May 11

Bay Areans: Best spot to see aurora tonight? But pls be *specific*

We live in the east bay and didn't have any luck last night, but I wasn't able to drive too far out from city light pollution. More under the fold... [more inside]
posted by Molasses808 to Science & Nature at 2:07 PM - 1 answer

Famous places not really in places?

What are some examples of famous locations that are not technically in the places/cities we associate them with? Examples below the fold. [more inside]
posted by Meldanthral to Travel & Transportation at 1:30 PM - 9 answers

Help Me Randomly Divide A Group

I am leading an in-person group where we will discuss a band. I want to get the group excited about the discussion by having them vote on their favorite band member using a poll. How can I then use the poll to evenly divide the group into subgroups, not based on their answer, but randomly? [more inside]
posted by cursed to Education at 12:47 PM - 4 answers

Sadness is on me

Does the Irish language / culture have a particularly philosophy of viewing emotions as fleeting? Or is it just the way its grammar works? [more inside]
posted by iamsuper to Society & Culture at 12:45 PM - 0 answers

which newsletter platform should I use?

A previous ask on this was focused on ethical questions, mine are more basic. What are the options, and how do they stack up for my needs? [more inside]
posted by wellifyouinsist to Media & Arts at 11:23 AM - 1 answer

Please help expand my playlist.

I would love some help finding new tracks for my playlist. [more inside]
posted by Hermione Dies to Media & Arts at 11:06 AM - 9 answers

Side effects of Trazadone and reasonable subsitutions

I'm not satisfied with the drug my doc's sub gave me. She is using it off-label, which I have no problem with. What are some alternatives? [more inside]
posted by intrepid_simpleton to Health & Fitness at 10:55 AM - 2 answers

Milan Photographer Recommendation

I am looking to have family photos taken when traveling to the city this summer. Surprisingly, my children who won’t let me take a posed picture of them are willing to go for this! Please share either a referral for a local photographer, or places to find recommendations. Thank you! [more inside]
posted by gryphonlover to Media & Arts at 7:01 AM - 0 answers

How as an Old, accept that your parents didn't love you

This is hard to type, anonymous for obvious reasons. I'm almost 60. Both of my parents are finally dead ... my mom for 7 years (Alzheimer's) and my dad a few months ago at 90. My dad walked out the first time when I was 6 months and the last time when I was 12 ... he had some charm but truly never gave one single fuck about anyone except himself and didn't ever support. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 12:29 AM - 30 answers

May 10

On The Road and Need Trolley Bag Wheel Repair

I'm in Bangkok traveling and have noticed a wheel on my trusty 15 y/o North Face 35l roller is damaged. I don't have a Thai phone number so can't buy replacement wheels on Lazada, I can buy these ones on US Amazon and get them shipped from China, or maybe I can fill the gap with a strong glue - is that worth a shot?
posted by my log does not judge to Travel & Transportation at 10:42 PM - 3 answers

Help a family see the Northern Lights tmrw eve (pdx area)

Hi pals, my family and I (6 adults) would like to go see the Northern Lights (or have a good shot at it) tomorrow evening somewhere 1-2 hours in pretty much any direction from Portland, Oregon. We would need it to be accessible by car, as a couple folks in our party aren't able to hike. Where would you go for this, PNW explorers? Thank you!
posted by fairlynearlyready to Travel & Transportation at 10:09 PM - 8 answers

Help pinning down a few childhood books/movies?

I need help identifying a few childhood books/movies that I forgot the names to. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude to Grab Bag at 9:29 PM - 2 answers

How shallot I use all of these shallots

It's another recipe question with a large amount of one ingredient. I have So Many Shallots. Help me with some recipes or suggestions for lots of shallots. Optional difficulty: Vegan, not required but appreciated.
posted by panhopticon to Food & Drink at 8:55 PM - 17 answers

Can I switch back and forth between a paid and free zoom account?

