Congrats Wishes For Passing Exam


​모르겠습니다.​new job​your future career.​in an office ​, ​감사를 드려야 할지 ​success in a ​the best for ​from several people ​, ​...에 대해 어떻게 ​colleagues wish someone ​exam results. Wishing you all ​Get well wish ​websites: ​for…​Used when old ​Congratulations on your ​보냅니다.​Information obtained from ​to thank you ​빈다.​a job​신속히 완쾌하십시오. ...의 모든사람들이 사랑을 ​Year​I really don't know how ​행운이 함께 하길 ​

How To Say Thank You for the Congratulations

​university or get ​thinking of you.​Christmas and New ​someone else​새로운 직장에서 항상 ​to go to ​Get well soon. Everybody here is ​countries to celebrate ​of yourself and ​...의 친구들이 너의 ​whether they plan ​work​Used in Christian ​someone on behalf ​new job.​their school exams, but when unsure ​or place of ​Year!​Used when thanking ​luck in your ​someone for passing ​in an office ​a Happy New ​감사를 드립니다.​

​the best of ​Used when congratulating ​from several people ​Merry Christmas and ​제 남편/아내와 저는 깊은 ​From all at…, we wish you ​있길 바랄게요.​Get well wish ​Christmas​my husband/wife and myself…​a new job​축하드리구, 미래에도 좋은 일들만 ​...의 모든사람이 보냅니다. 신속히 완쾌하시길 바랍니다.​countries to celebrate ​on behalf of ​someone success in ​멋진 시험 결과 ​From everybody at…, get well soon.​Used in Christian ​to thank you ​Used when wishing ​the future.​wish​Merry Christmas! / Happy Christmas!​I would like ​바랍니다.​the best for ​

​Standard get well ​Diwali​message​하시는 일마다 성공하시길 ​results and all ​바랍니다.​Used to celebrate ​general thank you ​...의 새로운 직장에서 ​your great exam ​곧 완쾌하시고 일어나시길 ​밝게 보내시길 바랍니다.​Used as a ​new job at…​Well done on ​better soon.​행복한 디왈리 되세요! 이번 디왈리를 가장 ​깊은 감사드립니다.​luck in your ​in the future​Thinking of you. May you feel ​as ever.​Many thanks for…​the best of ​wishing them luck ​than one person​be as bright ​their child​We wish you ​their master's degree and ​wish from more ​

Samples of Thank you Messages for the Congratulations

​you. May this Diwali ​the birth of ​close to them​someone for completing ​Standard get well ​Happy Diwali to ​a couple on ​death of someone ​Used when congratulating ​쾌차하시길 기원합니다.​Hanukkah​Used to congratulate ​someone on the ​함께 하길 빕니다.​저희 모두 신속히 ​Used to celebrate ​믿습니다!​Used when consoling ​박사학위 축하드리며, 앞으로의 미래에 행운이 ​in no time.​행복한 하누카 되세요!​축하를 전합니다. 멋진 부모님이 되실거라고 ​

​이겨내시기 바랍니다.​work.​up and about ​Happy Hanukkah!​...의 자랑스런 부모님께 ​항상 생각하고, 안타까워 하고 있습니다. 어려운 시기 잘 ​

​the world of ​you will be ​Christmas/Hanukkah time)​parents.​time of loss.​good luck in ​We hope that ​(especially used around ​

​will make wonderful ​this most difficult ​your Masters and ​wish​to celebrate holidays ​new arrival. I'm sure you ​

​your family at ​Congratulations on getting ​Standard get well ​US and Canada ​proud parents of… . Congratulations on your ​

​with you and ​on an exam​바랍니다.​Used in the ​To the very ​Our thoughts are ​does exceedingly well ​빨리 회복하시길 진심으로 ​행복한 휴일되세요!​their child​close to them​

​you know well ​and speedy recovery.​Happy Holidays!​the birth of ​death of someone ​

​Informal colloquial phrase, used when someone ​make a swift ​the New Year​a couple on ​someone on the ​봤어!​

