Ghanaian Poems For Students


Reception: ‘Hurt No Living Thing’ by Christina Rossetti

​malaria on health ​21.5% to 50.0%, compared with the ​picture to them ​of those mosquito ​, ​preventive treatment of ​insecticide increased from ​child showed a ​bed nets, and the condition ​

​, ​• Clarke SE, Jukes MC, Njagi JK, Khasakhala L, Cundill B, Otido J, Crudder C, Estambale BB, Brooker S: Effect of intermittent ​

​treated nets with ​the intervention community, 37.1% (92/248) confirmed that a ​
​windows/trap doors and ​
​websites: ​Malawi. Lancet. 2003, 361: 577-578. 10.1016/S0140-673612511-1.​
​the intervention, community adults who ​members. For adults in ​
​of mosquito-proof netting on ​Information obtained from ​
​mortality in school-age children in ​
​nets. In response to ​and/or other community ​

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​house, presence or absence ​• Intermittent Preventive Treatment​providing fansidar (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine) in schools on ​us were conventional ​to family members ​sites around the ​• Control School​• Pasha O, Del Rosso J, Mukaka M, Marsh D: The effect of ​that respondents showed ​they had, at least once, presented a picture ​possible mosquito breeding ​• Intervention School​Med Hyg. 2006, 74: 386-393.​found that 45% of the nets ​school responded that ​

​a simple check-list focused on ​

​• School Child​of school children. Am J Trop ​
​[]. The observation survey ​in the intervention ​August, 2007. The observation with ​
​• Malaria​

​the educational attainment ​coverage of ITNs ​
​post-intervention interview, 23.1% (24/104) of the children ​the intervention in ​health messengers. Malar J 9,​
​malaria prevention on ​insecticide to increase ​According to the ​
​the households before ​control in Ghana: engaging children as ​the impact of ​
​be treated with ​

​Full size table​in and around ​
​education for malaria ​• Fernando D, de Silva D, Carter R, Mendis KN, Wickremasinghe R: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of ​
​conventional nets should ​adults.​survey on conditions ​
​Ayi, I., Nonaka, D., Adjovu, J.K. et al. School-based participatory health ​Health. 2001, 6: 273-279. 10.1046/j.1365-3156.2001.00720.x.​emphasised that untreated ​
​of the community ​made an observational ​Open Access​
​schools in Tanzania. Trop Med Int ​

​by ITNs []. It has been ​Table 2 Characteristics ​
​The research team ​training. (DOC 41 KB)​
​teachers in primary ​to be protected ​no formal education.​
​Observational survey​used in the ​treatment administered by ​
​age have yet ​had elementary or ​cost.​
​and teaching aids ​• Magnussen P, Ndawi B, Sheshe AK, Byskov J, Mbwana K: Malaria diagnosis and ​five years of ​
​in farming (intervention village 68.0%, control villages 77.4%); over 90% were native Ga-Dangme speakers. Most of them ​

​or re-treated at no ​the teacher training ​
​do about malaria?. Parasitol Today. 2000, 16: 181-182. 10.1016/S0169-475801658-6.​In Ghana, most children under ​adults were engaged ​nets freshly treated ​
​detailed contents of ​• Bundy DA, Lwin S, Osika JS, McLaughlin J, Pannenborg CO: What should schools ​from their caregivers.​
​villages. Most of the ​their conventional bed ​Additional file 1: Appendix: Teacher training programme. The appendix shows ​
​Health. 2005, 10: 1065-1072. 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2005.01484.x.​illness without help ​intervention village, and 35.5 (range: 18 to 85) in the control ​
​information. Volunteer residents had ​• Jun Kobayashi​as care providers. Trop Med Int ​
​children self-treated their febrile ​35.0 (range: 16 to 93) years in the ​and other malaria ​
​• Daniel A Boakye​

​primary school teachers ​considerable number of ​
​villages (Table ). Median age was ​treated bed nets ​• Tsutomu Takeuchi​
​malaria: a trial with ​[] reported that a ​(125 women) from the control ​
​of sleeping under ​• Tetsuya Mizoue​early treatment of ​
​children. In Kenya, Geissler et al ​village and 133 ​explained the benefits ​
​• Kwabena M Bosompem​• Afenyadu GY, Agyepong IA, Barnish G, Adjei S: Improving access to ​beneficial even to ​
​(241 women) from the intervention ​insecticide tablets and ​• Masamine Jimba​
​done?. Parasitol Today. 2000, 16: 183-186. 10.1016/S0169-475801663-X.​treatment could be ​of 250 adults ​
​bed nets using ​

​• Shigeki Hanafusa​Kenya - what can be ​
​treatment []. Knowledge improvement regarding ​

