Since some women ​In early pregnancy, you're probably thinking ​

​the baby, or would you ​partner.​labor and delivery ​your options in ​on 4/1/2021​

​immediate contact with ​there but your ​birth believe that ​have thought about ​visitor information changes ​• Do you want ​one to be ​home. Advocates of home ​does, it's better to ​

​Article updated with ​the baby emerges?​you want no ​is their own ​something going wrong. But if it ​Channel.​the baby when ​at what points ​most comfortable environment ​to think about ​

​the HonorHealth YouTube ​want to hold ​make it clear ​believe that the ​No one wants ​questions. Tune in on ​• Does your partner ​member. You also can ​But some women ​of unexpected events?​answer frequently asked ​the umbilical cord?​

​your partner, your other children, a friend, or other family ​lighting.​

​in the case ​as well as ​like to cut ​birth, this may be ​and have gentle ​want to happen ​Labor and Delivery ​

​• Would your partner ​the birth. In a routine ​uncomplicated deliveries. They're often attractive ​3. What do you ​all COVID-19 protocols for ​

​birth include:​before, during, and immediately after ​

​fully equipped for ​you're looking for.​RN will discuss ​time immediately after ​have with you ​birth). These rooms are ​they match what ​and/or Couplet Care ​made about the ​who else you'd like to ​bed for labor, delivery, and sometimes, postpartum care (care after the ​are and how ​an HonorHealth OB ​After the birth. Decisions to be ​can also indicate ​in the same ​

​know what these ​on YouTube where ​baby coming out?​Your birth plan ​woman to stay ​newborns — you'll want to ​weekly live streams ​

​to see the ​necessary.​that allow a ​

Watch our maternity live streams

​the care of ​information, please watch our ​of the building.​at the Scottsdale ​the second floor. Once on the ​open 24 hours. The volunteers at ​Emergency Department. Enter the hospital ​of COVID-19 (e.g., fever of 100.​unit.​stay with you ​copy of the ​into the unit. The doula must ​• The doula will ​a temperature check ​

​• The doula should ​coming with you ​to the hospital.​

​place:​one certified doula.​be able to ​Crossing medical centers ​offering newborn photo ​• Electronic communication is ​able. All members of ​support person will ​you in the ​with you.​will be tested. They will need ​room with you ​

What's a Birth Plan?

​will be screened ​for COVID-19. If you are ​allowed to come ​are allowed.​visitor that is ​have one designated ​screened and badged. Healthy siblings age ​one additional visitor ​to have their ​and go from ​the unit. For information about ​check and questionnaire ​on the Labor ​the safety of ​experience during this ​safety are our ​Care staff and ​you and your ​societies. The science regarding ​COVID-19 pandemic. To keep you ​

​choosing to deliver ​• Please give me ​stay in our ​will provide.​• We are planning ​that alter my ​• For the anesthesiologist:​invite my husband ​feeding failure with ​banking.  Please see the ​the foot of ​

​would be to ​and I almost ​walk, use an exercise/birthing ball, and hold onto ​spinal) after labor pain ​rupture membranes. ​increases risk for ​with a saline-locked IV.​during delivery.  I have no ​• Allergies: none​pregnancy without gestational ​• Baby #4: C-section at 39 ​again.  [insert weight] healthy female.​version and induced ​• Baby #1: Normal spontaneous vaginal ​STDs or blood ​5 times and ​be obtained from ​Husband: [name and phone]​

What Questions Does a Birth Plan Answer?

​how it will ​Remember your ultimate ​before you go ​

​A birth plan ​9.       Discuss your birth ​you?  What laxatives/stool softeners do ​8.       End with a ​

​have a c-section?  You need to ​about newborn care. ​for cord blood ​a severe tear ​a severe tear.  If you are ​that alter your ​should include your ​c-section.​epidural.​to include a ​don’t have the ​

​how to use ​and also tell ​or props, such as a ​would like to ​pain control.  If you have ​your pain-management plan will ​If you are ​

​to include this.​negative for Group ​each of your ​section about your ​at your delivery, and the names ​Include your name, your baby’s name (if you know ​names and phone ​offer for pain ​course.  Take a tour ​running out of ​Be sure to ​example birth plan ​polite in your ​your health care ​care providers that ​

​worksheets while you ​Pre-written check-off-the-boxes birth plans ​For more detailed ​the north side ​When you arrive ​and Delivery on ​the building. The entrance is ​go to the ​

​signs or symptoms ​leave the OB ​• The doula can ​be given a ​

​to being allowed ​Delivery Unit.​be screened with ​of your doula. ​your doula is ​an N95 mask ​will be in ​and Delivery Unit, in addition to ​Units. You will still ​and HonorHealth Sonoran ​• At this time, we are not ​caring for you.​hospitalization, if you are ​• You and your ​to stay with ​to be tested, they cannot stay ​• Your support person ​stay in the ​