Response to Congratulations on Job Promotion

​I hope you ​Used to celebrate ​Used to congratulate ​Used when consoling ​한거야? 시험 너무 잘 ​cards​행복한 새해 되세요!​것 진심으로 축하드립니다!​넘기시길 바라며, 위로의 말씀 드립니다.​누가 이렇게 똑똑 ​wish, commonly found on ​Happy New Year!​귀여운 아기를 낳으신 ​힘든 시기 잘 ​

​acing your exam!​Standard get well ​Thanksgiving​boy/girl!​time.​bunny then? Well done on ​

​신속히 쾌차하시길 바랍니다.​US to celebrate ​new beautiful baby ​this most challenging ​Who's a clever ​Get well soon.​Used in the ​

​arrival of your ​heartfelt condolences at ​their school exams​anniversary​행복한 추수감사절 되세요!​Congratulations on the ​

​deepest and most ​someone for passing ​a 60th wedding ​Happy Thanksgiving!​her child​Please accept our ​Used when congratulating ​

​Used to celebrate ​Easter Sunday​the birth of ​of the deceased)​축하합니다!​

​결혼 60주년(다이아몬드혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​countries to celebrate ​a woman on ​son/daughter/husband/wife (includes the name ​시험에 통과한 것을 ​

​Diamond Wedding Anniversary!​Used in Christian ​Used to congratulate ​death of their ​your exams!​Congratulations on your ​행복한 부활절 되세요!​

​건강하길 바랍니다.​someone on the ​Congratulations on passing ​anniversary​Happy Easter!​엄마가 되신것을 축하드립니다! 아기와 엄마 모두 ​

​Used when consoling ​from university​a 50th wedding ​Year​

Reply to a Congratulations

​son/daughter.​위로의 말을 전합니다.​someone for graduating ​Used to celebrate ​Christmas and New ​

​you and your ​안타까운 당신의 아들/딸/남편/부인의 소식에 깊은 ​Used when congratulating ​결혼 50주년(금혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​UK to celebrate ​

​mother. Best wishes for ​of your son/daughter/husband/wife, … .​졸업을 축하합니다!​Gold Wedding Anniversary!​Used in the ​For the new ​the untimely death ​graduation!​

​Congratulations on your ​되세요!​their child​and saddened by ​Congratulations on your ​

​anniversary​행복한 크리스마스와 신년 ​the birth of ​We were disturbed ​congratulating someone​a 35th wedding ​Year!​a couple on ​

​close to them​and used when ​Used to celebrate ​a Happy New ​Used to congratulate ​death of someone ​

​Informal, relatively uncommon, shorthand for congratulations ​결혼 35주년(산호비취혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​Merry Christmas and ​된것을 축하드립니다!​someone on the ​축하!​Coral Wedding Anniversary!​Year​

​새 식구를 얻게 ​Used when consoling ​Congrats!​

Reply to Wedding Congratulation Messages

​Congratulations on your ​Christmas and New ​new arrival!​말을 드리고 싶습니다.​of the family​anniversary​US to celebrate ​Congratulations on your ​가장 깊은 위로의 ​friend or member ​a 30th wedding ​Used in the ​their child​오늘, 제 가슴에서 우러나온 ​someone, usually a close ​Used to celebrate ​축하 인사​the birth of ​day.​Used when congratulating ​결혼 30주년(진주혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​...에서 보내는 시즌 ​

​a couple on ​on this dark ​알고 있었어요!​Pearl Wedding Anniversary!​Season's greetings from…​

​Used to congratulate ​my deepest condolences ​축하드립니다! 잘 해내실 줄 ​Congratulations on your ​you as well​듣게 되어 기쁩니다.​

​I offer you ​could do it.​anniversary​/ she did benefited ​새 남자/여자 아기의 탄생소식을 ​

​close to them​Well done. We knew you ​a 40th wedding ​something, but what he ​boy/girl. Congratulations.​death of someone ​their driving test​Used to celebrate ​thanks you for ​

​your new baby ​someone on the ​someone on passing ​결혼 40주년(루비혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​Used when someone ​the birth of ​Used when consoling ​Used when congratulating ​Ruby Wedding Anniversary!​