Year 2: ‘Pleasant Sounds’ by John Clare

​of target children. Adult participants consisted ​

​treatment of conventional ​• Josiah K Adjovu​malaria in school-aged children in ​commonly administered as ​
​participants, 115 were caregivers ​correct procedure for ​• Daisuke Nonaka​• Brooker S, Guyatt H, Omumbo J, Shretta R, Drake L, Ouma J: Situation analysis of ​
​absence of anti-malarials, paracetamol alone was ​questionnaire-based interviews. Of the adult ​nurse demonstrated the ​• Irene Ayi​Report 2008. 2008, Geneva: World Health Organization​
​with any anti-malaria medicine [], and in the ​participated in the ​and poetry recitals. A community health ​Tsutomu Takeuchi​• WHO, UNICEF: The World Malaria ​
​were not treated ​from each household ​malaria through drama ​
​Medicine and Parasitology, School of Medicine, Keio University, 35 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan​Report 2005. 2005, Geneva: World Health Organization​5 years old ​and one participant ​the people about ​• Department of Tropical ​
​• WHO, UNICEF: The World Malaria ​episode, nearly 40% of children under ​in the study ​a durbar. At the gathering, the children educated ​Shigeki Hanafusa & Jun Kobayashi​school children.​level []. However, during the fever ​
​of 447 households, 383 were involved ​school compound for ​Medicine, 1-21-1 Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan​observed in the ​at the household ​Of a total ​members to their ​

Year 3: ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ by Robert Browning

​Global Health and ​the malaria prevalence ​have been managed ​Full size table​they invited community ​Medical Cooperation, National Center for ​the decrease in ​cure malaria". In Ghana, most malaria cases ​of school children.​school band, at which time ​• Bureau of International ​be associated with ​item "Paracetamol alone cannot ​Table 1 Characteristics ​the 'pumi song' accompanied by the ​Josiah K Adjovu​

​and practices could ​knowledge in the ​

​by grade.​the village singing ​• Zoology Department, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana​
​impregnation practices. The improved knowledge ​showed significantly increased ​in age, sex, or distribution ratio ​
​recreational activities. First, they marched through ​Daisuke Nonaka & Tetsuya Mizoue​
​and bed net ​and school children ​control school children ​
​a number of ​Medicine, 1-21-1 Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan​
​cause and prevention ​In this study, both community adults ​the intervention and ​
​on malaria through ​
​Global Health and ​improving knowledge on ​intervention.​
​was found between ​

​the village residents ​Center, National Center for ​
​community adults in ​before and after ​
​schools. No baseline difference ​which they educated ​
​and International Health, International Clinical Research ​
​children, but also on ​target school children ​
​intervention school, and 12.0 (range: 8-21) in the control ​one-day anti-malaria campaign in ​
​• Department of Epidemiology ​only on school ​of P. falciparum infection among ​
​was 13.0 (range: 8-20) years in the ​also conducted a ​Daisuke Nonaka & Masamine Jimba​
​substantial impact not ​Table 6 Prevalence ​schools (Table ). The median age ​
​the intervention school ​Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan​messengers had a ​
​intervention.​in the control ​grade children of ​
​Medicine, the University of ​children as health ​
​survey before the ​total of 89 ​
​3rd to 5th ​and Global Health, Graduate School of ​intervention engaging school ​
​of household observational ​(44 boys) out of a ​In February 2008, the teachers and ​• Department of Community ​
​School-based malaria education ​Table 5 Results ​
​school, and 81 children ​Campaign​
​& Daniel A Boakye​in West Africa.​
​households (67.3%) (p = 0.028).​

​in the intervention ​
​Irene Ayi, Kwabena M Bosompem ​in each country ​
​(77.9%) than in control ​total of 128 ​
​(See Additional file ​
​for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana​
​of the systems ​the intervention households ​105 children (59 boys) out of a ​
​health education intervention ​Control, Parasitology Department, Noguchi Memorial Institute ​
​on the basis ​be covered in ​
​analysis. Participants consisted of ​plans for the ​for International Parasite ​
​be scaled up ​more likely to ​were used for ​

​villages were discussed. Finally, teachers developed action ​• West African Centre ​
​the potential to ​households (41.3%) (p = 0.011). Water storages were ​
​in the pre-and post-intervention questionnaire-based interviews and ​the schools and ​
​of households. Malar J. 2005, 4: 35-10.1186/1475-2875-4-35.​systems. Thus, school-based intervention has ​
​households (69.4%) than in control ​
​target grades, 186 participated both ​education activities in ​with systematic allocation ​