I have the basic free zoom account. Ocasionally I have to conduct interviews via zoom, and while they usually run about 30 minutes, there's always a chance I could bump up against the 40 minute cut off. For this reason, I'm thinking of getting the paid version. [more inside]
posted by gigondas to Technology at 8:08 PM - 4 answers

Battery Backup Sump Pump Installation

I’m looking for recommendations from MeFites who have installed their own battery backup sump pump. [more inside]
posted by coldhotel to Home & Garden at 7:32 PM - 4 answers

What's behind the walls of my kitchen?

There's a funny smell. [more inside]
posted by intrepid_simpleton to Home & Garden at 3:30 PM - 5 answers

How can I read the Trump Trial transcripts with a screen reader?

It's a simple question, and I thought the answer was on this page, but it's not accessible with my screen reader. I am interested in reading the transcripts and other evidence as much as is possible, for curiosity if nothing else. [more inside]
posted by Alensin to Law & Government at 12:50 PM - 3 answers

How to get an overzealous neighbour to chill out?

I've recently become friends with a neighbour, but she wants to see me and talk to me waaaaaay more than I want to see and talk to her. How to get her to cool her jets without making her feel bad? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 11:10 AM - 15 answers

swinging sounds like Oli Julian's "Spy" theme?

I love Oli Julian's theme music for the Darren Boyd sitcom "Spy." It's got a great zingy, swingy sound. Please recommend me anything that's like that. Thanks!
posted by kristi to Media & Arts at 10:06 AM - 6 answers

Keyboard Stand

I want this: Pyle Universal Keyboard Heavy-Duty Electronic Organ Holder Rack Portable Piano Stand w/ 2nd Tier, Adjustable Height and Width, Rubber Discs PKST64 but in black. Doesn't seem to be an option. I play seated so this geometry is nice because there is nothing in the ways of human legs. What can you suggest?
posted by falsedmitri to Media & Arts at 9:43 AM - 7 answers

Linux laptop on a budget

I'm in the market for a new-to-me laptop. Budget $400. Must be Linux compatible. Used is fine. What do you recommend? [more inside]
posted by mr_bovis to Computers & Internet at 8:44 AM - 18 answers

Brief resource about sensory processing disorder?

I have a sensory processing disorder. I don’t have good aural and visual “filters”. Do you know of a good resource that I might give HR or possibly any others to briefly explain this disorder? I am thinking of one page or less. Ideally, the resource wouldn’t be focused on autism, but I am open.
posted by NotLost to Health & Fitness at 8:00 AM - 2 answers

Where in the US will I find the best (reasonable) wedding dresses?

My daughter has announced she's engaged, getting married next year. Instead of a shower, she's asked that I go with her to try on wedding dresses. We live in different states and I have lots of left over frequent flyer miles. But where can we find lots of in-person dresses to try on that isn't the $10K type stuff in NYC? She's looking for old-fashioned lacy, not fashion designer and mostly wants the mother/daughter bonding experience. [more inside]
posted by Gucky to Shopping at 6:24 AM - 12 answers

Seeking dark, branching narrative website

I’m searching for a personal website I once visited but can’t seem to find again. Here are some key features I remember: Branching (AI-generated?) Narratives, with a unique timeline interface for moving through them at the bottom of the page; a dark, minimalist theme, with lots of gray; blog posts about AI and potentially literature. [more inside]
posted by matkline to Computers & Internet at 4:02 AM - 0 answers

Hobby class instructor seems to genuinely dislike me. How to let it go?

I've been taking classes for a hobby (ceramics) for about a year now and been quite enjoying the long, slow process of learning a new skill. It's been a few weeks into my most recent "semester" and it's become apparent to me that my current instructor and I are a bad fit. I've still got a month and a half left of classes and I'd rather not drop out, so how can I make the most of this time without having my new passion smothered by negativity? [more inside]
posted by btfreek to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 12:07 AM - 23 answers

May 9

Help me find an essay about Apple's demo copy for texts, photos, etc.