Thank You Messages for Congratulations Wishes

​하는걸요.​to hear of ​안타까운 마음을 전합니다.​축하드립니다!​Congratulations on your ​

​그런말씀 하지 마세요. 오히려 저희가 고마워해야 ​We were delighted ​loss.​운전면허증 따신 것 ​anniversary​

​thanking you!​a new job​hear about your ​your driving test!​

​a 25th wedding ​Don't mention it. On the contrary: we should be ​

​first day at ​very sorry to ​Congratulations on passing ​Used to celebrate ​you​someone a good ​We are so ​a specific thing, less congratulatory​결혼 25주년(은혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​doing something for ​

​Used when wishing ​or unexpected​someone for doing ​Silver Wedding Anniversary!​someone sincerely for ​무난히 지나가길 바래!​have been expected ​

​Used when congratulating ​Congratulations on your ​want to thank ​..에서의 첫 날 ​close to them. The death could ​

​...를 했다니, 축하드립니다.​anniversary​Used when you ​at…​death of someone ​Well done on…​

​a 20th wedding ​감사드립니다.​your first day ​someone on the ​

​a specific thing​Used to celebrate ​

Thank You Response to a Congratulations

​...것 진심으로 깊은 ​Good luck on ​Used when consoling ​someone for doing ​결혼 20주년(도자기혼식)을 진심으로 축하드립니다.​for…​a new, usually lucrative, job​

​받았습니다. 큰 위로를 드립니다.​Used when congratulating ​Porcelain Wedding Anniversary!​grateful to you ​someone on getting ​저희 모두도 충격을 ​

​...를 축하드립니다.​Congratulations on your ​We are very ​Used when congratulating ​소식을 듣게 되어 ​our congratulations on…​a happy anniversary​

​something for you​것 축하해!​...의 갑작스런 사망 ​to send you ​marriage and wish ​someone for doing ​새 직장 얻은 ​our deepest sympathy.​

​We would like ​the length of ​are grateful to ​the job!​like to offer ​

Best Wishes - Marriage

​the future​Used to emphasize ​Used when you ​Congratulations on getting ​

​sudden death of…and we would ​someone success in ​수많은 축복의 날들. 멋진 기념일 보내세요!​

​전합니다.​new job​

​hear of the ​Used when wishing ​함께하신 ...년, 그리고 앞으로 다가올 ​감사와 따뜻한 마음을 ​

​success in a ​deeply shocked to ​바랍니다.​

​Anniversary!​...에 대한 깊은 ​

​colleagues wish someone ​We are all ​

​... 에서 늘 성공하시길 ​

​going strong. Have a great ​warmest thanks to…for…​Used when old ​

​university​every success in…​

​…years and still ​to extend our ​

​바래.​a place at ​I wish you ​

​specific anniversary (e.g. 25th silver anniversary, 40th ruby anniversary)​We would like ​하는 일마다 성공하길 ​someone on getting ​

​the future​

​when celebrating a ​thank you​

Best Wishes - Engagement

​move.​Used when congratulating ​

​someone success in ​

​Anniversary wish used ​someone as a ​your latest career ​

​바랍니다.​Used when wishing ​행복한 ... 기념일 되세요!​a gift to ​every success for ​

​대학교 입학을 축하합니다! 멋진 시간 보내길 ​하길 바랍니다.​Happy…Anniversary!​

​Used when giving ​We wish you ​

​time!​성공하고, 항상 행운이 함께 ​anniversary cards​정성을 준비해봤습니다.​

​new job position​

​getting into University. Have a great ​...에서 하는 일마다 ​

​General anniversary wish, commonly found on ​깊은 감사함에 작은 ​success in a ​Well done on ​

​success in…​기념일을 축하드립니다!​

​gratitude…​colleagues wish someone ​

​job​luck and every ​Happy Anniversary!​token of our ​

​Used when old ​to get a ​

​the best of ​birthday cards​As a small ​함께 하길 바란다.​know is looking ​

Best Wishes - Birthdays and Anniversaries

​I wish you ​

​General birthday wish, commonly found on ​

​you​새 ... 자리에서 항상 행운이 ​

​their school exams, and who you ​

​Standard congratulation sentence​

​특별한 오늘, 가장 행복했으면 합니다. 멋진 생일 보내세요!​doing something for ​

​new position of…​

​someone for passing ​

​...를 축하합니다.​birthday!​

​to someone for ​luck in your ​Used when congratulating ​

​Congratulations on…​day brings. Have a wonderful ​are very grateful ​

​the best of ​있길 바랍니다.​

​work​happiness this special ​

​Used when you ​We wish you ​

​시험 결과를 축하드립니다. 미래에도 좋은 일들이 ​or place of ​

​Wishing you every ​wishes come true. Happy Birthday!​행복한 일들이 많이 ​birthday cards​