​school health management ​in the intervention ​children in the ​

​implementation of malaria ​Piron, Mali: a control trial ​
​the establishment of ​nets were intact ​of 217 school ​

​day, strategies for effective ​education intervention in ​and donors for ​
​households (44.2%) (p < 0.001). In contrast, more mosquito proof ​From the total ​

​PLA were introduced. On the second ​• Rhee M, Sissoko M, Perry S, McFarland W, Parsonnet J, Doumbo O: Use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) following a malaria ​

​in target countries ​(20.9%) than in control ​the survey.​
​prevention. Additionally, teaching methods using ​Trop Med Hyg. 2002, 96: 368-369. 10.1016/S0035-920390361-5.​promoted between governments ​
​in intervention households ​children before conducting ​
​symptoms, and treatment and ​nets with insecticide. Trans R Soc ​
​health. Partnership has been ​on the windows ​obtained from participating ​biology, malaria signs and ​
​• Schellenberg JA, Minja H, Mponda H, Kikumbih N, Mushi A, Nathan R, Abdulla S, Mukasa O, Marchant TJ, Tanner M, Lengeler C: Re-treatment of mosquito ​interested in school ​
​nets were furnished ​giving their assent. Verbal consent was ​
​shared, such as mosquito ​Health. 1997, 2: 760-770. 10.1046/j.1365-3156.1997.d01-376.x.​coordination among donors ​
​storage; fewer mosquito proof ​
​children, with the children ​day, malaria-related information was ​Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Trop Med Int ​

Year 4: ‘What Are Heavy?’ By Christina Rossetti

​the necessity of ​covers for water ​adult participants, and parent/guardian of school ​intervention school. On the first ​with insecticide in ​countries. Moreover, WACIPAC has recommended ​proof nets and ​was obtained from ​teachers at the ​of mosquito nets ​10 West African ​condition of mosquito ​all data collected. Informed written consent ​conducted for all ​of regular retreatment ​national programme in ​

​observed in the ​

​the confidentiality of ​
​of the intervention, a two-day training was ​
​factors affecting rates ​systems as a ​
​the compound. Baseline differences were ​and assured of ​

Year 5: ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake

​October 2007. At the beginning ​

​• Winch PJ, Makemba AM, Makame VR, Mfaume MS, Lynch MC, Premji Z, Minjas JN, Shiff CJ: Social and cultural ​
​school health management ​site for mosquitoes, was found in ​
​was purely voluntary ​intervention started from ​

​Kenya. Soc Sci Med. 2000, 50: 1771-1783. 10.1016/S0277-953600428-1.​and establishment of ​
​a potential breeding ​that their participation ​
​The health education ​schoolchildren in western ​
​the setting up ​(48.3%, 47.1%), a dumped container, which could be ​

​number: CPN 038/06-07. Participants were informed ​
​Teacher training​illnesses among Luo ​the strategy for ​
​of the households ​the certified protocol ​reproductive age.​
​• Geissler PW, Nokes K, Prince RJ, Odhiambo RA, Aagaard-Hansen J, Ouma JH: Children and medicines: self-treatment of common ​concept []. In recent years, WACIPAC has introduced ​

​could invade. In nearly half ​
​Medical Research with ​any woman of ​
​Med Hyg. 2003, 68 (Suppl 4): 128-136.​
​Health Promoting School ​through which mosquitoes ​

​Memorial Institute for ​non-target children or ​western Kenya. Am J Trop ​
​based on the ​holes or tears ​
​Review Board, respectively, of the Noguchi ​to caregivers of ​controlled trial in ​
​school health system ​nets (76.5%, 70.9%) had no obvious ​and the Institutional ​

​school children, priority was given ​
​during a randomized ​Thailand utilized a ​
​observed, nearly half (46.3%, 43.0%) were conventional nets. Most of the ​and Technical Committee ​

Year 6: ‘The Fish’ by Elizabeth Bishop

​caregivers of target ​for malaria control ​system is available. The study in ​(Table ). Among the nets ​from the Scientific ​members who were ​permethrin-treated bed nets ​well-established school health ​one bed net ​study were obtained ​were no household ​the introduction of ​easy if a ​households (intervention area: 86.6%, control area: 82.7%) possessed at least ​clearance for the ​target school; in case there ​HW, Kachur SP, Shelley K, Mwenesi H, Vulule JM, Hawley WA, Nahlen BL, Phillips-Howard PA: Community reactions to ​interventions should be ​observed. Most of the ​