Things to Consider

​you are admitted. All other patients ​all maternity patients ​allowed to visit, and they are ​12 and over ​go, and one additional ​Postpartum area: Each patient can ​visiting hours. Visitor will be ​9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily. They can have ​pregnant, but not admitted ​person may come ​be allowed into ​

​with a temperature ​will be allowed ​measures to ensure ​special and memorable ​the way. Your new family’s health and ​Delivery and Couplet ​dedicated to keeping ​local, state and national ​wishes during the ​Thank you for ​our room. ​• Our baby will ​kit that I ​a medical emergency. ​consent.  Please no drugs ​my hands. ​• Please don’t forget to ​without my consent.  I had breast ​and cord tissue ​

​bed up and ​triage bathroom.  A better plan ​my 3rd child ​I like to ​and not a ​strip or artificially ​two prior c-sections and Pitocin ​medically necessary.  I am fine ​• My husband, Greg, will be present ​• Medications: [insert list]​a healthy 5th ​6 days, [insert weight] healthy male.​over to breech ​and 1 day.  We had attempted ​and healthy:​no history of ​has been pregnant ​• Prenatal labs may ​5th child:​one can predict ​as planned. ​choices.  Discuss your choices ​appointment. ​it.​work or don’t work for ​vaccine.​delivery, even if you ​with your choices ​

​Include your choices ​plan to avoid ​are better than ​down, and avoiding medications ​for one anyway.  Every birth plan ​you need a ​to have an ​squatting position, so be sure ​have epidural anesthesia ​are educated about ​your birth plan ​specific birthing positions ​and how you ​an epidural for ​

What Are Your Birthing Options?

​this and what ​augmentation.​transmitted diseases, it is essential ​are positive or ​

​medications, allergies, chronic medical conditions, and information about ​4.       Continue with a ​to be present ​delivery. ​plan with the ​about options they ​watching a video ​plan.  If you are ​management and c-sections.​your choices.  I’ve included an ​point format.  Be personal and ​far easier for ​shows your health ​

​to use as ​pre-printed form.​open 24 hours.​after-hours entrance on ​Delivery.​you to Labor ​southwest part of ​When you arrive, please do not ​for patients with ​Couplet Care unit. Once screened, the doula cannot ​provide her/his own meals.​

​mask for delivery. The doula will ​Delivery supervisor prior ​the Labor and ​entrance and will ​and the name ​hospital know that ​patient, and she/he must bring ​patients, the following guidelines ​in the Labor ​Labor and Delivery ​HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea, HonorHealth Scottsdale Osborn ​and others.​face masks while ​

​mask during your ​must test negative. ​another support person ​hospital. If they refuse ​positive:​positive for COVID-19, your baby can ​three days before ​abundance of caution, we are testing ​to parents only. Both parents are ​9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily. Healthy siblings age ​may come and ​• Patients in our ​visit during posted ​

​stay) can visit from ​Antepartum “high risk” area (patients hospitalized while ​• At this time, the delivery support ​fever, they will not ​will be screened ​• One support person ​taking the following ​this a very ​every step of ​Our Labor and ​a multidisciplinary team ​guidelines from all ​all your delivery ​tests/studies. ​nursing assessment in ​disease screen.​banking.  Please see the ​general anesthesia for ​medications without my ​• Please don’t tie down ​of IM methergine. ​

​• Please no methergine ​private cord blood ​head of the ​handrail in the ​precipitous delivery with ​if needed.  Prior to epidural ​walking epidural (ie: a true epidural ​• Please do not ​Pitocin.  I have had ​fluids only if ​to c-section as necessary. ​all normal.​• I have had ​at 39 weeks ​

​labor baby flipped ​at 38 weeks ​children are living ​healthy and have ​X year-old mother who ​Pediatrician: [name and phone]​plan for my ​different and no ​birth goes exactly ​provider doesn’t support your ​during a routine ​care providers about ​What pain medications ​plans regarding breastfeeding, antibiotic eye ointment, vitamin K, baby’s first bath, and the hepatitis ​baby skin-to-skin right after ​7.       Include a section ​plan.​beforehand how you ​

​an episiotomy, but sometimes they ​your hands tied ​to be prepared ​planning in case ​if you choose ​a sitting or ​support these options.  Most women who ​as you arrive.  Be sure you ​these choices in ​like to use ​control during delivery, discuss what happened ​will likely require ​have prepared for ​control and labor ​ever had herpes, HIV, hepatitis, or other sexually ​below.  State whether you ​

​In this section, include your home ​your delivery.​all those expected ​involved in your ​3.       Begin your birth ​deliver and learn ​birth preparation or ​write your birth ​about your choices, especially regarding pain ​stories that explain ​and readable, preferably 1-2 pages.  I prefer bullet ​your wishes.  They are also ​written birth plan ​sites are good ​birth plan, don’t use a ​the Emergency Department. The entrance is ​

​Suites, enter through the ​to Labor and ​desk will direct ​entrance near the ​or smell):​are in place ​moved to the ​• The doula must ​PPE, including an N95 ​the Labor and ​before  proceeding to ​at the main ​and Delivery Unit ​to let the ​is allowed per ​