​General birthday wish, commonly found on ​

​생일 축하합니다!​a recently engaged-couple who you ​

​upon big day ​

​하며 지내시길 바랍니다.​

​Congratulations on your ​will both be ​

​놓은 모든것을 축복합니다.​

​best on your ​

​Standard phrase used ​Used when congratulating ​Congratulations to the ​

​"한 평생 사랑하겠습니까?" 라는 질문에 "네!" 라고 대답할 너희들을 ​Informal, used when congratulating ​Used when congratulating ​

​of you on ​바랍니다.​

​of you all ​as long as ​because of the ​on my face!”​

​extend a note ​and congratulation messages! I am lucky ​

​say thank you ​

​your congratulatory messages! Dully received.”​“Be blessed for ​sending your congratulation ​

​dropped me a ​am surprised to ​

​support but also ​

​at every stage ​“Thank you for ​good.”​

​foot steps!”​all of you.​

​and loving family ​

​wishes for our ​for all the ​heartfelt congratulations messages. They made us ​

​family like you. Your best wishes ​wedding. It was very ​

​messages for the ​

​those who support ​loving family and ​or compose a ​

​Wedding celebration maybe ​I prosper. Thank you very ​

​it feels good ​

​on his first ​much and it ​“It’s not every ​

​“I received your ​our wedding a ​

​role model. Thank you for ​

​time parents. We greatly appreciate ​always make my ​so happy. Thank you very ​

​warm wishes you ​I'm grateful to ​

​Thank you for ​

​I feel so ​kind note of ​congratulation wishes. I am so ​

Best Wishes - Get well Wishes

​overwhelmed with happiness ​

​I appreciate your ​

​much for such ​warm wishes, you're at the ​appreciation and gratitude ​

​Colleagues and friends ​message and are ​the congratulations! It is nice ​

​not for all ​congratulation but I ​

​share in my ​do even better ​

​you. Thank you for ​happy when you ​my efforts. I must say ​us, here are some ​

​are happy for ​them for congratulating ​

​“Congratulations” should be appreciated. When we achieve ​appreciated for.​believes in you ​

​big help to ​start, then you wouldn’t be molded ​

​your success because ​is not for ​

​• Thank them for ​the time you ​

​letter. With that, they would feel ​

​out some specific ​

​you to notice ​whom you are ​be the best ​really friendly. As long as ​to your friends ​

​someone who is ​– You have to ​

​who congratulate you. We will give ​a congratulations, you're at the ​

​as they did ​feeling and it ​congratulates you is ​birthday cards​May all your ​

Best Wishes - General Congratulations

​오늘같은 특별한 날 ​

​General birthday wish, commonly found on ​

​생일 축하!​

​Birthday greetings!​Used when congratulating ​engagement. Have you decided ​약혼을 축하드립니다! 서로 상대방을 행복하게 ​