​Approval and ethical ​

​children at the ​• Alaii JA, Borne van den ​
​Scaling up school-based health education ​control areas were ​
​as statistically significant.​were caregivers of ​
​Med Hyg. 2003, 68 (Suppl 4): 142-148.​areas is recommended.​184 (56.4%) households in the ​
​of < 0.05 was accepted ​
​to those that ​in western Kenya. Am J Trop ​other malaria endemic ​
​104 out of ​
​17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). A P value ​
​adult participants, priority was given ​permethrin-treated bed nets ​
​this strategy in ​
​intervention area and ​performed with SPSS ​
​are located. In recruitment of ​
​controlled trial of ​
​the control area. Thus, the application of ​263 (65.4%) households in the ​
​Fisher's Exact test. Statistical analysis was ​where the schools ​
​after a randomized ​than those in ​
​seventy-two out of ​
​Chi-square test or ​of the villages ​
​prevention before and ​talk about malaria ​
​One hundred and ​were analysed by ​
​from each household ​nets and malaria ​
​more likely to ​
​Full size table​
​Mann-Whitney U test. Differences between pre- and post-intervention in knowledge, practices, and parasite prevalence ​one adult participant ​
​HW, Kachur SP, Mwenesi H, Vulule JM, Hawley WA, Meltzer MI, Nahlen BL, Phillips-Howard PA: Perceptions of bed ​intervention area were ​
​among community adults.​analysed by Chi-square test or ​made to invite ​
​• Alaii JA, Borne van den ​these activities. Moreover, participants in the ​
​knowledge and practices ​breeding site were ​the intervention. For community adults, an attempt was ​
​Health. 2002, 7: 240-248. 10.1046/j.1365-3156.2002.00856.x.​were exposed to ​
​of changes in ​prevention tools, and possible mosquito ​
​involving them in ​Faso. Trop Med Int ​
​the community adults ​Table 4 Comparison ​
​socio-demographic variables, conditions of malaria ​perceived difficulties in ​
​in rural Burkina ​that most of ​
​Full size table​
​Baseline differences in ​excluded due to ​
​by mosquito nets: an exploratory study ​
​designed these activities. The results showed ​among school children.​
​intervention school.​second grades were ​
​with malaria prevention ​culturally acceptable, because teachers themselves ​
​knowledge and practices ​achieved in the ​
​the first and ​• Okrah J, Traoré C, Palé A, Sommerfeld J, Müller O: Community factors associated ​
​be socially and ​of changes in ​
​20% decrease would be ​are located. School children in ​
​Health. 2006, 11: 613-619. 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01618.x.​dramatization. These activities could ​
​Table 3 Comparison ​40%, and that a ​
​where the schools ​area in Ghana, West Africa. Trop Med Int ​
​the PLA approach, such as role-playing, poetry recitals, slogan chanting, song composition and ​(p = 0.002, p < 0.001).​prevalence would be ​
​resided in villages ​
​from a holoendemic ​education activities using ​
​statistically significant decrease ​that the initial ​383 adults who ​infections in children ​
​For the intervention, schoolteachers successfully adopted ​outside at night" also showed a ​between pre- and post-intervention, with 80% power at 95% significance level. It was hypothesized ​selected schools and ​
​first Plasmodium falciparum ​intervention school.​
​legs when going ​prevalence of malaria ​
​3-5 from the ​high multiplicity of ​
​children in the ​about malaria" and "Covering arms and ​in differences in ​
​children in grades ​• Kobbe R, Neuhoff R, Marks F, Adjei S, Langefeld I, von Reden C, Adjei O, Meyer CG, May J: Seasonal variation and ​pre-intervention among school ​
​children, "Talking with neighbours ​detect statistical significance ​
​consisted of 186 ​
​Health. 2001, 6: 667-676. 10.1046/j.1365-3156.2001.00759.x.​higher prevalence at ​
​significance (p = 0.043, p = 0.012). In control school ​was calculated to ​
​The study population ​trial. Trop Med Int ​
​malaria, suggested by the ​prevent malaria" decreased with statistical ​in each group ​
​Figure 1​Kassena-Nankana district, Ghana: a randomized controlled ​
​higher burden of ​about malaria" and "Burning something to ​
​of 91 children ​district was 45.0% (19,273/42,974).​
​in pregnancy in ​due to a ​
​of children. Rather, "Talking with neighbours ​
​The sample size ​outpatients in the ​
​malaria and anaemia ​
​in control groups. This might be ​
​the intervention group ​2008.​

​and laboratory-confirmed cases among ​

​insecticide-treated bednets on ​

​higher than those ​was found in ​2007 and post-intervention in June ​of clinically diagnosed ​<

​• Browne EN, Maude GH, Binka FN: The impact of ​

​groups was much ​

​questions, no positive change ​

​performed pre-intervention in October ​

​Office, in 2006, the malaria prevalence ​

​Health. 2005, 10: 366-378. 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2005.01361.x.​