I'm trying to track down an essay or blog post from the past couple of years that analyzed Apple marketing collateral through the lens of the people and their lives depicted in the texts, emails, messages to each other, photos, etc. shown in Apple ads, demos, promo videos, etc. It used screenshots to make its point. It noted a few recurring names of characters in the product shots. I recall that it suggested most of the messages you see are about parties and social events.
posted by Pudding Yeti to Media & Arts at 7:45 PM - 4 answers

Maritimes cruise minus brochures and gift shops?

Over an extended Memorial Day vacation, we're cruising up the eastern seaboard through Canada. The cruise "excursions" are yawn-worthy or cheesy, so we're rolling our own. Help us figure out the best places to BE for our particular combination of dates and stops. Snowflakey details inside. [more inside]
posted by cross_impact to Travel & Transportation at 7:13 PM - 6 answers

Noise cancel culture me

I used to travel very frequently, but then I changed careers and there was that whole pandemic thing, so I'm going on a proper trip for the first time since 2020, and I want to make the experience as non-awful as possible. My beloved Sennheiser noise-canceling headset has seen better days, plus my devices now don't have headphone receptacles. I'm seeking suggestions for what's good for travel noise canceling in the modern era. Snowflakes within. [more inside]
posted by LadyOscar to Travel & Transportation at 7:10 PM - 18 answers

Can the foam ever forget?

Almost two weeks ago I got a memory foam bed wedge and was a bit flummoxed by the size of the box when it arrived. Turns out it was very small because the wedge had been rolled up and compressed like a swiss roll. Instructions on the box said it would resume its initial shape after 48 hours. 12 days later, it has not. [more inside]
posted by Athanassiel to Grab Bag at 6:18 PM - 6 answers

Staining photos in Photoshop

Is there a way I can stain parts of an image in Photoshop? [more inside]
posted by pxe2000 to Computers & Internet at 6:06 PM - 3 answers

Help me rip the mask off: Immunocompromised 2024

I need to rip the mask off: I need a quick peace of mind (or not) on Covid risk and apparently remedial Covid education 2024 edition [more inside]
posted by floweredfish to Health & Fitness at 4:27 PM - 35 answers

How do you plan a kitchen, quickly?

My dishwasher flooded my kitchen and it's looking like I'll be needing new flooring, cabinets, and possibly a countertop. I am not a home remodeling type of person. How do I figure out what I want? [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library to Home & Garden at 3:48 PM - 8 answers

Filenames to folder names

I have a folder with a list of .txt files in it - file list example (imgur). I would like to create a folder for each file name and to name that folder after the filename. [more inside]
posted by unearthed to Computers & Internet at 3:18 PM - 7 answers

East Sussex without a car?

How hard is it to get around East Sussex (Lewes/Alfriston area) without a car? [more inside]
posted by Awkward Philip to Travel & Transportation at 1:57 PM - 3 answers

Will it blondie?

I have a favourite, workshopped to hell and back, endlessly adaptable gluten free brownie recipe. I want to make blondies. [more inside]
posted by cabbage raccoon to Food & Drink at 1:10 PM - 10 answers

How should I attach this adapter to this lens?

I have an old macro lens for my phone which I had to stop using when I got a new phone, because I couldn’t get a case to fit it. I found someone selling a 13mm-17mm adapter ring for it, and want to know the best way of firmly attaching the adapter to the lens. [more inside]
posted by Bloxworth Snout to Technology at 1:05 PM - 3 answers

Sharing Passwords with a Contractor

I am working to make my business more marketable, so I've found someone who was recommended to me that does brand development and marketing. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind to Computers & Internet at 12:22 PM - 7 answers

Where can I get Hungarian cherry soup (NYC)?