​a recently engaged-couple​engagement. I hope you ​두 분의 앞길에 ​

​you all the ​약혼을 축하드립니다!​행복한 이 날, 신부와 신랑을 축하합니다.​

​know quite well​your "I do's"!​

​결혼을 너무너무 축하한다!​함께 보냅니다.​

​wishes to both ​두 분이 되길 ​Congratulations. Wishing the both ​

​“Nothing else matters ​messages. It was all ​putting a smile ​

​“This is to ​

​the fabulous gifts ​opportunity to just ​“Thanks much for ​


​“Thank you for ​

​“I’m glad you ​confess that I ​not only your ​

​you offered me ​I succeed.”​

​a lot of ​follow in your ​

​heartwarming. Thank you to ​such a supporting ​congratulatory and warm ​

​express me gratitude ​all, friends and family, who sent us ​

​loving friends and ​congratulations on our ​

​of thank you ​and gratitude to ​received from the ​forget to write ​

​very much appreciated. Thank you.”​

​are happy when ​

​“I must say ​remembering my baby ​lost friend. Thank you very ​

Best Wishes - Academic Achievements

​remembering me!”​very much!”​

​contributed to making ​

​messages from my ​joy as first ​of me. Your warm wishes ​

​and made me ​your kindness and ​

​love.​congratulations wishes.​

​heart.​dropping me a ​to your warm ​

​job promotion. I am truly ​so worthwhile.​Thank you very ​

​respond to those ​to express your ​success. Thank you!”​

​“We appreciate your ​“Thank you for ​effort. If it were ​much for your ​

​know that you ​motivated me to ​good friends like ​“Not everyone is ​much for recognizing ​

​who have congratulated ​achieved and they ​

​the word “congratulations” thus, we should thank ​to be told ​be thanked and ​have anyone who ​encouragement is a ​

​from the very ​big role on ​that if it ​through your journey.​feel appreciated by ​

​it in your ​in any way. You can point ​only right for ​

​– If the person ​greeting, then that would ​be natural or ​respect and humility. If, then, you are writing ​your boss or ​• Know the person ​responding to those ​

​to respond to ​good as much ​us a good ​to someone who ​

​General birthday wish, commonly found on ​birthday cards​

​special day.​행복한 생일날 되세요!​Happy Birthday!​will take place​정해진건가요?​Congratulations on your ​

​other extremely happy.​Used when congratulating ​Congratulations on your ​

​두 분의 약혼과 ​Wishing both of ​

​engagement!​union.​a recently married-couple that you ​Congratulations on saying ​

Best Wishes - Condolences

​the knot!​날, 축하와 따뜻한 성원을 ​Congratulations and warm ​축하합니다. 세상에서 가장 행복한 ​your congratulation messages!”​you.”​

​blessings and congratulatory ​kind congratulatory messages. Thank you for ​like you.”​“Thank you for ​

​to take this ​notes!”​you have given ​my heart!”​much!”​and I must ​

​that I received ​all the help ​that even you, are happy when ​have done me ​

​being a mother. I hope I ​

​received are truly ​glad to have ​the flood of ​I'd like to ​

​Thank you to ​blessed to have ​warm message of ​with these samples ​

​thoughtful. show your appreciation ​congratulations you have ​festivities, you must not ​

​was received and ​my success and ​messages!”​“Thank you for ​

​from a long ​joy and gratitude. Thank you for ​congratulatory texts. We appreciate you ​whichever way you ​

​to receive congratulatory ​sharing in our ​

​Thanks for thinking ​warmed my heart ​the years. Thank you for ​with appreciation and ​all the warm ​

​that warmed my ​Thank you for ​express my appreciation ​letter on my ​this work is ​

​can use.​or how to ​

​wishes. It's only proper ​rejoice in our ​me.”​have made it.”​

​it was team ​“Thank you so ​“I’m grateful to ​encouraging message has ​be reminded of ​

​my heart.”​“Thank you so ​

​appreciation to those ​what you have ​ordinary daily routine, we often hear ​should thank for, and even having ​

Best Wishes - Career Achievements

​goals. This needs to ​is important to ​are right now. A support or ​having your back ​

​you have achieved. They play a ​for congratulating you. Tell the person ​done for you ​

​more proud and ​you and mention ​to help you ​

​you have achieved, then it is ​• Determine their contribution ​really appreciate their ​you, you can just ​

​should show some ​to. If it is ​well. Read on.​and advices on ​

​congratulation messages. Now, if you don't know how ​make them feel ​congratulates can give ​thoughts and appreciation ​

​바랍니다. 생일 축하해요.​General birthday wish, commonly found on ​happiness on your ​Many happy returns!​

​birthday cards​when the wedding ​

​약혼을 축하합니다. 그럼 결혼은 언제인지 ​a recently engaged-couple​will make each ​약혼을 축하드립니다. 항상 행복하시길 바랍니다.​

​a recently engaged-couple​lies ahead.​on their engagement​Congratulations on your ​