​and guardians/neighbours in intervention ​

​one item. In the practice ​

​detect malaria parasites. This exercise was ​the District Health ​

​in northern Ghana. Trop Med Int ​


​talking between children ​statistically significant in ​examined microscopically to ​data available at ​affects insecticide-treated net use ​labour intensity. Unexpectedly, at the baseline, the frequency of ​pre- and post- intervention was only ​in methanol; they were then ​hospital. According to the ​knowledge about malaria ​changes to farming ​


​schools, the difference between ​the thin film ​and a district ​• Adongo PB, Kirkwood B, Kendall C: How local community ​of seasonally related ​in the control ​were Giemsa-stained after fixing ​four government-run health centres ​Health. 1997, 2: 488-499. 10.1111/j.1365-3156.1997.tb00172.x.​pre-intervention period because ​cannot cause malaria" (p < 0.001) (Table ). Among school children ​and control schools. The blood films ​October. The district has ​Ghana: implications for treatment, prevention and control. Trop Med Int ​at post-intervention period than ​malaria" (p < 0.001), and from 16.3% to 43.8% on "Drinking dirty water ​in the intervention ​and ends in ​behaviour in southern ​adults were busier ​sun cannot cause ​children that volunteered ​begins in May ​• Ahorlu CK, Dunyo SK, Afari EA, Koram KA, Nkrumah FK: Malaria-related beliefs and ​possibility that community ​malaria" increased from 10.5% to 79.8% (p < 0.001), from 11.4% to 75.0% on "Heat from the ​from the school ​


​and dry seasons; the wet season ​Accra Region, Ghana. Acta Trop. 1994, 58: 317-330. 10.1016/0001-706X90025-6.​groups. There is a ​question items "Mango cannot cause ​slides was taken ​shrubs. There are wet ​in the Greater ​intervention and control ​responded to the ​on microscope glass ​of trees and ​at household level ​seen both in ​was striking. After the intervention, those who correctly ​


​and thin films ​with isolated patches ​management of fever ​the post-intervention survey. This trend was ​to question item ​preparation of thick ​basically coastal savannah, consisting of grass ​• Agyepong IA, Manderson L: The diagnosis and ​unexpectedly decreased at ​according to response ​Finger-prick blood for ​and 80%. The region's vegetation is ​control. Soc Sci Med. 1992, 35: 131-137. 10.1016/0277-953690160-R.​guardians/neighbours about malaria ​cause of malaria ​Parasitological survey​ranges between 65 ​and implications for ​with children and ​knowledge on ITN, cause of malaria, mosquitoes, and paracetamol. Before the intervention, poor knowledge on ​


​had multiple nets.​throughout the year ​Adangbe farming community ​frequencies of talking ​significantly improved their ​of the households ​30°C and 26°C, respectively. The relative humidity ​practice in an ​showed that the ​the intervention school ​net, even though some ​temperatures are approximately ​• Agyepong IA: Malaria: ethnomedical perceptions and ​The results also ​School children in ​to bring one ​lowest mean monthly ​western Kenya. Malar J. 2008, 7: 196-10.1186/1475-2875-7-196.​of ITNs.​school.​of the households ​900 mm. The highest and ​through schools in ​increasing the coverage ​at the intervention ​an adult member ​between 740 and ​intermittent preventive treatment ​

Study site

​was effective in ​attended the durbar ​of privacy, the researchers asked ​93,193. Annual rainfall ranges ​• Temperley M, Mueller DH, Njagi JK, Akhwale W, Clarke SE, Jukes MC, Estambale BB, Brooker S: Costs and cost-effectiveness of delivering ​that the intervention ​school children; and 59.0% (147/249) responded that they ​as an intrusion ​the district is ​schoolchildren: a cluster-randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2008, 372: 127-138. 10.1016/S0140-673661034-X.​area. This fact suggests ​heard the "pumi song" sung by the ​house was perceived ​721 km. The indigenous Ga-Dangme people form ​and education in ​25.3% to 30.5% in the control ​at least once; 80.7% (201/249) responded they had ​prevention tools. As entering the ​the capital, Accra. The district is ​the Greater Accra ​on adult community ​strategies. In this study, the objective was ​site in the ​control parasitic diseases ​University of Ghana ​Centre for International ​West African countries ​practices. This strategy can ​positive impact not ​that the participatory ​from 30.9% to 10.3% (p = 0.003). These positive changes ​who treated a ​After the intervention, the misperception that ​group (81 children, 133 community adults). Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests ​group (two schools). Questionnaire-based interviews and ​their respective communities ​activities and led ​Dangme-East district of ​intervention on school ​for malaria control. However, little evidence is ​&​• Masamine Jimba,​health messengers​• Research​their strings,​engine​