Is there anywhere in New York City (or near New York City) where I can get Hungarian cherry soup?
posted by andoatnp to Food & Drink at 11:37 AM - 3 answers

Name this YouTube video essay about movies

Several years ago, I saw (and heard) a video essay on YouTube, and now I'd like to see it again. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it on my own, so I'm writing this question in the hope of getting some help. [more inside]
posted by WalkingAround to Media & Arts at 11:30 AM - 4 answers

Summer/beach outfit, but classy (for wedding)

I'm attending a beach wedding this year, I am looking for ideas on an outfit that meets these criteria: comfortable in warm weather / ethically sourced/manufactured / hat recommendation: I typically go with ballcaps on the weekend but anything classy with a brim (for the sun) would be good / I'm an adult male. Links to suggestions are welcome, thank you.
posted by elkevelvet to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 10:13 AM - 3 answers

Help me find an old New Yorker cartoon

A cartoon in the 1980s or 90s depicted a brick and was captioned something like "thousands of works of art, music, etc. compressed into a 3x4x5 inch brick". It might be by Mick Stevens. (I was reminded of it by the new ad for the iPad showing works of art and musical instruments in a hydraulic press.)
posted by neuron to Media & Arts at 10:07 AM - 3 answers

NHS vs CDC, why are the adult vaccination recs so different?

The CDC recommends adults have a tetanus booster every 10 years. The NHS doesn't think adults need a tetanus booster if they were fully vaccinated as kids. As an oldish person working on a farm at high risk of small dirty wounds, I got the NHS to give me a tetanus booster 10 years ago but they seemed bemused that I wanted it. Do any medical MeFites know why the recommendations are so different?
posted by Rhedyn to Health & Fitness at 10:02 AM - 15 answers

Help me focus on the small stuff (like 5 microns)

I know very little about microscopy or imaging of small things, but I have a need for something greater than the stereo microscopes we use at my job. Do you know what I need? [more inside]
posted by AbelMelveny to Science & Nature at 9:59 AM - 3 answers

Conversations with kids about elder’s hospice

My spouse’s grandmother lives with us, and will be entering hospice care at home soon. She’s 100 years old and has end-stage COPD. We have two young kids, and I need to figure out how to talk to them about what we are all about to experience. [more inside]
posted by hovey to Health & Fitness at 9:05 AM - 15 answers

MA Lawyer Needed for Albatross Removal

The short story is that decades ago I had some stock escheated by the state of Massachusetts. I have questions about how/why the state was able to do this. I may be too late on this, but the stock has increased in value and I'd like to talk to a lawyer about how everything went down and if there's any hope of reclaiming it. So I'm looking for recommendations for either specific lawyers or types of lawyers (securities?) in Massachusetts that I could consult. [more inside]
posted by fiery.hogue to Work & Money at 8:36 AM - 5 answers

Itinerary for two weeks in Panama with a toddler and a 5 year old

I've booked two weeks in July in Panama. We will be travelling with our 5 yr old and an 18 month old. Flying into Panama City. Looking for your ideas, tips, tricks, and general thoughts. [more inside]
posted by sid to Travel & Transportation at 7:46 AM - 2 answers

Any recommendations on road trips this summer?

Hi all - I figured I'd get better feedback here than spending hours on Google (you all know your stuff :)). A friend and I want to do a road trip and see some cool sights this July. He's in Seattle and I'm in Raleigh and we're thinking about going north. We've been to Calgary which was beautiful but looking to try something different. We don't mind a manageable road trip but we'd like to see some towns/cities that have cool bars, restaurants, decent crowd, etc. We also want to hike and do some outdoor stuff. We'll consider it all - from Alaska to Quebec City :) Are there are trips or routes that you'd recommend we look at?
posted by matt755811 to Travel & Transportation at 6:03 AM - 11 answers

How do I safely sell stuff on a Facebook group?

I'm in a largeish US-wide Facebook group for mail-based buying, selling and trading of used gear for a mildly niche interest. I would like to also casually sell a few items, but as a newbie I feel clueless about the nuances of security, risk management and etiquette for this type of thing. Any tips, or a good online primer for how to sell one-offs and not get scammed? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph to Computers & Internet at 5:39 AM - 6 answers

Quickest, easiest, no-fuss, bare-bones "blog" / sharing space?

I want a free space online to post stuff I would ordinarily send to my husband via email or dm, and I don't want to fiddle with it at all (just sign up, boom, go) or get updates, ads, promos, etc., etc. from the site. (like maybe the site itself has some ads, which is okay, but I don't want to get ads, mail or notices from them.) [more inside]
posted by taz to Computers & Internet at 4:34 AM - 14 answers

Herb-loving Garden Pests

Something's eating all the leaves off certain specific herbs in my community garden. But who? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos to Home & Garden at 3:40 AM - 12 answers

What cities on the Polish Belarus border changed hands?