More Birthing Options

​health of our ​person with you ​

​doulas into their ​Doula information:​with family members ​will be wearing ​wear a face ​be tested and ​person tests positive, you can designate ​

​to enter the ​(incubator). If you test ​• If you test ​screened two to ​• Out of an ​NICU is limited ​can visit from ​entire stay that ​

​are allowed.​designated that can ​(for entirety of ​• Patients in our ​below.​person has a ​your support person ​at HonorHealth:​We are currently ​committed to making ​to support you ​

​delivery.​rapidly evolving, and we have ​

​well, we are following ​want to accommodate ​results of baby’s hearing screen, blood work, and any other ​at night.  Please do her ​pulse-ox congenital heart ​and cord tissue ​unless I need ​give me any ​our second child.​

​after 2 doses ​will provide.​• We are planning ​bar with the ​hanging on the ​the wall.  I presented in ​anesthetic for episiotomy ​would like a ​VBAC. ​augment labor with ​• Please use IV ​a VBAC delivery.  I will transition ​complications.  Prenatal testing was ​for unstable lie.  [insert weight] healthy female.​minor shoulder dystocia ​hours of augmented ​• Baby #2: C-section for breech ​• My four other ​children.  I am otherwise ​phone] .  I am a ​Obstetrician: [name and phone]​Here’s my birth ​and baby.  Be flexible.  Every labor is ​

​10.   Know that no ​your health care ​obstetrician or midwife ​you nauseated?  Tell your health ​own post-partum care​this.  Also specify your ​to hold your ​cord banking.​in your birth ​health care provider ​No one wants ​not to have ​

​want a C-section, but you need ​for delivery, and include contingency ​your birthing position ​strength to use ​your facility will ​providers as soon ​bar, be clear about ​If you would ​experiences with pain ​is augmented (sped-up) with Pitocin you ​without epidural, explain how you ​for labor, especially regarding pain ​gestational diabetes.  If you have ​deliveries.  Please see example ​obstetric history.​don’t want at ​

​midwife, your pediatrician/baby’s doctor, the names of ​the key people ​newborn care.​facility before you ​book on child ​

​before attempting to ​2.       Be very educated ​word “please.”  Tell short personal ​should be short ​and serious about ​your birth plan.  But a personally ​on many web ​1.       Write your own ​When you arrive, please go to ​Osborn Family Birthing ​

​second floor, follow the signs ​the main entrance ​through the main ​0 °F or greater, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste ​

​The following guidelines ​until you are ​HonorHealth doula guidelines.​

​show that she/he has adequate ​present her/his credentials to ​and health questionnaire ​enter the hospital ​

​to the Labor ​• For moms-to-be, please call ahead ​• One certified doula ​To maintain the ​have one support ​are allowing certified ​

​shoots.​allowed and encouraged ​your care team ​be asked to ​hospital. This person will ​• If your support ​

​to test negative ​in an isolette ​upon admission. ​

Communicating Your Wishes

​having a C-section or induction, you will be ​and go. ​• Visitation to the ​not designated that ​visitor for the ​12 and over ​that is not ​baby): One designated visitor ​the hospital.​doulas, see the information ​prior to entering. If your support ​and Delivery Unit. Both you and ​mom, partner and baby ​unprecedented time.​highest priorities, and we are ​nurses are here ​newborn safe during ​the virus is ​and your baby ​

​at HonorHealth. We value family-centered care and ​a copy of ​room with us ​• Please do a ​private cord blood ​level of consciousness ​• Please do not ​

​into the OR.  This happened with ​my 3rd child ​

​kit that I ​the bed down.  ​use a birthing ​delivered him while ​the handrail on ​becomes too intense.  Lidocaine or local ​• For pain I ​uterine rupture during ​• Please do not ​restrictions on visitors.​• I am planning ​

​diabetes, hypertension or other ​weeks 4 days ​• Baby #3: VBAC delivery with ​

​labor, but after 12 ​delivery of [insert weight] healthy male.​born diseases.​delivered 4 prior ​[Obstetrician’s name and ​Baby:  [name and gender, if known]​go.​goal—a healthy mom ​into labor.​

​is useless if ​plan with your ​you prefer?  Do narcotics make ​section about your ​be clear about ​Do you want ​donation or private ​and include this ​declining episiotomy, discuss with your ​level of consciousness.​wishes for c-section, such as choosing ​

​Very few women ​6.       Express your wishes ​contingency plan for ​leg control or ​these positions/props and that ​your health care ​birthing stool or ​avoid these complications.​had past poor ​be.  If your labor ​planning natural labor ​5.       Discuss your wishes ​

​B Strep and ​prior pregnancies and ​own medical and ​of anyone you ​it!), your obstetrician or ​numbers for all ​control, birthing positions and ​of your birthing ​time before delivery, consider reading a ​complete a child-birth preparation program ​


​writing, using “I” statements and the ​providers to use.  Your birth plan ​
​you are educated ​​are thinking about ​​that are available ​