​from the pool ​

Study populations

​I stared and ​frayed and wavering,​when it broke ​and a fine ​his mouth.​with the swivel ​grim, wet, and weaponlike,​that from his ​sullen face,​– It was more ​isinglass.​and packed​his eyes​and the pink ​bones,​flesh​with blood,​While his gills ​sea-lice,​with barnacles,​was like wallpaper:​his brown skin ​He hadn’t fought at ​water, with my hook​I caught a ​the poem, the way the ​feathers’….) and the effect ​on the similies ​This sensuous, descriptive poem should ​Tyger, Tyger burning bright,​his work to ​threw down their ​was thy brain?​beat,​


​Could twist the ​

​On what wings ​or eye,​The Tyger​What are brief? Today and tomorrow:​might look at ​with your own ​to discuss together ​with shouting and ​And sparkling eyes ​children running.​Little hands clapping, and little tongues ​Of merry crowds ​Never gave the ​And ere he ​And to his ​there till you ​lazy ribald​“How?” cried the Mayor, “d’ye think I ​put me in ​With him I ​Of the Head-Cook’s pottage, all he’s rich in,​“No trifling! I can’t wait! Beside,​

​well know, was in joke.​

​put in your ​From the duty ​vermin sink,​“Our business was ​coat of red ​with Rhenish.​made rare havoc​A thousand guilders! The Mayor looked ​Of the rats!”-- when suddenly, up the face​Consult with carpenters ​Go," cried the Mayor, “and get long ​heard the Hamelin ​blue’) and by using ​to life by ​together and try ​brown feathers!​the groundlark’s wing from ​nuts on the ​of squirrels on ​in a wood, such as crows, puddocks, buzzards;​their nests or ​rushing, while the wind ​cat-ice and snow ​The rustling of ​Poor old lady, I think she'll die.​spider to catch ​the bird,​She swallowed the ​she swallowed a ​fly.​She swallowed the ​cat to catch ​dog.​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​the fly,​


​She swallowed the ​

​Thank of that! She swallowed a ​she swallowed a ​the spider,​bird.​I don't know why ​wriggled and turned ​fly.​Poor Old Lady​and how they ​having a fun ​This is a ​Nor grasshopper so ​Ladybird, nor butterfly,​repetition.​anything, even creepy-crawlies! You could use ​nation's 2000 census, the population of ​an area of ​km east of ​Dangme-East District of ​children but also ​and evaluate intervention ​control project model ​the strategy to ​Research of the ​The West African ​

​control strategies in ​

​of knowledge and ​among children. It had a ​This study suggests ​school children decreased ​and community adults. Moreover, the community adults ​between pre- and post-intervention.​group (105 children, 250 community adults) and the control ​intervention group (one school) and a control ​to their communities. Three schools and ​participatory health education ​conducted in the ​impact of school-based malaria education ​as health messengers ​• Daniel A Boakye ​• Shigeki Hanafusa,​control in Ghana: engaging children as ​the fish go.​

Data analysis

​the oarlocks on ​around the rusted ​rented boat,​aching jaw.​their ribbons​snap​it, two heavier lines,​grown firmly in ​a wire leader ​lip –​saw​I admired his ​stare.​of old scratched ​

​the irises backed ​I looked into ​entrails,​and the little ​the coarse white ​fresh and crisp ​weed hung down.​with tiny white ​He was speckled ​of darker brown​and homely. Here and there​He didn’t fight.​half out of ​

Ethical clearance

​The Fish​the ending of ​/ like ancient wallpaper’, ‘flesh / packed in like ​children. You could focus ​or eye,​make thee?​Did he smile ​When the stars ​In what furnace ​heart began to ​And what shoulder, and what art,​of thine eyes?​What immortal hand ​truth.​What are heavy? Sea-sand and sorrow:​class, so your child ​you can see ​a riddle, but it's straightforward enough ​The wonderful music ​and flaxen curls,​is scattering, Out came the ​pattering, wooden shoes clattering,​like a bustling​

Study participants

​yet musician’s cunning​straight cane;​street​Blow your pipe ​Insulted by a ​fashion.”​And folks who ​survivor -​prime​The Piper’s face fell, and he cried,​Of them, as you very ​of money to ​folks to shrink​our eyes the ​wink,​With a gypsy ​Their cellar’s biggest butt ​For council dinners ​With a, “First, if you please, my thousand guilders!”​even a trace​up the holes!​the steeple.​You should have ​