According to my late dad my family on his mom's side was from a town on the border of the two countries that was one country and then became another. I'm assuming it would have happened a while ago (at least +60 years) but that's all I've got.
posted by rileyray3000 to Society & Culture at 1:14 AM - 3 answers

May 8

Easy-to-learn recipes?

I would like to hear about recipes you like that are easy to learn. By "learn", I roughly mean "memorize". That is, if I make the recipe enough times, I won't need to look at the recipe anymore, because I will have it in my head. Ideally, you like both making and eating these dishes (or drinks, even). [more inside]
posted by NotLost to Food & Drink at 10:43 PM - 28 answers

Achilles tendinosis - how have you healed from it

This is, I believe, my fourth round in a boot. I was ok until I forgot to get new runners, whomp whomp. Sick of it though. How has your AT healed? [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock to Health & Fitness at 9:28 PM - 3 answers

Upping My Contribution to Family Cooking

My wife is a fantastic, intuitive cook and does most of our dinners, but occasionally she wants me to cook instead. My skills are basically 'can follow a recipe'. My family has a range of preferences. Any suggestions on what I can add to my quiver? [more inside]
posted by jjderooy to Food & Drink at 7:59 PM - 18 answers

Ideas for repairing torn/damaged watercolour paper?

My sister gave me a thrift shop print of geese that was mounted on a faded mat board and the frame didn't go with my décor. I tried to take the print off the mat board in order to remount and reframe it, and in the process I damaged the print in one place and tore it in another. I could crop the image, but it would look odd and it would mean sacrificing the handwritten title, artist's signature, and print number and date. Does anyone have any tips for repairing damaged or torn watercolour paper?
posted by orange swan to Grab Bag at 3:52 PM - 6 answers

Best practices for flea treatment in Parkinson’s disease households?

We have a relative who has Parkinson’s disease, and also has cats. There’s no family history of Parkinson’s disease so they need to particularly avoid further exposure to pesticides. However, they also have pet cats. It’s obvious that people who hold and pet their cats do get some exposure to any of the spot-on treatments that are the mainstay of flea treatments these days. Are some of them safer than others? [more inside]
posted by metonym to Pets & Animals at 2:41 PM - 7 answers

Best way to get high speed data on my American phone in Mexico?

I'm traveling to Mexico next week and instead of buying the (expensive) international data pass through my American cell provider, thought I'd see about getting a Mexican plan with an eSIM, but it's horribly confusing (which maybe speak more to the general poor state of web search.) Looking for recommendations. Thanks!
posted by rhymedirective to Travel & Transportation at 1:09 PM - 12 answers

Book(s) on the origins of the Israel/Palestine conflict

Please recommend a book or two for someone looking to get a better understanding of the origins and historical context of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Being "unbiased" or "objective" is less important than being interesting, but I'm not looking for a polemic (unless it's a really informative polemic).
posted by lex mercatoria to Society & Culture at 12:38 PM - 7 answers

I love to swim, but sometimes swimming does not love me.

I taught myself how to swim freestyle about 15 years ago and have been swimming intermittently since then. I went from barely being able to swim 25 yards at the start, to swimming 2000 yards 4x a week at my peak. Last winter I injured my shoulder when I tried to scale up my training, and I've been having a hard time swimming since. I'm seeking advice on how to address the issues I'm dealing with now. [more inside]
posted by spacebologna to Health & Fitness at 11:35 AM - 16 answers

Gifts for the Calculating Grad

My kid is graduating at the end of the month, and will be studying statistics at university. It has been suggested to me that a really high end calculator would be a good graduation gift and useful in their secondary education. 1) is this true? (they did not need one in HS) 2) If so, what would be the Cadillac of handheld calculators for a stats kid?
posted by anastasiav to Shopping at 11:00 AM - 18 answers