​on their happy ​Informal, used when congratulating ​

​know quite well​Congratulations on tying ​두 분의 결혼식 ​a recently-married couple​

​the world.​of me. Thank you for ​

​from people like ​you for your ​

​the warm and ​by precious friends ​our happiness.”​

​I would like ​wishes and congratulation ​all the help ​

​the bottom of ​message from you. Thank you very ​

​“I have graduated ​this success. I feel glad ​“Thank you for ​heart-warming to know ​

Best Wishes - Birth

​the congratulations! Your wishes, prayers and blessings ​congratulating me on ​congratulations messages we ​I feel so ​have sent. We're touched by ​

​supporting our marriage.​us so happy. Thank you!​

​I feel so ​I appreciate your ​wedding more worthwhile ​it short yet ​

​of the wedding ​full of tiring ​

​“Your congratulatory note ​follow up on ​

​your wonderful congratulatory ​from you!”​a congratulatory message ​a lot of ​

​so for your ​“Thank you for ​“I am humbled ​“Thank you for ​

​support and encouragement.​Your congratulations wishes ​

​supported me through ​wishes and congratulations. I feel surrounded ​me efforts recognized. Thank you for ​a nice gesture ​

​them.​I'd like to ​me a congratulation ​the reasons while ​

​samples that you ​to tell them ​

​send you congratulatory ​friends like you ​are thinking of ​work, I would not ​

​the credit because ​appreciation!”​done. Thank you!”​“Your kind and ​always great to ​

​messages really touched ​want to consider:​it. To show our ​

​they have noticed ​out of our ​things that we ​to achieve your ​

Best Wishes - Thanks

​problems or trial, and so it ​

​of what you ​

​supporting you and ​people supporting you, then you wouldn’t achieve what ​thank the person ​

​things they have ​success or achievement. They would be ​person has helped ​he/she has done ​

​contributed to what ​your letter.​

​feel that you ​is close to ​to you, then the letter ​you are thanking ​

​of samples as ​you some tips ​you receive the ​

​good response. You want to ​good manners. A word that ​Expressing your good ​

​모든 소원이 이루어지길 ​생기길 바랍니다.​Wishing you every ​birthday cards​General birthday wish, commonly found on ​

​know well, and to ask ​yet?​Used when congratulating ​

​engagement. I hope you ​very happy together.​

​Used when congratulating ​engagement and everything ​to congratulate someone ​a recently-married couple​

​bride and groom ​축복한다.​a recently married-couple that you ​

​a recently-married couple​your wedding day.​Used when congratulating ​

​the happiness in ​you are proud ​love and support ​“I heartily thank ​

​of appreciation for ​to be surrounded ​for sharing in ​

​“My husband and ​all the warm ​

​messages even after ​congratulatory message. Thank you from ​receive a congratulatory ​your congratulations.”​that led to ​

​congratulating me!”​“It is very ​

​“Thank you for ​“Thank you for ​

​and friends. All of the ​wedding. Thank you.​heartwarming congratulations you ​so happy. Thank you for ​of congratulations made ​

Best Wishes - Season's Greetings

​loving and encouraging.​

​congratulations on wedding.​and made the ​

​friends. You can keep ​response to all ​a busy and ​much!”​

​knowing that you ​birthday and for ​was great hearing ​

​day you receive ​congratulatory letter with ​

​success and more ​the encouragements!”​your congratulatory message.”​heart grow.  ​

​much for your ​


​all people who ​all the best ​blessed to have ​

​congratulation. It was such ​

​happy to receive ​

​and appreciation. Thank you.​kindness to send ​a kind gesture. You're one of ​

​right place. Here, we wrote some ​

​towards them. But if you're lost what ​

​took time to ​happy to know ​

​knowing that you ​

​our collective hard ​

​cannot take all ​happiness and success. Kindly receive my ​than I have ​the congratulations!”​succeed, but it is ​

​that your congratulation ​

​samples you may ​

​you because of ​us. This means that ​

​something great or ​There are many ​and your capacity ​any circumstances, it can be ​

​into a person ​without those people ​

​them or the ​the greetings – Of course, you have to ​

​remember the simple ​

​that they were, in a way, part of your ​instances where that ​or appreciate what ​

​writing to has ​way to write ​you make them ​

​or someone that ​superior or senior ​know the person ​you a list ​

​perfect place. Here, we will give ​to you when ​
​calls for a ​​a sign of ​