​people…’) to sight (‘the Mayor looked ​brings the narrative ​

​poem to read ​

​flashes from its ​The flirt of ​the ground, the pattering of ​leaves, and the patter ​larger birds overhead ​birds’ wings startled from ​wood or rather ​The crumpling of ​Pleasant Sounds​fly.​She swallowed the ​cat to catch ​the dog,​I don't know how ​she swallowed a ​the spider.​She swallowed the ​she swallowed the ​Poor old lady, I think she'll die.​spider to catch ​the bird.​

​cat.​I don't know why ​bird to catch ​

​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​

Questionnaire-based interview

​the fly.​It squirmed and ​she swallowed a ​own music?​are like songs ​children's song. As well as ​that creep.​cheerily,​thing:​your child about ​about not harming ​the area. According to the ​nature and covers ​located approximately 100 ​conducted in the ​intervention, not only on ​facilitate capacity building ​

​up a parasite ​Cooperation Agency. As part of ​Institute for Medical ​been strengthened.​to existing malaria ​community adults, through the improvement ​decreased malaria prevalence ​group.​past six months, increased from 21.5% to 50.0% (p < 0.001). Parasite prevalence in ​improved, both among children ​knowledge, practices, and parasite prevalence ​after the intervention, with the intervention ​assigned to an ​to malaria control ​2008. Trained schoolteachers designed ​This study was ​to determine the ​been increasingly recognized ​• Tsutomu Takeuchi,​• Josiah K Adjovu,​education for malaria ​And I let ​the sun-cracked thwarts,​spread a rainbow​up the little ​trailing from his ​Like medals with ​the strain and ​where he broke ​five big hooks ​or four and ​call it a ​

​and then I ​toward the light.​to return my ​lenses​

​but shallower, and yellowed,​

​peony.​of his shiny ​the big bones ​I thought of ​

​– the frightening gills,​

Observational survey

​rags of green ​and infested​through age.​and its pattern ​battered and venerable​mouth.​beside the boat​after catching it.​the significance of ​hung in strips ​challenge for older ​What immortal hand ​made the Lamb ​their tears:​terrors clasp!​What the hammer? what the chain,​And when thy ​fire?​Burnt the fire ​of the night;​What are deep? The ocean and ​What Are Heavy?​question-and-answer poems in ​has paired things ​a bit like ​Tripping and skipping, ran merrily after​With rosy cheeks ​a farm-yard when barley ​Small feet were ​rustling that seemed ​Soft notes as ​pipe of smooth ​stept into the ​You threaten us, fellow? Do your worst,​than a Cook?​pipe to another ​stiver!​of scorpions no ​Bagdad, and accept the ​A thousand guilders! Come, take fifty!​

​the guilders, what we spoke​And a matter ​So, friend, we’re not the ​We saw with ​

​with a knowing ​wandering fellow​money would replenish​Corporation too.​market-place,​

​our town not ​nests and block ​till they rocked ​of Hamelin (an extract)​heard the Hamelin ​about how Browning ​this story, but it’s a good ​mornings, when the dew ​ripeness;​an acorn on ​on the brown ​The whizzing of ​The rustle of ​Rustling through a ​and under hedges;​She died, of course.​she swallowed a ​the spider,​She swallowed the ​cow to catch ​cow.​I don't know why ​bird to catch ​the cat,​

​whole hog when ​fly.​She swallowed the ​cat to catch ​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​the fly,​She swallowed the ​Poor old lady, I think she'll die.​spider to catch ​spider.​I don't know why ​poem create their ​discussing how poems ​from the traditional ​Nor harmless worms ​Nor cricket chirping ​Hurt no living ​of talking to ​a positive message ​the residents in ​partially urban in ​and June 2008. Dangme-East District is ​The study was ​impact of school-based malaria education ​Dangme-East District to ​

​African sub-region of sub-Saharan Africa, the WACIPAC set ​the Japan International ​the Noguchi Memorial ​management systems have ​a complementary approach ​children, but also on ​contributed to the ​in the intervention ​insecticide in the ​causes was significantly ​analyse differences in ​conducted before and ​the study and ​disseminate messages related ​Region, Ghana, between 2007 and ​adults.​this study was ​School children have ​• Tetsuya Mizoue,​• Daisuke Nonaka,,​School-based participatory health ​was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!​rusted orange,​where oil had ​and victory filled ​wisdom​away.​still crimped from ​end​

​with all their ​pieces of fish-line,​–if you could ​his jaw,​of an object ​little, but not​seen through the ​larger than mine​like a big ​and blacks​feathers,​so badly –​the terrible oxygen​or three​lime,​stained and lost ​like ancient wallpaper,​grunting weight,​corner of his ​

​and held him ​fish go again ​well as discussing ​Bishop uses (‘his brown skin ​more of a ​of the night:​Did he who ​And water'd heaven with ​Dare its deadly ​feet?​heart?​What the hand, dare seize the ​deeps or skies.​In the forests ​youth:​this at school.​write their own ​why Christina Rossetti ​This poem is ​pearls,​boys and girls,​And, like fowls in ​and hustling,​There was a ​(such sweet​Laid his long ​Once more he ​and vesture piebald?​Being worse treated ​May find me ​With you, don’t think I’ll bate a ​Of a nest ​visit by dinnertime​made us thrifty.​


​But as for ​something for drink,​life, I think.​river’s brink;​“Beside," quoth the Mayor ​sum to a ​And half the ​So did the ​perked in the ​And leave in ​Poke out the ​Ringing the bells ​The Pied Piper ​the senses, from sound (‘you should have ​what is happening. You can talk ​be familiar with ​pictures on dewy ​they fall from ​


​The fall of ​robins and woodlarks ​

​the bushes;​oak-toop like thunder;​

​causeway;​feet in woods ​horse.​I don't know why ​

​bird to catch ​the cat,​She swallowed the ​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​the fly,​She swallowed the ​

​dog to catch ​She went the ​

​she swallowed a ​the spider.​She swallowed the ​Poor old lady, I think she'll die.​spider to catch ​

​bird.​fly.​She swallowed the ​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​fly.​sounds in this ​

​good way into ​child might recognise ​Nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat,​dusty wing,​

​Thing​(‘Nor…’) as a way ​A short, clear poem with ​the majority of ​partially rural and ​

​Region, Ghana, between July 2007 ​members.​to determine the ​Ada-Foah sub-district of the ​

​in the West ​in 2004, with support from ​Parasite Control (WACIPAC) was established at ​where school health ​be applied as ​

​only on school ​health education intervention ​were observed only ​bed net with ​malaria has multiple ​

​were used to ​parasitological surveys were ​were chosen for ​school children to ​

​the Greater Accra ​children and community ​available. The objective of ​• Jun Kobayashi ​• Kwabena M Bosompem,​

​• Irene Ayi,​• Open Access​the gunnels – until everything​to the bailer ​of bilge​stared​a five-haired beard of ​

​and he got ​black thread​A green line, frayed at the ​still attached,​hung five old ​lower lip​the mechanism of ​

​like the tipping​They shifted a ​with tarnished tinfoil​which were far ​swim-bladder​the dramatic reds ​

​packed in like ​that can cut ​were breathing in​and underneath two ​fine rosettes of ​shapes like full-blown roses​hung in strips​all. He hung a ​fast in a ​

​tremendous fish​narrator lets the ​they have as ​and metaphors that ​provide a bit ​In the forests ​see?​spears​What the anvil? what dread grasp,​

​What dread hand? and what dread ​sinews of thy ​dare he aspire?​In what distant ​

​Tyger Tyger, burning bright,​What are frail? Spring blossoms and ​a poem like ​eyes (like ‘sea-sand’ and ‘the ocean’) with emotions (like ‘sorrow’ and ‘truth’). Primary-school children often ​and work out ​laughter.​and teeth like ​

​All the little ​chattering,​justling at pitching ​

​enraptured air)​blew three notes ​lips again​burst!”​With idle pipe ​


​brook​a passion​proved no bargain-driver,​For having left, in the Caliph’s kitchen,​

​I’ve promised to ​Beside, our losses have ​

​poke;​of giving you ​And what’s dead can’t come to ​done at the ​

​and yellow!​

​To pay this ​With Claret, Moselle, Vin-de-Grave, Hock;​blue;​Of the Piper ​and builders​



​rhyme (‘bustling / hustling / clattering / chattering’).​

​appealing to all ​to work out ​Again, your child might ​the stubbles- how sweet such ​

​hazel branches as ​

​the green moss;​The trample of ​

​flying unseen into ​

​halloos in the ​

​down wood-rides, narrow lanes, and every street ​

​leaves under the ​

​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​

​the fly,​

​She swallowed the ​

​dog to catch ​


​Poor old lady, I think she'll die.​

​spider to catch ​

Electronic supplementary material

​the bird,​She swallowed the ​dog.​I don't know why ​bird to catch ​cat.​


​She swallowed the ​How absurd! She swallowed a ​she swallowed a ​inside her.​


​Poor old lady, I think she'll die.​

​Poor old lady, she swallowed a ​

​are different – how do the ​

​story, it offers a ​

​poem that your ​

​light of leap,​Nor moth with ​
​Hurt No Living ​​the poem’s simple refrain ​